6 yrs ago•Putz01reviewedShow & Tel1900 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19148A Very Positive Experience
6 yrs ago •Putz01commented onFirst-Timer ImpressionNo bouncer issues, but it was slow and I think everyone just wanted to call it quits for the night. I did stop in again on Thurs…
6 yrs ago•Putz01reviewedGold & Silver3121 Franklin Rd SW Roanoke, VA 24014Surprisingly Good (Revisited)
7 yrs ago•Putz01reviewedPapermoon Scott’s Addition3300 Norfolk St Richmond, VA 23230PM Downtown Richmond
7 yrs ago•Putz01reviewedRichard's Rendezvous1732 Altamont Ave Richmond, VA 23230RR - Definitely Worth a Visit
8 yrs ago•Putz01reviewedPure Pleasure68 Labrook Concourse A Richmond, VA 23224Pretty Good for Richmond