
Election Night In Canada

Monday, May 2, 2011 9:15 PM
Canada has just voted in the fourth federal election since 2006 and my country has made just about the worst choice possible from my perspective. We have a majority Conservative government for the first time in 18 years. I have lived through these guys being in power before and I weep for my country. These characters are total incompetents when it comes to managing the national economy; their right wing agenda flies in the face of rational economic decision making. And, to make it worse, these neanderthals love to meddle in citizens' personal lives. My timing in getting back in business is not particularly apt. If history is any guide, Canadians will realize their mistake and turf out these rascals in five years. I think I will get drunk in a SC in Vancouver tomorrow evening.


  • ddreksler
    13 years ago
    That's a real shame to hear...Canada has been my back-up plan in case some idiot like Trump or one of those other conservative asswipes ends up in charge here...
  • ddreksler
    13 years ago
    Even at their worst...I'm sure your conservatives are still much more liberal than ours...
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Yeah, liberals have really got this country humming along!
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Under Reagan, there were numerous porn prosecutions. Under Bush 41, there were two. Underr Clinton, his big contribution was having 23 countries sign a treaty that you had to be 18 to appear in porn-although the US is very much in the minority having 18 as a federal requirement as an age of consent ([view link]). Bush 43 had two porn prosecutions-one porn producer who got women to consent to actual beatings, and Max Hardcore who was into piss, scat, and other disgusting stuff. Obama's administration defended against the appeals ( made sure the appeals were unsuccessful)on those two cases. Porn has become mainstream, but it was only the Reagan administration that went after strip clubs, shutting down the Solid Gold chain. The owners were convicted on a variety of charges, including money laundering, tax evasion, and forced prostitution ( when the chain produced videos, it was found that some strippers were provided to some athletes against the wishes of the strippers-this was when extas were extremely rare).
  • skibum609
    13 years ago
    The Rhode Island strip club scene was ruined by Progressives/liberals. The comments about Reagan pretty much exempliufy the mindset of the left as they have to go back almost 25 years to find an example. Way to go, live in the past just so you can whine. Nothing on earth worse than a liberal.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    You know, I doubt that we, as individuals, could find a single person to govern us as we would like to governed on every single iota of policy. This would exclude ourselves, of course. Even then, we could change our minds. That said, we have to find the one(s) the govern according to our most important desires and try to change the others. Porn, strip clubs, prostitution, etc. is WAY down my list of important items. The security of my family and those I care for, my economic security, and my freedoms are what I cherish. Which group would come closest to protecting those items? That is an easy answer, and it sure as hell ain't liberals!
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Best of luck to you farmerart and your fellow and lady Canadians. Politicians are asswipes that for the most part in reality are interested in being reelected. We've heard the promises of what they will do, and little of consequence ever gets done. Good luck, my friend.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    I misread the title, thought it was "Erection" night in Canada, so was looking forward to another farmerart adventure. Then I find it's about politics?! Sheesh!
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    Liberals...Conservatives...they're all full of shit. One side says it wants you to live your life the way you want, but then taxes the shit out of those who are successful to pay for those who aren't. The others say, government should be small and stay out of business but then they're all up in our business how we live our private lives. My ideal party would be one that shrank government to the bare minimum and let us decide what was right or wrong for ourselves. As long as the people involved are consenting adults, I don't know why government has to stick its nose into it! Just my $.02.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Prim0, Pretty much what the Constitution says, or doesn't say, which is also most important.
  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    Politics will improve when we go back to "we the people", instead of "we will succumb to the wishes of corporations that contribute to us".
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    LOL, steve229. That would be an interesting story to read. I don't doubt our Canadian friend has a story to share should he so desire.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    [Sigh] Any time there is a post that touches on politics, I cringe. Yes, you GOPers must have a difficult time reconciling the libertarian and moralistic wings of your party. And Dems, your ACLU types will continue to run into the teeth of the anti-porn feminists. So both major parties have monumental inconsistencies. And many Independents wish both parties would just go away. And some of you will continue to think that the GOP will somehow provide better security for your family, the economy, and the country. Simply shoveling money at the military is not the sign of a true patriot. The Dow seems to do better under Dem presidents. And crime seems to track the economy more than what party is in power. But I'm sure the next thing the red-meat GOP will try to do is ascribe some sort of Republicanism on the SEAL Team Six guys. When they busted into that compound to take out bin Laden, it didn't matter whether they were Republicans, Democrats, or independents. They were well-trained Americans. But I'm sure some whack-job is going to try and prove the superiority of Republicans by standing on the shoulders of that SEAL team. Farmerart, an oil patch liberal? I'm sure that there are several TUSCL posters whose heads are exploding about now.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    bottom line is all politicians are lying rats! some more than others though. i was a liberal until around 30 then over a period of time saw the folly in alot of their policies and started leaning towards the conseverative side. i guess that now i'm a right leaning libertarian, live and let live but don't impose on my rights or try to gouge and tax the fuck out of me! "if you're not liberal when you're 20 it's because you have no heart" "if you're not conservative when you're 40 it's because you have no brains" winston churchill
  • trojangreg
    13 years ago
    I will be the guy next to you at the 5 drowning our sorrows at this putrid outcome. See you sometime after 4 this afternoon.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Greg: you and Art have a blast at #5 Orange. LOL. I'll be thinking of you when I hit the Follies on Saturday.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    All politicians suck. All they care about is power. They spend all they efforts trying to buy their next election. They aren't concerned with what they F-up to get there because it will most likely be the next guy's problem to clean up the fall out. "political parties serve only to divide our nation" - George Washington
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    loonylarry: I am not so much a liberal as a libertarian. One of Canada's great prime ministers was famously quoted thusly: "The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation." Bingo! That describes my wish for government involvement in matters of choice when dealing with one's personal life - none at all.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Clubber is the man. ( and if you're not a man, I'm sorry). I agree with all his posts
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    Through the amendment process, the US Constitution is a "living document". Even a "Constitution Party" would implode as a result.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    mmdv26, Judges are NOT the amendment process!
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    In Detroit's public schools when I was growing up, Canadian history and culture was a regular part of the curriculum. We sang both national anthems once a week. In higher grades we were expected to follow Canadian politics on CBC which was then CKLW-TV, Windsor. Hockey--WOW! I watched curling on Canadian television back in the 1950s. We were always reminded that Canada took and held one of the beaches on D-Day. "Chief" Diefenbaker (sp?), Pearson, Trudeau, Clark and others were known to political junkies in Detroit as well as Kennedy, Johnson or Nixon. And then came all nude clubs in Windsor.
  • how
    13 years ago
    "these neanderthals love to meddle in citizens' personal lives" In general, that is not what conservatives do. If they do, they are likely not actual conservatives. When "personal lives" include violating laws, obviously things are different. But "conservative" should favor smaller, less meddling government.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Canada, sort of like an attic. You just forget it is up there.
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