
Comments by mmdv26

  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Strip Club Nation
    sinclair's Review
    What's a Sincweiser?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strip club vs escort.
    As others have mentioned, the "hunt" is a big part of the SC experience for me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Ignore feature
    I too like the middle ground approach where the number of ignorers is shown, but not names. Could be a wake-up call for some, and a victory lap for others.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery Shadowcat !!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Too many. Physical flaws..
    Napalm, c-sec scars, boob job scars wear me out visually.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pink Pony Atlanta hosting Stormy next month.
    Are her boobs fake?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stop it
    Apparently. Basic review template: 1)took my eyes a minute to adjust to the darkness; 2)bar on the side, 3)stage with brass pole and mirror; and 4)some girls. Customize as needed.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Dancer: It makes such a difference when you're dancing for someone you actually
    She was very pretty, and I got dances from her now and then. I saw her as a tease - boob and butt squeeze but no activity either way below the belt on the front side. One day as I'm leaving the club she stops me and asks for a dance. Wtf, yes, I can blow another $20. We go to VIP and the typical dance begins, but unexpectedly she has her hand down between us caressing my package and whispering "nice dick" in my ear. I sarcastically ask "what's the occasion?" She replies that she thought it was time we went a bit further. Not sure if that meant the price was going up or what. We did the one dance and I left. I was in the club a couple of days later and found out that she had moved to another city.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    No cum on my cake
    Actually, I think the little dashes suggest what the omitted word means much better than the word itself. Of course, not in the same meaning as the lady intended.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why don't dead clubs hire ringers?
    Years ago my fav club did this. The ringer had major cred in the adult bus and started as a feature. Pretty soon she was doing private dances (no stage dances). Had her own private dressing room. The owner let it be known that she was his idea, and if anyone complained they would be looking for a new job. Nobody made a scene and everyone coexisted (sort of). No bad things happened...well actually a lot of bad things happened, but they were the good kind of bad things...that's just the kind of club it was and probably still is.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Official TUSCL Pets Thread
    4.5yo Goldendoodle girl and 13mo old Golden Retriever boy. Fabulous dogs!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    ATF means All Time Fav
    What's to loose. Take some beer with you so if he does come home mid stroke you can just yell "beer's in frig, help yourself". He'll go for it. He probably will want to watch you two fuc, and then he'll suggest a threesome. Afterall, he's a 13th stepper. Sobriety won't last for either of them, because absolute honesty must take place before sobriety can stand a chance. You gotta know she's lying about "quitting" the high-end waitress job and of course she's cheating on her new "luv".. Be prepared to go back to the old $500 rate...or even more if she gets her heart broke by new BF. Get back to this group in a month a let us know how this is going.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Twentyfive, what do u think about the President's speech?
    I think he is trying to divert our attention away from something that is bad for him. Bannon and Erik Prince connection fixed by firing Bannon??? But will it come back? Obviously trying to get other countries (including Afganistan) to help with the cost and methods of fighting terrorism in Afg and else. Don't count on Russia for help there. Hard war to fight without philosophical changes in camelland. Let Affy girls get naked on stage.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everywhere. Currently Phoenix
    Follow up on a previous post looking for advice.
    The best way is to just let it happen. Overthinking it and trying to develop a "method" is certainly a good way to destroy the compulsive nature of hot satisfying sex. Above all, remember: it's just sex.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    East St. Louis clubs
    The BEST clubs from 15-20 years ago are gone. Closed or burned. My experience causes me to focus on the WP clubs. Good variety in looks and a wide range of debauchery. Sauget clubs never turned me on - too "clean". The AA clubs in Brooklyn are the only reason to visit that burg. (Roxy's is too clean). At Dollies, I remember when the club was in the front part (nearest the road) of the building. Huge stage. On weekend nights, all dancers would be called to the stage now and then. They would proceed to crab-walk naked around the edge and stop in front of each PL where pussy tasting was encouraged for a $1 tip. Eventually the county health department put an end to that nonsense.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    U.S. District Court, Detroit, MI
    Kinda surprised to see this action going on. I thought the IC issue had been largely settled via a myriad of previous challenges at other clubs. As I recall, the new norm is that dancers are tipped employees.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Consistently High-Mileage Clubs
    I agree with Papi above - ESL is small market with extraordinary mileage. I would caution comparing the professional hookers of ESL with the amateur hookers of anywhere else....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Intelligence in a woman
    I'm neutral about it. Stupid girls can be a lot of fun.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do you like your tits?
    I like smaller tities. I like to fully cup them in my Donald Trump size hands.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strip Club Tour - What's Your Desired Destination - North America
    These days, I just want to sit by the stage and slide dollar bills to girls who sho me their pussy while I drink beer. I'm older now, my libedo has slowed way down and I resent the unskilled hustle that comes with trying to get a dance. Been to 75% of the "good" clubs in the States and TJ. It was quite a trip over the years - thanks TUSCL for guiding me!!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are you ?
    a...for sure. I already knew about local clubs, and I read ASSC (USENET alt.sex strip clubs), so I was aware of SF clubs. Through TUSCL I learned about ESL, (1990's) Memphis, Tampa and TJ. While TUSCL has caused me to visit a lot of clubs, I would say that it has guided me away from more clubs. TUSCL reviewers usually imply which ones are "extra's" clubs, and which are not. I like extra's, so I save time and money by consulting TUSCL before accidentally wandering into a "sit-on-your-hands" club.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    More College Students & Prostitution - This Time It's An Entire Cheerleading Squ
    Possible that the entire Police Department was on the happy ending side of the prostitution ring, so they dropped the case like a hot potato claiming no evidence of "doing anything wrong"... because, they were doing everything right like $10 BJ's in the squad car behind Dunkin. The University President actually wrote the complaint letter to himself, because he got cut out of a tranny three-way in the women's restroom at the bus station with the chubby girls a couple of months ago and this is his revenge. Best to let Sean Spicer explain this one so everybody can sort of understand what might have happened.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    What's Worthwhile in Kansas City, MO?
    Missouri laws prohibit NUDE dancing these days. Temptations in the afternoon might he higher mileage than most of the other clubs, but no guarantee for the non-regular. On the KS side, Lawrence and Topeka clubs can be pretty good. Little rat hole in Scranton (south of Topeka) used to be fun, but frequently chubby. My advice is to become a Cardinals fan, and go over to St. Louis. No clubs on the MO side, but lots of AA FS on the ESL side.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Best compliment
    I had known her from several different clubs. Knew her in a non-sexual way OTC. Didn't get dances from her b/c I saw her for what she was: a solid 9 who liked to string PL's along with the suggestion that they might be just...a few dollars away...from the big score. So she's hanging it up and the club goes gaga with a "parting" party. PL's bearing gifts are lined up along the bar. I tried to ignore her, but eventually she came to me and insisted that we do a dance 'cause this might be my last opportunity. I caved, and off we went to the private area. The dance was getting hot rapidly, and before long I was caressing her pussy under her thong from the back. She unbuttoned my pants and slid her hand down to grip my hard and very hot tool. And she whispered in my ear, "nice dick". The song ended and she declared that there were other fools waiting and expressed her regrets that we hadn't gotten to this level of intimacy sooner. I smiled and thought of all the money I had saved.