This is a real turn off for me. All she has to do is tell me that and Mr. Happy does a nose dive. All of my favorites let me pet the kitty. So I know that when my hand gets stopped, it is that time of the month. I wish that they would just take a few days off until it is over. This appears to be mostly in topless clubs. Kind of hard to hide it in a totally nude club.
Actually, the dancers at the nude club I go to cut the string off and no one knows that aunt Flo has come to visit. I know a couple of dancers who allow exploration of other places during that time...well, they allow that exploration even if Flo isn't around. Some guys who savor finger in the kitty, aren't turned on by finger in the ass.
This has not happened to me much, but I had the same result, nose dive for Mr. Happy. Also have the same reaction if a dancer tells me she is pregnant. Fortunately, neither situation happens very often.
That time of the month is a turnoff for most of us, I'll have sex with them but I'd pass on licking it. Pregnancy is a turn on though, I like the way the female body changes during that time.
It's messy, but if I have a shower available... Not my *first* choice, and not something I'd do with someone else, even with a rubber, but I've noticed that my wife tends to be more orgasmic during that time. And if a girl is using one of those sponges for contraception, some of them will hold back the flow for a (ahem) period of time. I mght consider it, if that's the case.
Had a dancer last week that told me to disregard the tampon. She said she wears one every day dancing so guys won't try to do FS with her. Fingering was apparently OK. This seems like a decidely mixed message. WUWT?
"the problem is most dancers can't afford to take the time off."
A good dancer can make and save enough to manage taking a few days off. If they want to blow their hundreds each night on stupid stuff, that's too bad.
Otto, also had a girl not too long ago who did this. She claimed it was because when she gets excited, she gets pretty wet, and stays that way, and didn't want to have to change her panties after every dance. Given the torrent, and damage to the couch, from just my fingers, I believe her.
I hate it when their time is not quite over and there is blood on the condom. One time I was doing one and the damn cell phone rang and she got up to shut it off and noticed blood all over the condom due to mother nature time. Used that as an excuse to end the session; needless to say I was super pissed.
I don't mind a dancer OTR - I can certainly relate to it. Many women get highly aroused during that TOTM, and who are we to deny them pleasure? ;)
I did have an unfortunate occurence happen once in a club. The dancer didn't realize that her period had started, and she leaked a bit onto my pants. No biggie for me - I went into the ladies room and cleaned up as best I could. The dancer completely freaked out and was apologizing to me for what seemed like hours. I told her to just relax & forget about it. Hey - shit happens.
Pregnant, however is a HUGE turn off for me. Ewwww.
Unfortunately the stain was in a spot that I could not claim that I had had an "accident" myself. So I did what any knuckleheaded PL would do....I stripped off my pants after I pulled into the garage, threw them in the trunk, and walked into my house in my underwear. It was my lucky day, coz the SO was on the far side of the house on the phone. I slipped into our bedroom and threw on a pair of jeans. Phew! Dodged a huge bullet!
I later secretly laundered the stained slacks while the SO was still @ work.
I couldn't do laundry if I had to. Years of being spoiled, but I've had a built in excuse for years for the smells, glitter, or makeup that might follow me home.
I've never been leaked on so I don't especially care. The problem is with dancers who generally want you to squeeze them rather than just use a light touch. How do you know when they are cramping so you need to change up and use a light touch? No dancer ever said anything like "go easy this time, Aunt Flo's in town". So every time you have to wait till they squeeze on themselves to show you it's OK.
last commentwhite shorts are a girls way of saying "im ready to fuck cuz its not my time of month"
A good dancer can make and save enough to manage taking a few days off. If they want to blow their hundreds each night on stupid stuff, that's too bad.
I did have an unfortunate occurence happen once in a club. The dancer didn't realize that her period had started, and she leaked a bit onto my pants. No biggie for me - I went into the ladies room and cleaned up as best I could. The dancer completely freaked out and was apologizing to me for what seemed like hours. I told her to just relax & forget about it. Hey - shit happens.
Pregnant, however is a HUGE turn off for me. Ewwww.
How did you explain that to your SO?
Unfortunately the stain was in a spot that I could not claim that I had had an "accident" myself. So I did what any knuckleheaded PL would do....I stripped off my pants after I pulled into the garage, threw them in the trunk, and walked into my house in my underwear. It was my lucky day, coz the SO was on the far side of the house on the phone. I slipped into our bedroom and threw on a pair of jeans. Phew! Dodged a huge bullet!
I later secretly laundered the stained slacks while the SO was still @ work.
Damn, this sneaking around is hard work!
I couldn't do laundry if I had to. Years of being spoiled, but I've had a built in excuse for years for the smells, glitter, or makeup that might follow me home.
Squeezing a girl during her period won't bring on a deluge of the red sea. We're women, not ketchup bottles.
Mustard jar, perhaps? I've always heard, "Just because you can't cut the mustard, doesn't mean you can't lick the jar!"
I will assume you are an expert with the "jar".