The Garden of Eden (Nebraska) asto turfing?

avatar for mreef
I have to laugh when I see the first and second review of The Garden of Eden.

Somehow I suspect that andrew19 is the owner (joined June 2010, 1 review, all 10s). :)


last comment
What city in Nebraska is the club located in, mreef?
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
15 years ago
It's in Elm Creek, presumably right off of I-80. I haven't been there, but knowing how strip clubs are in Nebraska, the second review is probably the more accurate one.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
You make a good catch mreef. I think the andrew19 reviewer is a boyfriend of a stripper though. if it was the owner they probably would also be promoting the drinks but the review said they did not try the drinks.
Diametrically opposed reviews, one right after the other? Either "andrew19" is a shill (or just clueless, with no basis for comparison), or "BeenThere" is dissing the competition, or both. Neither of them has more than one review, and they both signed up in June.
"I didn't try a drink". Whats to try in a juice bar? andrew19 is for sure not a customer.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
".if ya wanna see real strippers you'll go to GARDEN of EDAN.."

Andrew, if you're gonna be a shill, at least spell the club's name right.
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
...and as far as the drinks go i didn't have any but they didn't seem to bad...

Pretty damn useful info there!
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