all the time on here i hear people talking about strippers and their privacy. or a stripper refused to give them their real name. etc. im curious, am i the only guy that dont give out his real name to strippers? ive had a fake name ive been using for years in the sc. and its not because im married and if i run into the girl on the street itll be hard to deny i know this random stripper when she knows my name! its just because the sc is suppose to be a fantasy, not reality. so i keep my reality separate
I tried telling them my name was "txtittyfan" but the response was always the same "oh, you're that idiot would said to short treasuries the day before they bottomed" and they walked away. I just go with my real name now. I really don't understand the paranoia you guys have about your name, phone number, having them over to your place, etc.
Her: "What's your name?" Me: "John" Her: gives me a doubtful look--"Is that what it says on your driver's license, John?" Me: "Does your license say 'Dominique'?" Her: "Point taken."
I'm with OhioVoyeur. My name is fairly unique, and I don't want to take any chances someone will google me and find my phone number, etc. online.
I agree that if you have nothing to lose, giving a dancer your name is Okay, but I would have much to lose so I have a club alias. I took it on about ten years ago when a dancer asked me my name a few days before Chrismas - and I said Chris was my name. Now dancers see me and remember that name. I figure if I am ever with my wife and kids and a stripper says "Hi Chris" I can claim mistaken identity. Besides the dances don't care what our name really is - as long as our last name is cash.
Yeah, I typically use a fake name too (the dancers are using fake names too, anyway). I don't have much to lose giving a real name, but I'd rather add a layer of separation just in case. If I actually get to know a dancer OTC, they may get to know more about me (my actual name), just as I may get to know more about them.
I've never felt a need to hide my identity but I'm sure that might change if I ever decide to go to a club while in a serious relationship. Trying to keep up with lies is too hard, and yes, dancers get major bonus points for remembering my name.
I am an unattached old bastard, financially secure. I find it is just easier to use my own name; usually my SC visits are anonymous one off excursions. However, there are a couple of clubs in Alberta and Toronto where my name is recognized as a guy willing to spend some cash.
It's funny that when waitresses decide to make real money, everybody at the club already knows their real names. So, when your former waitress, now dancer, is named 'D___' or 'M_____', that's her real name.
I used to use a fake name, but my ATF broke that habit. It was she that called me on it as we got to know each other. Once we discovered common friends outside our SC life, she recalled the name I had given her was not my real name. I saw no reason to continue this ruse with any other dancer.
Her: "What's your name?" Me: "Primo" Her: gives me a doubtful look--"Is that what it says on your driver's license, John?" Me: "Does your license say 'Dominique'?" Her: "Point taken."
I give my real first name but I avoid giving my last name. And I'm vague about my profession since I'm uncomfortable with any dancer jumping to conclusions about my earning capacity (and thus theirs).
My name is a bit different and in my earlier days I was paranoid about it. So I made up a fake one until the first time I met a dancer that wanted to get together OTC. Ever since then I've always gone by my real name. As a matter of fact, the last few dancers that I've met on a regular basis have told me their real names on the first visit.
Early on, I used a fake name. Then one day I thought I didn't want fake pussy, so why would I use a fake name...
Later, I was doing OTC with several dancers at the same club, and eventually work leaked out what real first and last name is...and where I live. There is some risk with that condition, but I'm not overly concerned.
I use my real name. Fake names are too much trouble.
A few dancers use their real names too, probably for the same reason. My GF uses her real name at one club, but a fake name for catering/bartending/hostessing jobs, where she's actually more likely to get stalkers.
last commentHer: "What's your name?"
Me: "John"
Her: gives me a doubtful look--"Is that what it says on your driver's license, John?"
Me: "Does your license say 'Dominique'?"
Her: "Point taken."
I'm with OhioVoyeur. My name is fairly unique, and I don't want to take any chances someone will google me and find my phone number, etc. online.
In clubs I've been going to for a long time and with dancers I know well enough I'll use my real first name for reasons similar to slash, cat and vm.
If its a local club I rarely visit, an out of town club, or a club new to me, I'll use an alias first name.
Her: "What's your name?"
Me: "Primo"
Her: gives me a doubtful look--"Is that what it says on your driver's license, John?"
Me: "Does your license say 'Dominique'?"
Her: "Point taken."
So instead, I go with Rick. ;)
[ducking and running with an evil little laugh]
Later, I was doing OTC with several dancers at the same club, and eventually work leaked out what real first and last name is...and where I live. There is some risk with that condition, but I'm not overly concerned.
A few dancers use their real names too, probably for the same reason. My GF uses her real name at one club, but a fake name for catering/bartending/hostessing jobs, where she's actually more likely to get stalkers.