
ITC vs. OTC "Activities"

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Thursday, May 27, 2010 8:56 PM
There is a lot of discussion on the board about both ITC and OTC, so I thought I'd poll everyone to determine whether I am in the minority or majority among the mongers. We all know that there are certain clubs where ITC services are excellent, but I personally don't like to handle my business ITC. Even where I know ITC is a sure thing, I generally prefer to try for OTC for lots of reasons, including control of the environment. However, I know that some guys find good ITC action much more convenient. Thoughts?


  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    I am fairly selective with my ITC. A lot of times when it is available, the club is too crowded. For OTC I prefer the local AMP. I am fortunate that the Houston area has some really good available quality.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    ITC to see exactly what they will do, feel them up...er, OUT, if you will. One girl, who has so far done everything I asked for ITC, won't do OTC at all. She's too paranoid that her BF will find out. Given her ITC willingness, I think it's fair to say she's just being cautious, but it might be just me. :) After a time or two in the club, I ask if they do take out. Most of the time, the answer is a resounding yes, since they don't have to share with the club that way. One girl all but admitted that she uses the club the same way I do, only in reverse, trawling for customers. She said she makes about 3 times as much outside as in. Once I've gone OTC with a particular girl, I seldom go back to that same girl in the club, short of a very persuasive offer, such as the one this past weekend. I prefer OTC myself, for much the same reasons you do, Rick, i.e. control of the environment, fewer prying eyes, lower chance of LE involvement. In addition, it's generally cheaper for me, even with the addition of the hotel room cost, and more profitable for her. A win for both of us.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    I very much prefer OTC myself-security, prying eyes, etc. However, OTC most likely won't happen unless you "test drive" her once or twice first.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    It does not feel comfortable to get ITC when you are at the club for the first couple times but after a while it feels normal.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Dudester, I can see the test drive point but I've had some success with the tipping for her time while angling for the OTC. I'm not a fan of lap dancing so I generally need to find another way to get to the goal line. georg, I actually tend to steer clear of OTC girls ITC too, though also find that once I have done OTC with a girl she latches on every time I come in, so if I want some hassle free variety I need to visit another club.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    OTC because you can do more there (like fuck them in the ass and cum on their face, good luck gettina away with that ITC). Also cost/hour is cheaper OTC.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Rick, the latching has happened to me a time or two as well, but fortunately, not very often. I've made it pretty clear that when I say no thanks, I'm not going to change my mind, and they needn't bother pestering me further. The girls I've met OTC don't seem to have a problem with that, probably because when I say that I'll call them later in the week, they know I mean *that*, too. And maybe it's just SS, but they seem to be more relaxed at, and enjoy more, the OTC sessions than the ITC ones as well.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    If I really like a girl, and want to get totally sexual with her, then OTC is the best. But it's a 2 or 3 hour time commitment. For a quickie, of course, ITC is the best.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    I can only have "so much fun" ITC, and it usually works out better for me OTC. If I'm in the mood for a lot of flirting, playfulness, getting to know her with drinks and conversation, etc. I go along with the SC experience. But for real action, I'm at the point where OTC is my preferred choice.
  • Dain
    14 years ago
    All my OTC girls have been ones that I did not do ITC. Maybe it's just the club that I regularly go to, but it seems that after I do a test on them ITC, they don't want to do the OTC routine. It's not that I'm ugly; in fact the girls say just the opposite.
    14 years ago
    Hmmm..... it would seem Zach Randolph is in with this thread title: Top 2 Allegations Against Zach Randolph Today David Knowles Posted: 05/27/10 So-called marijuana kingpin and NBA player Zach Randolph has run afoul of the law for the second time today: The Memphis Grizzlies star power forward is now accused of being involved in an assault at an a Los Angeles strip club early this morning, according to TMZ. A man told L.A. police he suffered a savage beating from a member of Randolph's "crew" at the Starz strip club around 2 a.m. Randolph himself was not named as a direct participant in the alleged attack, but the same victim filed a suit against the NBA star last year for an alleged 2008 assault in a pizza parlor. Earlier, police in Indianapolis, In. filed an affadavit alleging that Randolph is "a major marijuana supplier" in that city, according to a reporter at 6News. On a narcotics stakeout, police pulled over a Cadillac Escalade registered in Randolph's name. They found marijuana and ammunition stowed in what police are terming "hidden compartments" in the car, 6News said. Later, police raided four storage lockers rented by Randolph, where they discovered more drugs, and vehicles with hidden compartments. But so far, Randolph's not fessing up to any of the allegations leveled at him. "He is not in any way whatsoever involved in any kind of drug ring," John Tompkins, Randolph's attorney told 6Nerws. Randolph, 28, grew up in Marion, In., roughly 85 miles northeast of Indianapolis. Since 2001, he has played on four NBA teams: the Portland Trailblazers, the New York Knicks, the Lost Angeles Clippers, and the Memphis Grizzlies. Though he has averaged 17.3 points per game over his career, Randolph has become a regular on YouTube in clips that celebrate his best performances as well as mock his more conspicuous air balls. [view link]
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    gk, I agree that you can only have so much fun ITC. At best things are uncomfortable ITC, where OTC you have a bed and a reasonable amount of time to get things done. georg, I also agree that in many cases OTC is actually cheaper and the girl gets more of the take. Win-win indeed.
  • how
    14 years ago
    Other than the relative comfort of a bed over a bench/couch/chair, there's nothing I haven't found ITC. But when I get with dancers OTC, I much prefer it when it is more of a date, and not a financial transaction. Fortunately, that's become the norm.
  • 10inches
    14 years ago
    much prefer OTC. not interested in club security sticking his head in the door just as dancer as started her ride !!
  • ArtCollege
    14 years ago
    In my town we had a guy get killed OTC. The girl went to his home (wife was out of town), let in her boyfriend to rob the guy, and in the scuffle the pl died. So I wouldn't do take-out unless the girl had been around a while and seemed stable and reliable. I think it's much safer to use the escort boards to find a professional with good reviews. As for ITC, I think it's pretty exciting, though certainly not as comfortable.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Art, I hear your point of view but calling escorts has a variety of its own issues, headcases showing up, bait and switch, really old pictures of a girl who has gotten far fatter/older/uglier, etc. I personally like picking up takeout from a club becuase it gives me a chance to evaluate the girl before I buy.
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    To me there are attractions to both, with ITC I imagine there is a little bit more of a feel of spontaneity and 'thrill' factor, the downside it is more expensive. Conversely OTC is cheaper but has a much 'colder' feel by comparison. Because I always try and make my $'s go as far as possible on my visits to your fabulous clubs I tend to get girls OTC.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    On the other hand, london guy, sometimes the OTC feels more like a date. Not completely analogous, of course, but so far, I've haven't experienced a "colder" feel.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I would prefer more OTC, but with a job that I'm on call for constantly, not to mention a "wife" @ home, I just don't have the time or opportunity to set stuff up in advance. My SC visits nowadays are as time permits, with virtually no advance planning.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    lopaw, my visits are similar - I never plan them, they just happen. The nice thing about an SC visit is that each night is an adventure that can end up in OTC action.
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    GMD, when I say 'colder' I mean more like planned and set up rather than a sudden inclination to do an ITC if you click with the right girl in a club. Having said that I haven't done an ITC yet though I hope this will be the case on my next visit to Vegas in October.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I have done both and have no preference. ITC offers the thrill of doing something really naughty. OTC offers more privacy. I have noticed that ITC is cheaper than OTC. ITC is less risky for the dancer and she can still stay where the action is. I have two, that I call closers, they both want $120 ITC and $150 OTC and if I want the OTC experience, I have to wait until they are ready to leave the club for the day. I have on 2 occasions been stood up for an OTC gig. Not by either of these two. Nothing worse than sitting in a hotel room with a hard on waiting for a stripper that never shows up. I now always carry a condom with me in all of my strip club visits. You never know!
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    shadowcate, I think that the degree to which OTC is more expensive than ITC, or vice wersa, varies from region to region. I always negotiate a full hour as part of my rate, and in many places that same hour ITC would cost me more. For a half an hour I would agree that in a lot of regions ITC might be a little cheaper, but in some parts of NYC I can take a girl OTC for a few hundred where ITC would cost me $500 with stricter time limits. No doubt that there are many girls that prefer ITC because they feel safer, but I am also finding that these girls are getting more flexible in their views while money in the clubs remains tough to earn.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    ^^^please excuse the spelling mistakes - typing too fast.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I prefer otc although itc has its advantages. The gal I have been seeing almost 2 yr I have done mostly otc. Our first experience was itc. Some girls prefer itc claiming they make more money. What I like about otc: No chance of interruptions or LE surprises. I am in control not the club. More variety of sex positions can be performed. In NAV terms I think of otc as a daytime takeoff / landing. These missions almost always go smoothly. Why I occasionally do itc: Variety - getting to do some different stuff. No hotel fee. In NAV terms I think of itc as a more risky night takeoff / landing. There is more likely to be engine probs on takeoff making getting to a decent flightpath quickly touch and go. Advice for itc: do not drink, if taking viagra, take before going into club (not when in VIP and gotta get her up). It helps having a girl lined up who knows your there to meet her. With a girl you have done before many times itc can be a wonderful experience (a crapshoot with new ones). Don't become so complacent doing itc you forget that LE or BF could all of a sudden come bursting in. Once done doing a gal itc I leave. I don't stick around to eat the buffet or god forbid seeing her go into CR with next customer or hustle other guys.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    ITC, if anything. OTC will inevitably get more complicated than it's worth if she's into it at all. And really, navigating the uncontrolled variables is a lot of the fun.
  • PerpetualTravel
    14 years ago
    Player11: What's BF??? I'm an idiot. Boyfriend??
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Another way of looking at it: ITC the dancer is more in control and your moves are limited. OTC, you are in control and theoretically have unlimited possibilities absent the club environmental constraints.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "What's BF?" He means boyfriend.
  • thhvegas
    13 years ago
    ITC....while OTC may be more rewarding and 'no holds barred', sometimes they think you may actually want a relationship...not just hot sex. Not worth it....
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    thhvegas: "sometimes they think you may actually want a relationship" Huh? You pay them to let you fuck them in the ass and/or cum on their face and their is danger they might think you want a relationship? Does not seem like much of (any) risk to me.
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    Dougster, why are you here? Try fucking a girl that will only fuck you, you might like her. As opposed to fucking girls that will fuck anybody including the paper boy. Oh, and thanks for FINALLY admitting that a whore is one that gives sex for money. Ergo, not all strippers are whores, and some are really smart. They will have a Bentley before you.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    OTC lets you be on top. With ITC the couch or booth is usually too small so she is on top
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    mikeya02: Huh? Do you have brain damage? I admitted nothing of the sort. I am pointing out some activities that a proper subset of all whores in existence will do. It's kind of like if I said I saw a black BMW, and you then concluding that I said all BMWs are black. Really bad logic on your part, but not surprising given all the dumbness you have demonstrated in the past. What does the "02" stand for anyway? Your IQ? And what are you here for if it's not to trade information about fucking strippers? Do you just in there to talk to them about shoes and flowers? Why no reviews from you? Are you a paperboy? Too young and/or poor to get in the clubs?
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Well, Dougster, to be fair, it *is* probably true that some strippers will think a PL wants a relationship. However, they usually aren't afraid or leery of such a thing, as the OP seems to be implying. Many of the ones I've met will use that desire ruthlessly, sucking, in many cases literally, the money right out of one. And also to be fair, some PLs do in fact want a relationship. Me, for instance. I want a relationship where she gives me as much sex as I can handle, then I give her some money and she goes home. Though, to be even more honest than I probably should be, I don't mind a little more than that these days, as long as it doesn't go too far. I'm getting old, so that must be it...
  • rell
    13 years ago
    i prefer otc...better environment and its a better value..more bang for your buck..(no pun intended)
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    @thhvegas: I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I have to agree with Dougster. When you are paying them for sex there is not much risk that the girl will see it as anythign else, unless of course you act pathetic with her. @mikeya02: Thanks for sharing those deep fucking insights - seriously. While I am generally in favor of anyone who wants to light up one of Dougster's more fascinating theories, such as all strippers are whores, you go on to basically criticize p4p in general. You do realize, don't you, that you are on a strip club customer site and that many of the regular posters around here pay dancers and escorts for sex? Further, you have posted 148 comments but have provided not a single review. Shit, you are actually making Dougster, a sporadic reviewer at best harboring some simplistic views about strippers and clubs, look like a veritable fountain of valuable information!
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    @Rick: partly right, but theres nothing wrong with p4p,I've done it, I just prefer girls that are pickey cause I am. Yeah, I know, no reviews, but I gave you guys a pic of a pretty girl in my room. Thats something.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    @rick: I won't count on mike to recognize anything. He is just a dumb guy (or has some psychological issues that make him seem that way). Take his latest insight. Some strippers are very picky, like he is, and only do p4p with nice guy/white knights like himself. Seems like our boy Mikey here, is just a newbie who takes everything strippers tell him at face value. "Oh, you're such nice guy, Mike." "You're the only one I do this for. Don't tell anyone!" "I just do this to help me work my way through med school."
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    Hey dougster, not all strippers are the same, they are not all whores, and you are in the minority. I'm not a newbie, you can have what i tell to get lost. Is your head going to explode?
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Sure mike, you buy all the stripper lines but you are not a newbie. Okay, you are just very dumb then.
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