

Avatar for snowtime

I just received a text from Shadowcat’s daughter informing me that he is back in the hospital with pneumonia. I have no further information, but will post when I do.


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Avatar for ime

Let's send him a Follies stripper dressed up as a nurse, to make him feel better.

Avatar for twentyfive

Damn that’s not good I wish him the best.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Sucks - but at his age stuff like this is not totally unexpected - hope he can recover soon and back to hitting Follies

Avatar for Summit21

Best wishes to Shadowcat and a speedy recovery.

Avatar for jackslash

Sorry to hear that. Get well soon, Shadow.

Avatar for rh48hr

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Avatar for bubba267

Thanks Snow. Got the same text. I’m not far from the hospital. Will check on him tomorrow.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^ Glad he's got people to look after him.


Avatar for VeryBigDawg

Snow & Bubba keep us posted. I am praying for him.

Avatar for minnow

Ditto on Subraman, etal, comments.

Avatar for Cashman1234

Get well soon shadowcat! I know you will be back at it soon! I wish you the best.

Avatar for Bavarian

Best wishes Shadowcat

Avatar for EastCoaster

Damn, I just saw him a week ago and he was fine. Snowtime and Bubba, please give him my best. Tell him I'm coming back to Atlanta in two weeks and I expect to see him again at Follies!

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

This is the second time in not that long of a time. It gets much harder to recover from it the older one gets, one of the biggest killers of the elderly. I don't know if he hasn't already, and it's probably been recommended by the staff, but there is a vaccine (two-part) for pneumonia. I don't know how effective it is though. Either way, hope for a quick and full recovery.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Get better Shadowcat. Wish yiu a speedy recovery

Avatar for ATACdawg

Ditto from me. Get better soon, Shadow - the Follies girls are missing you!

Avatar for Dominic77

Speed recovery, shadowcat!

Avatar for Eve

That has to be stressful, considering it wasn't that long ago that he's had it before. I hope he gets better very soon.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Get well soon Shadow, your clubbing is an inspiration to us.

Anyone been to visit him, can he make electronic communications? Tubes, oxygen?

Basic care with anti-biotics should do it.


Avatar for bubba267

Hi guys, and Eve. I'm sitting here with ShadowCat as I dictate this message. He is sitting up, and ate all his dinner... Now he gets dessert. No ime were not bringing any dancers to be nurses here....we need him to get better not worse.:)

Thanks to all who asked about him and checked on him I have read him all of your messages. By the way, he did get the pneumonia vaccination but it did not prevent this bout. The good news is that he said he's recovering much quicker this time than the last time around. Will do my best to keep everyone posted. But for now things are looking pretty good and he's hoping to be able to come home this weekend. Keep the positive thoughts coming this way.

And, he says thanks to everyone for the kind wishes.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Thanks for making that visit and thanks for the info. Get well soon Shadow.


Avatar for Subraman

Thanks bubba, good to hear he's betting better quickly. A quick question: how's he look in that adorable hospital gown? Also, the man's been through a lot, maybe you should give him a little reacharound? Nothing gay, just a little reacharound between bros.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ give him a lap-dance - in his state he may not tell the difference

Avatar for twentyfive

^You can count on those Cali guys to adapt the newest fads in pseudo masculinity us good ole boys know better

Glad Shadowcat is feeling better even though we’ve never met we do understand each other, buddy you’re a tough old goat this is just a minor inconvenience, this too shall pass

Get well my man

Avatar for bubba267

Subra, not that cute to be honest. Tried earlier on the reach around but the damn catheter keeps getting in the way....

Avatar for Subraman

bubba: a man who could think on his feet, would have immediately switched to an oil check

Avatar for twentyfive

The nurse just came in said too many visitors in the room Subraman time for you to go now ;)

Avatar for Subraman

Okay, but I'm taking one of these gowns home. Y'know, for a friend.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ who’d care ? It would be like comparing who has the lowest IQ lol.

Avatar for twentyfive

Posted on wrong thread above

Avatar for Corvus

Glad to hear Shadowcat is doing better. I'm sure he is eager to get out of there.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

What was his situation, like starting to feel sick, and then getting worse and worse, and then an ambulance?


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Avatar for bubba267

Subra, my name’s bubba for a reason...I got flustered when the tube kept getting hung up on my thumb.

Papi, he’s surprisingly lucid for his condition.... he was checking each nurse carefully and asked specific “catheter adjustment” questions of the cutest ones. :)

SJG, you’ll have to ask him when he gets out.

Avatar for goldmongerATL

Could become a great line in VIP - go slow, dear. I just got my catheter out.

Avatar for DroidX

Get well soon Shadow!

Avatar for mmdv26

Best wishes for a speedy recovery Shadowcat !!

Avatar for shadowcat

Thanks for all the well wishes. Just got home from the hospital wearing a catheter. It is cause a considerable amount of discomfort. I'll try to get in to see my urologist on Monday for a prostate procedure. So it will be several weeks until I am back in action.

Avatar for twentyfive

Glad you’re back man was it Bubbas reach around that did the trick ;)

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Thanks for the update shadow - hang in there and get back on your feet soon

Avatar for Jascoi

hope shadowcat pulls out of it.

truth is we all pass on.

main causes for old farts are heart and pneumonia problems. sorry if i’m blunt. we ALL pass on. i have heart AND past pneumonia problems. eventually we all pass on. it’s eneventable. ( even siri could not figure out my intent.)

Avatar for rogertex

hoping to see you back in action

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

That's very inspirational MisterWonderful

Avatar for bubba267

Especially with Shadow posing right before him saying he was home.....

Avatar for 4got2wipe

Brilliant! Best wishes for continued shadowcat recovery!

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