Went to stripper's party

avatar for potheadpl
A stripper at the club had been giving me the full court press for the last several visits. She's pretty cute. She's been telling me she wants to "play with me" outside the club.

Well, last visit she invited me to her upcoming party. I figured it was SS and she would flake, but she texted me the address and off I went. I rolled a couple of <ahem> and picked up some beer. Since my Spider-Sense was tingling I thought bringing gifts would be a good idea. Following Google Maps, I turned into BFE. Trailers in general disrepair everywhere. Found the place.

Stripper greets me and in I go. First thing I see? Toddler. Second? Beer Pong table. Not a combination often seen in polite society. I'm led out back to the permanent bonfire area. Meet stripper's old man/suitcase pimp. Meet his kids. Seem like nice people. Everybody's friendly. Party favors are a hit.

In walks toddler. Did I mention everyone at the party is tripping on acid? Yeah. There's drugs and toddlers in the same room. And a shotgun. And a pit bull. And underage drinking. AND underaged drug use. AND, to top it off, a SMOKING hot teenaged girl with a tight Abercrombie polo shirt STRETCHED over her giant, braless, flawless natural tits. Nipples were pointed upward and appeared to be quite thick.

I left. I would have fucked that stoned little jailbait. While I doubt anyone would call cops, because of what I described above, but why chance it?

Sometimes it's fun to live dangerously when your daily life is vanilla. I'm looking at this as mildly adventurous sociologial research. When in my life would I ever have the opportunity to use party favors with a retarded guy? Checked that one right the FUCK off the Bucket List.

Ended up at the SC. HOT new talent. Got digits. Got DFK. This one's gonna rocket up the ATF list.


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avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
You made a smart decision to get out of there. Sad to hear about the toddler in that kind of situation though.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
Seems that kind of "life style" is WAAAAYYY to common these days. Sad, very sad!
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Would have made a good episode of "Cops."

Was the suitcase pimp walking around without a shirt on? That's always the guy that gets arrested, lol.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
Ten years ago,I was at a now defunct club. It was in my financially challenged days (would go to club with fifty bucks-cover+drink+ two lappers.

Anyway, I was this hot blonde's last lapper of the day. She was literally hot to trot (finger in a very wet pussy). She invited me to her post party gangbang. My spidey sense said no. I saw her leave with half a dozen wild eyed hippy types. She offered again on the way out, again, no.

Fast forward two years.

I walk into work and meet this hot new blonde-guess who? An hour later I meet her new husband, also my new boss ( all 6'8" and 300 pounds of him). She introduced us. "You know Julie? " he asked.

During the three months they were there, I never told him how I knew her and she never reminisced with me.

Whew !!

avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
It was surreal, guys. There's drunken chaos everywhere. People are tripping on acid. And in the middle of it I'm helping a five year old girl learn how to draw a letter Z.
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
That type of story always makes me want to administer "baseball bat therapy" to the adults involved. If grown adults want to party, cool beans, but involving kids is just fucked up. That little girl should have been in bed sleeping the sleep of the innocent, not being exposed to this fucking mess.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
And, as important as the children's well being is, they incredibly stupid to allow the kid to witness this kind of stuff. The first time some school official hears about the pills and sex, they'll likely notify child protective services, if not police.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
Yes, that is fucked up but our own lack of morality get us into these situations. I have 3 short stories.

Best friend at my wedding was a party animal. There were parties at his house almost weekly. At these parties a lot of pot was smoked. His 4 kids were always present. He was a great friend to me but I always thought of him as a lousy father and husband.

There was a stripper, that I knew, staying at my hotel in Columbia SC. We got together and had some raunchy sex in my room. Next day she asks me to drive her to a friends house. I really didn't want to but did. It was a run down trailer court. She asked me to wait for her. I did. On the way back to the hotel, she started snorting coke. I had been duped into taking her to her dealer and now had drugs in my vehicle. At least I got a BBBJ doing 65mph on I-26.

A former TUSCLer from Columbus OH (yeah you know who)emailed me. He had been invited by a stripper to participate in a gang bang at her place. There were to be her, her husband and 2 other guys. She wanted him to take pictures. He wanted my opinion on weather to go or not. I advised him not to go. He listened to me.Can you imagine how much shit he could have gotten into?
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Pothead, had you screwed the jailbait, a month or two later you may have found yourself receiving a call from a Maury Povich producer offering a free DNA test to determine whether you're the father...
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
shadowcat: Speak for yourself. :) I have morals. They might be the same as those of society as a whole, but I think they're pretty rational, and I live by them. In fact, I think that I hew a lot closer to *my* moral code than a bunch of people I know.
avatar for sinclair
15 years ago
What a party!
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
George, I didn't mean to indicate that you or any one else was totally lacking in morals.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
sc, Nah, didn't take it that way. Nor, looking back at what I wrote, did I intend to imply that I was talking about anybody here. I don't know anybody here well enough to say those kinds of things about them. :)
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
For some reason the song "Garden Party" by Ricky Nelson gets stuck in my head when I read this thread.

I remember reading that Sean Parker, former President of Facebook, threw a party at a beach house. Cops came with dogs and cocaine was found. He did not get charged but the bad publicity caused him to step down as president of facebook. He still owns a small percentage of the company so if they ever do go public or get bought out he will still make a lot of money.
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
In a community down the road a piece from where I live, a woman videoed her boyfriend having sex with her "obviously pregnant" 16 yo daughter. The woman and her bf ended up in court after daughter showed her friends the video...see how cool I am; I'm gonna be a stripper someday!!

State sentencing guidelines allowed probation for both defendants since they had no previous records. The judge apparently didn't see the humor in the guidelines and sentenced the mom to 58 years, and allowed the bf to plea-bargain down to 28 years or so.

My wife read the newspaper account of this and declared that, "it's about time sexual abuse of minors was seriously punished". I agreed with meaningful punishment, but I believe that the penalty was overly harsh in this situation: after all, this was just typical Saturday night fun for white trash. Well, obviously I got a negative response to that opinion.

I suppose that I have lost my sensitivity to what happened in this case
because I've seen that "daughter" (not the same one, of course) dancing in SC's a year or two later many times over the years. I have been led to believe that this is not necessarily "throw-the-book-at-em" behavior in some corners of society.

I fear that prolonged SC experience has brainwashed me to the point of having marginal empathy for these teenage victims.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I wonder how many strippers have sex tapes? The Kendra XXX Tape is one of the top selling porn dvds right now. There are lots of hot strippers at the local clubs I would not mind buying their sex tapes lol...
avatar for minnow
15 years ago
php- You should have stayed and taught the 5y/o how to draw the other 25 letters. (pity the parent[s] don't). Someone other than an Indian( the tech support call center kind) should win the National Spelling Bee.
avatar for uscue13
15 years ago
CRAZY story. One question, what's underaged drug use? Drugs aren't legal no matter how old you are.

Just messing with you tho. Good idea to bail
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
15 years ago
I was invited to a former fav's 21st birthday party. I probably would have known a third of the people there. I appreciated being invited but it's just not the crowd I roll with. It wouldn't have been as bad as Pothead's party.
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