
Currency Readers at couches & in VIP ???

Avatar for FinalLap

A few clubs in recent years have installed electronic timers at every couch, booth, etc. Now, Lansing Deja Vu in Michigan has added electronic currency readers at each couch, as well as in each VIP room. Dancers have to feed the currency into the reader and it's electronically credited to their account for the End of Night payout. Highly distracting on the regular couches because it interrupts the continuity of multiple dances. Have any of you run into this elsewhere? Trend??? Thoughts?


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Avatar for samsung1

I think it will be a long time before smaller/independent strip clubs install these things. They are probably expensive.

It would not surprise me if more chain clubs (Rick's, Deja Vu, SR, etc.) installed them within the next few years because it does seem like it would help add more accountability and profits for the club.

I hope they are not like ATMs that have those hidden cameras. That might decrease mileage of dances.

Avatar for txtittyfan

I have never run into it. If given a choice, I would not frequent a club that did not have distraction free dances.

Avatar for stripclubspy

That's funny. I've heard that at Platinum Showgirls in Toledo, you actually pay a person sitting at a desk at the entrance to the VIP. In clubs where the house gets a cut of every dance, I suppose some sort of monitoring is inevitable. I prefer clubs were the girls have a fixed tip-out and then all transactions are between dancer and customer only.

This might benefit the girls is some ways... at least the honest ones... because they don't have a ton of cash at the end of the night that might get stolen. It also helps the club figure out exactly who the "big draws" are.

Avatar for 59

At some clubs I'm familiar with the girl wears a swipe card around her wrist (these are nude clubs). She swipes the reader on your way into the lap dance room. If you have a customer friendly girl at the end of your song or songs she bust ass and swipes the reader, then comes back and gets dressed. Pricing is $20 per 4 minute song and the computer is the arbiter.

Another club I go to you pay $20 to the guy at the desk on your way in and he hands a ticket to the dancer. Guy keeps track of songs. If you get more than one dance you pay the girl or the front desk guy for the additional songs and she gets more tickets. Presumably turns then in at shift end and gets $15 per ticket.

Other clubs same process except you don't prepay for the 1st song.

Other clubs things are squared away immediately. Guy monitors the number of songs. You pay the girl your $20 per, she pays the guy $5 per as she exits.

As another poster mentioned I prefer the clubs where the girl pays her house fee up front, then the meter is not running in the lap dance room and we can chill a bit if we want.

Avatar for steve229

"the girl wears a swipe card around her wrist"

next logical step is to have a bar code tattooed on the dancer's ass

Avatar for samsung1

haha reminds me of the family guy scene Quagmire At A Strip Club


He runs out of cash and slides his credit card through on the dancer's backside.

Avatar for SuperDude

How long will this "nickle and dime" stuff go on? At some point club managers will have to stop and think about the comfort and enjoyment of customers instead of looking for more ways to squeeze money out of us. No customer objects to clubs making money, but it's getting to the point that you can't enjoy yourself for all the hits for money. Maybe they should charge a flat rate of $150 at the door, issue a pass and some dance tickets and let us enjoy ourselves. (The door charge includes all of the bouncer, mens room and door girl tips.) I know that the more I get hit or interrupted for cash, the less I enjoy myself.

Avatar for CTQWERTY

"If given a choice, I would not frequent a club that did not have distraction free dances."

The Deja Vu on Midway in San Diego has had them for two years, but runs their drink hustle WHILE YOU'RE ON THE CLOCK IN VIP!!!!!

Avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein

Isn't this the perfect argument to stay out of the Deja Vu's? You spend all day on the clock at work, why do you want some time clock hound beating your balls in the club? The old card system was bad enough.

Lansing might be one of the better Vu's but I just can't bring myself to contribute to the McStrip Club atmosphere. So fuck the L-DV, Omar's is much better and Cheetahs is too. Or better yet, go to Flint or the D.

Avatar for Player11

I would not frequent a club like that. Unbeliveable they would want to do this crap.

Avatar for lopaw

A local club that recently closed down had that swipe card deal. It was almost like the dancer's were punching a timeclock. It was very disruptive to have her stop and "clock" back in after each dance. Between the timeclocks & the upselling of dances, it's no wonder that this particular club is history.

Avatar for samsung1

I would be willing to put up with this prepay bullshit only for a dancer above an 8...currently I have low enough standards that even a 6 will get my business.

Avatar for chandler

Leave it to Deja Vu. Isn't distracting the customer to extract money whenever possible the basis for everything they do? People keep coming back, so you can't really fault the place for taking it to such cynically explicit lengths.

I went to the Lansing Deja Vu once about 15 years ago. Couldn't stand all the gimmicks and contempt for their customers. Just to see if that was a fluke, I tried the one in Kalamazoo. It wasn't. I've never seen a reason to try another.

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