
Comments by mmdv26 (page 41)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A Challenge
    When I catch the hottest dancer in the room, I like to close my eyes and not be distracted by the slight imperfections in her body.
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    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Strip club permissiveness
    GMD was on the right track for a while with his statement that sites such as TUSCL made it easier to find clubs where sex (or at least higher mileage) might be obtained...and that makes the perception seem greater. Years ago, I studied the reviews and comments that were being made on ASS-C, and later on TUSCL, to determine which clubs in the US were more likely to provide higher mileage. ITC-FS was not usually discussed except in a review about MBOT or MSC. The perception v. reality distinction makes for a nice brain teaser, but the real test is if you are having sex at a club...then it is reality. You could spend a lot of time and money combing through clubs to find ITC-FS, which supports "chasing the perception" idea. Sites such as TUSCL can indeed reduce the time and money wasted trying to find reality. My experience indicates that sex can be had in a great many more clubs than such service is alluded to in TUSCL reviews. The price becomes a serious issue at some clubs, as such pricing might lead one to conclude that sex is really not available at that club because no one (well, very few) would pay that much for it. So, it gets down to some girls will do anything for enough money. Very circular.
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    13 years ago
    Average strip club profits
    @tx ends up at 2350 OPERATING margin/day. Obviously, overhead would be deducted from that. Many club owners also own the building they are in, so that keeps the rent profit at home. While it surely happens, I don't think "payoffs" to local politicians or enforcement personnel is all that common these days. I think legal fees might be a very large overhead item tho. Occasionally we hear of clubs doing things for civic or charitable causes. I think elected officials are hesitant to embrace the involvement of adult entertainment in community betterment projects.
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    13 years ago
    IT caught in crossfire when it comes to smartphone privacy
    Greater access to key personnel is one way for an enterprise to "work smarter", so the outcry over infringement on freedom and employee rights could cause technology changes that limit the gathering and retention of locational data. In the meantime - probably the longtime - better hope nobody tries to call you on the company phone while you're at the club. But, since that sort of defeats the idea of "working smarter", perhaps the line is drawn at the legality of activities (inferred by location), rather than the "morality" of them...better hope the 8G can't figure out if you're getting a BJ. Of course, you can always find a different employer...or better yet, become the owner of your present one.
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    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Dancers who are Students at a Four-year College
    One of my first ATF's 15+ years ago went to law school. She switched to weekend nights, and I didn't see her much during most of law school. She sent me a clipping from the newspaper that listed successful bar exam candidates, then moved away from the area. I was happy for another one who proudly spoke of obtaining her 2-year degree, and then being accepted at a 4-year school to finish her bachelor's degree. I was surprised to hear her complaining about failing the GED a couple of years later.
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    13 years ago
    Bye Bye bin laden!
    how would we know if the pics were really of kappa and art?
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    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    1.d Fortunate to be able to engage in FS ITC w/ 1 dancer. 2.yes Satisfied with frequency, cost and quality. 3.no I don't think money could improve my current satisfaction level. Ask me that again in a couple of months.
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    13 years ago
    Eveer been mistaken as a dancer's pimp?
    I have witnessed girls who stick to a particular guy all evening. I did not suspect that he was her pimp, I just figured he was an "ultimate PL".
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    13 years ago
    Election Night In Canada
    Through the amendment process, the US Constitution is a "living document". Even a "Constitution Party" would implode as a result.
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    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    As a Strip Club Customer, Have You Ever Been Mistaken as a Cop?
    Years ago, a dancer asked me if I was a "narc". In an effort to put her at ease, I unzipped my pants and showed her the goods, to which she responded, "oh, sorry, cops aren't that well hung are they?" I dunno, got any weed?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat Girls Strip Part 2
    While (her) attitude plays a significant role in my interaction with a dancer, it is not everything. I also require a body size that is attractive to me, and is somewhat smaller than mine. That usually rules out BBW.
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    13 years ago
    Dimples of Venus
    I suppose a continuation of that conversation might include: Me: Oh...Do they work? Her: Of course. What to try them out? Me: Here? Right now? ...could go on all evening...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Are Tatoos Expensive?
    I don't care for the "sleeve" tats. Too much of a statement - especially (later) at age 60, lol. Now and then, I will see a girl somewhere in the community, and she will be positioned so that her lower back is visible, and she is sporting a "tramp stamp". Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is whether she is/was a stripper. Besides strippers (and tramps), do girls get "tramp stamps"?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Too much noise
    Gf and I are trying to get to sleep one night when the new couple upstairs starts making their bed squeak. At the end of a raucous session, she distinctly yells, "Snooky, you're so good". We fall asleep, and forget about it. Later in the week, gf says, "well, I met Snooky in the hall today - he's hot!" I hated it when they would start up there, because I knew gf was imagining being on the receiving end of Snooky. Initially, I worked extra hard in bed to(over)compensate, but eventually Snooky moved out or maybe he died from f**king too much.
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    13 years ago
    Survey: Rock Strip-Club or Pop Strip-Club?
    I was into country for waaay too long....it started in the Waylon & Willie days so I've sort of got an excuse, but it took a long time for me to escape. My step-daughter got me a ZZ Top CD (greatest hits)for Christmas in the late 90's. She admits it's kind of old stuff, but it's better than what I was listening to. So she puts it in the player, and I'm very familiar with almost every song...from strip clubs. I had to be careful not to sprout wood! I used to have a lot of trouble accepting the idea that rap...hip-hop...whatever... is even a valid music form, then I downloaded eminem and Rihanna's Love The Way You Lie video with Megan Fox. Can't say much for the others, but Megan Fox sure is nice to watch. Then I saw a "vintage hip-hop" band in concert recently, and I'm beginning to appreciate it as an art form, and not just a rhythm to lap dance to. Actually, I have appreciated KC's own Tech Nine for a few years since they were getting some play at my fav club. Sorry to get so long there...rock is my favorite s-c music, techno is crap, and I can accept hip-hop now.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Is tuscl Corporate and Stuffy?
    The clubs themselves feel "corporate and stuffy" compared to 10 or 15 years ago; the whole atmosphere has degenerated into a big money grab. Club owners have no soul or creativity - they attend the Association of Club Executives convention and copy what the next guy is doing...because it makes a profit! TUSCL is still the best...well, only...place to obtain reliable "stuff" about SC's and SCing. If editorial oversight is necessary to keep the shills out, and maintain the authenticy of the reviews, then do it. Discussion gets pretty fuckin' snarky at times, but nothing like the flame wars of just a few years ago. I think the sender of the email was venting...and reminiscing about the good ol' days of ass-c and Chez Paris.
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    13 years ago
    Real names in the club!
    Early on, I used a fake name. Then one day I thought I didn't want fake pussy, so why would I use a fake name... Later, I was doing OTC with several dancers at the same club, and eventually work leaked out what real first and last name is...and where I live. There is some risk with that condition, but I'm not overly concerned.
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    13 years ago
    First time OTC
    First of all, "Welcome to the Club"! You've done it, and you get a B for getting it done for under $500. And MSOG..sweet! You could have paid more, and most would agree you could have paid less. If your market will allow, try to get this to under $400 total.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Prepay or Postpay
    Fortunately the clubs I visit these days are post-pay. I have encountered pre-pay a few times over the years, and felt that it dampened the mood somewhat.
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    13 years ago
    Sob Stories
    @lopaw That's interesting. I wonder if the sob story is reserved for girl to guy talk, and girl to girl (sob story) talk takes on a different tone....or just not done in a pitiful way??
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    In the bum not that much fun ITC. It's very much a visual thing for me, so OTC only on that. Have had dancers quote me price for ITC greek. I have known quite a few dancers who like some digital massage of that orifice. Very sensual for some folks, very forbidden for others.
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    13 years ago
    Club Boards
    I notice the "Blogs" are gone, too.
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    13 years ago
    Can a guy cum from a lap dance?
    @columbo ...."The condom idea sounds interesting, but I get the impression it would come off pretty easy from the grinding, even in the underwear. Anyone who has tried it have tips for keeping it on?"..... Duct tape.