should i do this?

There is a dancer that I really like and she wants me to take out a loan for her for 50k. She says her credit is bad so she needs me to do it and she will make monthly payments to me. I guess it would be for her kids operation, altho I have never met her kid or seen a picture. She says maybe then after she gets the money we can be together. I really like her and don't know what to do. Help.
last commentDON'T DO IT! DON'T DO IT! Odds are you will get stuck with no hope of ever getting your money back. That's typical Stripper Shit.
Yikes! Doesn't she have a relative and/or family member who can underwrite her? Or just have her try for "Obamacare" coverage when it comes.
Yikes would be mild. You are being played. Get out.I have loaned money to friends and family but always with the expectation to never get it back. If I have to worry about getting it back, I can't afford to loan it.
Do not give a penny to that stupid lying thieving whore.
Sounds like a wise investment. You should definitely loan her the money. Don't draw up any papers. Just do it on a handshake. The trust you show her will be a turn on. I think I hear wedding bells!
Sheesh, potheadpl, I hope you are kidding. His post shows all the indicators of a ROB working a PL.
Tell her if she fucks you 10 times you will think about it. After the 10th time tell her you thought about it and the ansewer is NO.
Dougster, you are brutal. I agree with most of your posts but there are some out there worth saving.She switched 2+ years from stripping to paramedic. Over that period I gave (not loaned) her over $3,00.00 to help her over the rough transition. She never asked for a dime. I never fucked her. She is like a daughter to me now but with fringe benefits. Lighten up a little.
DickJohnson strikes again.
As unnecessarily and ridiculously harsh as I consider Dougster to be most of the time, he's usually not actually wrong. "Fuck/suck me a few dozen times while I think about it" is good advice here I think. If you do this, the probability that you will lose $50,000 (plus interest!) is just about as close to 1 as it's possible to get without actually getting there. The probability that you will get sex for your trouble is just about as close to 0 as it's possible to get.
If you can write a check for 50k and not bat an eye, go for it.
However, it sounds like you're being played. She'll take the money and for her own reasons, not feel like paying it back. A year ago I "loaned" 100 bucks (no biggee) to a onetime ATF. Not only did she not pay it back, she's now preggers with the child of a guy who hasn't worked for 6 months. I'll never see it again.
My OTC Gal very nearly took over my bank accounts, but I caught her game before serious damage happened. I thank God daily that she's out of my life.
Do not loan her any money - especially in amounts like that!
I think Dick Johnson is just playing us for a gag to see what kind of responses he would get. No rational member of this board would even consider making this loan.
I think Dick Johnson is just playing us for a gag to see what kind of responses he would get. No rational member of this board would even consider making this loan.
Tell her to get a job at hooter's and offer extras to the men that come in! People would pay a premium on that because of the hooter's outfit
Yes. You definitely should give her the loan. And give me one too. Thank you very much.
Thanks for the great responses guys. I just got off the phone with her and told her what was posted here. She said you guys dont even know her so how do you know whats true? She said her son has something called Downs Syndrome and he needs an operation fast to cure him. She also said if I don't loan her the money then she will go to the Sudan for the operation but she is very fearful because of the civil unrest there. I guess there is some sort of pilot program there so now she only wants 10k for travel expenses, so I might do that instead.
If you don't do everything a stripper asks of you you risk her not liking you. And nothing in the world is worse than a stripper not liking you.
You're an idiot. Downs syndrome is a genetic condition and can't be cured or even improved with surgery, and certainly the sudan is not the center of medical breakthroughs in the world. Do the gene pool a favor and shoot yourself before you breed.
"I think Dick Johnson is just playing us for a gag to see what kind of responses he would get. No rational member of this board would even consider making this loan."
DickJohnson is fluffing us??? That Tricky Dick...
Locke 25, is this true? I am really starting to have reservations about all of this? But why would she tell me all of this? And what of her sick child? I just don't get it.
silly thread
Either you're playing us as some kind of joke,
or you haven't read a newspaper (the front section-not just sports) in twenty years.
Downs syndrome hapens when a mother takes asprin during pregnancy. The child is severely impaired. No surgery will cure it.
Sudan is involved in a long bloody civil war.
Dick, give us your address, we'll come over and do the world a favor
Dick, I assume you are joking...
Dudester, Down's syndrome is not what happens when a mother takes aspirin. It is a chromosomal disorder caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome. You don't get an operation to "cure it", but maybe an operation due to a complication of it.
It doesn't matter what kind of bait Dick uses, he always limits out. You gotta respect this fisher of men.
This was one of DJ's more obvious gags, but I do think some bit.
Anyway, as for the topic in general:
-- lending money to strippers is unwise
-- signing for a loan with a stripper is unwise, as you would lose control over your own credit rating
So, even though this thread was started as a prank, some practical knowledge can come from it...
You really should do it, there is not enough charity being done in the world today. I hope she is your ATF and pays you back in BJ's, DJ.
Thread kill-filed. Either Dick is really a stripper trying to mine ideas for ROB tactics, or he really is a gullible fool and deserves to be fleeced. If the latter, I only wish I knew the clubs he's going to; I'd have my wife pose as a stripper with an insoluable problem that can only be solved with a lot of money.
Read DickJohnson's other topics, then you'll understand.
Ah. Indeed. The giggling troll.
georgmicrodong, don't blame DJ for your gullibility. His thread is for laughs, seeing how many (like you) are too dense to recognize the joke...
how, that is true, I admit DJ scammed me, I don't have the experience with DJ. Now that I know, I'll disregard the verity of his posts. It was a good one, I'll admit that, I definitely did not want to see a fellow TUSCL'er get shafted by a ROB.
Yeah, He got me too. It is difficult to tell the difference between stripper BS and customer BS. At least no body got hurt.
I am surprised you are even considering it...................
Dick I appreciate your sense of humor and don't really believe you would give $50K to a dancer for unrendered servcies. If you are serious, I not only question your sanity but wonder what kinda ROB spell she put you under. $50K would buy 250 sessions with my ATF ($200 a session) - even at just once a week thats 5 years of pussy! If you really have that kinda money to blow like that get rid of that ROB and get one who will meet you otc and give u pussy! With that kinda project seed money there is no limit to the fun you can have! IMO Dick your just playing us and laughing your ass off.
Good job DJ, it's been a while since a topic got 36 responses.
Our resident comedian DickJohnson strikes again! He'll be here all week, folks! Oh, and try the veal!
good one - I'm shocked that so many took you seriously DJ. If I were 20 & female & hot I would rob all of these fools blind.
aquavelvaman, not very likely, we'd just string you up by your balls
sir there is no cure for Downs Syndrome. It is a Dna defect. So run away fast.
Anybody who reads the OP carefully has to conclude it is a GAG. For gosh sakes guys (those of you who bit) PAY ATTENTION. THINK. If the OP were not blatant enough, DickJohnson's second post confirmed that it is nothing but a leg pull.
LOL, arbeeguy,
I agree, Dick just gave us here an education. As I posted befor, now that Dick screwed us, the lingering pain in our ass should remind us to be more cognizant of the perils of jumping in right away even though we unwittingly tried to help a fellow TUSCL'er in distress(or so we thought) LOL
DickJohnson is putting us on obviously
Can't believe people fell for that. LOL
DON'T do it!!! I like the idea of getting sex a dozen times while thinking about it. She will probably use it for a vacation for her boyfriend and close family. You will NEVER see your money again!!
Best part of this thread: Even after many posts where people explain the joke, others come in, read the OP, and reply seriously...
Oh, HEY, I changed my mind. Dick Johnson is obvious serious, but maybe a bit naive. Dick - please - if it is not too late - please don't give that girl any money. Instead meet her and her baby at the emergency room and beg them for free medical care on the grounds of poverty and a stiff cock.
Anybody still reading this bullshit? I CERTAINLY HOPE NOT.