
Dancer: It makes such a difference when you're dancing for someone you actually

Avatar for PeterEaster
PeterEasterVirginia - Last seen being walked to the door

Ran into a fav tonight I hadn't seen for awhile. Afterwards, as she was walking me to the door, I said how nice it was to see her again, and she told me: "It was nice to see you too. I try and give you the best dances I can. It makes such a difference when you're dancing for someone you actually like," ...and then she added, "oh, and the money, too." lol


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Avatar for shailynn

“It makes such a difference when you're dancing for someone you actually like”

Translation: thank you for taking a shower and not smelling like ass, thank you for not cumming in your pants, thank you for having fresh breath and thanks for not being a cheap bastard.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Translation - "thanks for being an easy mark"

Avatar for doctorevil

They tell me that often. I think they are being honest (unlike when they say it to the rest of you, in which case it’s SS).

Avatar for goldmongerATL

They like anyone who is not totally repulsive. They will take money from the totally repulsive guys, though. They just won't enjoy it as much.

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

=> Translation: thank you for taking a shower and not smelling like ass, thank you for not cumming in your pants, thank you for having fresh breath and thanks for not being a cheap bastard.

That sounds like such a low bar, but you'd be surprised by how few customers actually do all of those. For most girls it's like they can only pick two or three of those options as it is more unlikely than not for them to find all four qualities in a customer. It's like that venn diagram of hiring labor that is cheap, fast and good. You can only realistically pick two (really one even), although there is that tiny intersection between all three where you lucked out and found someone that would do it fast and good for cheap.

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

At least the girl was honest when she added that last part. Without the money, she still wouldn't have found it nice. Surprise, surprise...

Avatar for lolruned

"Thank you for being a lot easier to deal with than the guy next to you"

Avatar for Cashman1234

It’s very nice of her to compliment you in that way. It’s not rocket science - to act like a decent customer. But lots of guys seem to be dicks when they get a dance from a sexy dancer.

Avatar for shailynn

No matter what a stripper tells you, please refer to goldmongers comment. You may want to write it down on a piece of paper and refer to it next time a stripper tells you how great and hot you are after a lapdance.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I'm not as cynical as some when it comes to this. It makes sense that dancers prefer the company of some customers over others, and might genuinely like a few. I don't think it's kooky to see that translate into some better dances and perhaps slightly higher mileage.

That said, I'd be highly suspicious of anyone claiming to get free FS because... golly gosh darn... I'm such a nice guy. I guess it's not impossible, but rainbow unicorn rare.

Avatar for Huntsman

Compliments are always nice but it’s nearly impossible to determine sincerity. I don’t try to analyze it our try to read a strippers mind.

Avatar for Huntsman

“Or”, not “our”.

Avatar for Rickberge

In reality aren't all strippers nice to every customer at their job?

Avatar for skibum609

The first time a dancer wants to hand out outside the club, no money involved and actually means it, I will clutch my chest and die of a coronary on the spot. When a dancer says: "I adore you and always have a good time with you", I say thank-you, while silently adding "as long as you pay me" to the compliment. To be fair the day I meet a dancer who is an expert skier, a decent golfer, can remodel a bathroom, can do drywall and electrical work, is bisexual, enjoys swinging, loves gambling and fine dining and is a unionized worker at a hospital with great benefits, I will marry her, oops that's who I am married to now, never mind.

Avatar for Subraman

-->"In reality aren't all strippers nice to every customer at their job?"

You know, perhaps this is because I've always SCed with a bunch of friends, over several decades, that I know YMMV is the rule and not the exception. Obviously strippers range from awesome to horrible, but even the great and awesome ones might treat customers slightly (or majorly) different from others, for their own reasons. Hell, I know for a fact that a particular stripper might treat two friends sitting right next to each other (and who I'm sure she might suspect will compare notes someday) a bit differently. YMMV seems to be an accepted fact (and it IS a fact, at least in my experience) everywhere but here, sometimes.

Of course, I also strongly agree that "Compliments are always nice but it’s nearly impossible to determine sincerity". I figure compliments are the stripper giving me what I paid for -- the illusion she's not totally disgusted by me :)

Avatar for flagooner

I think skibum's wife was looking over his shoulder when he typed that one out. I hope you got the brownie points (or browneye points if you go for that homo action).

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I put as much stock on what a stripper tells me as what a car salesman tells me.

But I suppose I'm "jaded" and not as "enlightened" as some other TUSCLers.

Avatar for lolruned


At least the salesman might give give you some actual facts and statistics. The word you might be looking for is "woke." We do have a ton of "woke" TUSCLers

Avatar for mmdv26

She was very pretty, and I got dances from her now and then. I saw her as a tease - boob and butt squeeze but no activity either way below the belt on the front side. One day as I'm leaving the club she stops me and asks for a dance. Wtf, yes, I can blow another $20. We go to VIP and the typical dance begins, but unexpectedly she has her hand down between us caressing my package and whispering "nice dick" in my ear. I sarcastically ask "what's the occasion?" She replies that she thought it was time we went a bit further. Not sure if that meant the price was going up or what. We did the one dance and I left. I was in the club a couple of days later and found out that she had moved to another city.

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