
Too many. Physical flaws..

Avatar for OraCLE1

Has a dancer had too many physical flaws ( stretch marks, cellulite, C-section scars,knife wounds, bullet holes, etc) that you said " No Way!!!" Am I being too superficial if I want the fantasy of Flawless??? I am a visual person. I saw a dancer with a surgical scar going up and down her sternum. She was cute but I just couldn't.



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Avatar for Jascoi

you might see some of these flaws in mexico.

Avatar for mmdv26

Napalm, c-sec scars, boob job scars wear me out visually.

Avatar for rh48hr

It's your money and fantasy, you can spend it how you see fit.

I think it depends on what the flaw is for me. A good personality and high millage can make me forget flaws. We all have flaws so I don't hold them against a dancer if it doesn't just completely make them unattractive.

Avatar for shailynn

The older they get the more flaws they have. Same with me, so I'm okay with it. The main flaws I see are crows feet around the eyes and maybe a few stretch-a-roo marks from the kids. Thanks to strip club lighting I usually miss the c-section scars.

Avatar for wildbourbon

Things that turn me off:

  1. Bad smell (including breath). If you come to me and your mouth smells like pickle dick from 3 feet away, go away.

  2. Fat. I don't mind curvy but if the cottage cheese looks like a golf ball instead of a basketball, no. If I can bunch it up into a hairy donut around her belly button--fun--but not appetizing.

  3. Bad teeth. They don't have to be perfectly straight but if they look like a goblin shark brushed her teeth with a mixture of meth and alcohol resulting in the color of cake uranium, get out the Gieger counter and let's do science instead of dances.

I don't mind stretch marks if the girl works out. Same with other scars like c-section and stab wounds. One of my favorites had 3 knife wounds in her stomach from a crazy ex. She was slim, sexy, and sensual. Yum.

Avatar for jackslash

Why would we guys care about physical flaws? We are only interested in strippers' minds.

Avatar for Cashman1234

Physical issues don’t bother me at all. In terms of getting a girl to play with me in the back room - I don’t care about the looks or physical flaws.

As long as she’s a she - I’m good! If she’s a guy with tits - I can’t overlook that flaw.

Avatar for PaulDrake

It is your money to spend however you want but probably not cool to say "No way!!!"

Don't be a dick.

Avatar for flagooner

Flaws are in the eye of the beholder.

Some even consider Blue Waffles to be a flaw, can you believe that?

Avatar for Smalltowncpl

I personally think that some of the flaws make them more appealing and more real. ............

Plus the more flaws she does have usually means that she has lower self esteem therefore is probably higher mileage and extras are cheaper.

Avatar for twentyfive

Are bullet holes really a flaw ;))) ?

Avatar for sinclair

The surgical scar on her sternum may have been necessary to save her life so I can look past that, but stuff like a dancer being fat because she is too lazy to exercise is a whole other thing.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Any flaw at all, however minor, is grounds for immediate dismissal from consideration as a provider.

After all, I’m perfect, so I’m permitted to require perfection in return.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I don't think us/PLs "not being perfect" does not mean we can't have higher standards for dancers.

I can't cook but if I go to restaurant and pay for a meal I should expect the person preparing the meal to cook well and not give me an undercooked or burnt meal and feel it's ok bc I can't do any better myself.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Scars or even cellulite does not bother me (although all scars are not equal - a scar down the middle of her chest is def more impressive per se than a C-section scar).

I'm not into eye-candy per se - I've never turned down a dancer whose tits and ass I like bc of a c-section scar or even some cellulite.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that bullet holes are OK ;)

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ sure - that means they keep it real


Avatar for san_jose_guy

Oracle, you're not in junior high school anymore. Most of us are not JS69 chasing after our 19yo dream strippers. If you respect the woman and actually like her, then these things are less important.


Avatar for TXbananas

Somewhere on the continuum from GPS “10” Stripper down to Lard Ass with a Moustache there is a sweet spot—I think the ones with a few flaws are more fun, accessible and appreciative. A good personality never hurt.

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