
Items Lost in a Strip Club

I was in a club this past weekend and after a number of LD's I realized that the keys to my rental car were missing and I was five states away from my home. Uh oh! Panic set in but luckily a couple of the dancers pitched in and we found the keys and my drivers license under the cushions in the lap dance area after approx 15 minutes of frantic searching. What have you lost in a club, and did you ever find it/them?


  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Left debit card at the bar after argument with dancer. Came back the next day and got it, unused, from the manager. He showed me a lost and found box with cell phones, hotel room swipe keys, credit cards, wedding rings, pocket calendars and wrist watches, all unclaimed. Some guys just forget where they lost things or were on the road and had to get to the airport.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I got a token for a coat check and lost that.... a bouncer went in the LD area with a flashlight to find it.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    "wedding rings"? That must be hard to explain that to your wife
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I once had a cigarette lighter stolen from me and a fav also lost one the same day.I always have a spare in my truck.Later I caught the waitress trying to steal it a 2nd time. She denied it but I believe that she just had a personal vendetta against smokers.
  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    Lost my billfold at Big Earls about ten years ago. I told Big Earl and he came out there with a flashlight and found it. But about a year ago, I took off my glasses in the lap dance area of a club I frequent (not Big Earls). When I left that area I picked up what I THOUGHT were my glasses and sauntered out to my car with the glasses in my pocket. I was just about to start the car when another guy knocked on the window and said, "I have your glasses in my hand and I think you must have mine." Sho'nuff. If he had waited one minute longer I wudda been outta there. Don't know if I would have ever noticed they weren't my own glasses - they sure looked like mine.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Anybody lose their virginity at one?
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    left keys in Li'l Darlings in Vegas once, came back in and found 'em without difficulty.
  • 59
    15 years ago
    Lost my glasses at Mons Venus years ago. This was back when it was wall to wall girls and customers. Dancer suggested we move and we had a miscommunication. I thought she grabbed my glasses along with her costume but she did not.

    She was apologetic once I ended my series of laps with her and she helped me look back where they'd been. No glasses. Went up to the girl at the entrance podium who calls the groups of girls up on stage (Hip Hop, next song - do they still do that?). She paged "anyone found a pair of glasses?". No response. It was like midnight-one, she suggested I call back between 4-6 am once it emptied out.

    I think I did call around then and then later during the cleaning crew. No glasses - did have at least one wallet though! I suspect some jerkoff pocketed them or something.

    Fortunately I had a older spare pair back at the motel, which was the Hojo across the street.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Money and my mind a time or two.
  • yndy
    15 years ago
    Lost my car keys. Was having a blast in the club (not drunk though) and didn't discover them missing until the end of the nite. Ended up having car towed and had to break into my my own house at 4 am in the middle of winter.

    One of the worst nights of my life. At least the cops didn't arrest me for the break-in!

    Silver lining: How the club staff helped me look and my fav offered to drive me home, warmed my heart.

  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Lost a nice pair of Maui Jim sunglasses. I had them hooked onto my shirt, and a dancer said they'd be in the way and took them off of me & put them onto a small shelf behind my head. Forgot about them, and never saw them again.

    Nowadays I wear only cheap crappy shades to clubs, and no matter how I try I can't seem to lose them! Funny how $300 pair of shades are lost within an hour of purchase, but my $19.99 Target specials I have had for 5 years!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    Sort of like having a trophy wife or a fuglie.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Money clip - spent all the cash, then lost the clip, too.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I have developed a habit of always checking my pockets after a lap dance sesssion for car and hotel keys. Not to mention money.Not that I do not trust the dancer but accidents do happen.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I have lost my cell phone on three different occasions. 2 of those me and the bouncer went to the lapdance room and found it, and the other time, I went to the lady at the front door and she had it. Of course, that's not as bad as the time I accidentally flushed it down the toilet, so that could have always been worse.
  • CarolinaWanderer
    15 years ago
    I am in fear of leaving my glasses, so I always put them next to my beer. I have never lost a beer!
  • BaddJack
    15 years ago
    I never lost my virginity, but I have lost my patience. I also, at various times, lost consciousness, my sense of fair play, my temper and my charming sense of innocence.

    I guess I just lose stuff..... :-(
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    BaddJack, you are a riot. Attorney right? I recently got a PM asking what has happened to Chitownlaywer. I of course have no idea. Are you him, reincarnated? I doubt it. You are much funnier but I miss his posts. My own attorney is sharp.I have not spoken to him in years (since my divorce)but I always carry his card.
  • BaddJack
    15 years ago
    ShadowCat: I am, at times, an attorney, and I still am licensed to practice. One reason I stayed out of the discussion on bartering is that in my younger days, I used to do it all the time. Dancers get tickets. And stuff.

    I miss the posts from Chitownlawyer as well. I am not him. Maybe I should come to the great Southeast and give you one of MY cards.
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    Lost my dancer in the VIP once. Was having a nice dance, when the girl next to us started to have an ahsma (sorry abut the spelling) attack. My girl runs back to the dressing room to look for medicine in her locker. Bouncer comes over to see if she's okay, and notices me just sitting there looking dumb with no babe on my lap. Says "did u lose something"?
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Other than losing money, the only thing I recall losing at a strip club I lost during lap dances. One time I believe I lost a car ignition chip. However I had a spare so no big problem. Another time I lost a button on my shorts. Apparently when one dancer got me in a private spot that usually wasn't there, she went hog wild and ripped open my shorts so fast the button must have flown off. The club got rid of that private spot by my next visit. I had one feature entertainer rip open my shirt and that ruined a perfectly good nice shirt but I consider that an act of vandalism rather than losing something. She ticked me off doing that but she didn't stick around. Oh, I also lost some beer due to a waitress or bouncer taking my cooler before they should have. I never left my cooler alone after that or without someone watching it.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I remember a dancer lost her top part of her red dress outfit one night. She was looking all over for it and suspected a customer must have stolen it. She mentioned to me almost in tears that her outfit cost $500 and it wouldn't be any good with that part missing. Then she went looking for it again after mentioning someone probably took it as a souvenir and didn't think about how much it would cost her. I never did ask her if she ever found it but I don't recall seeing her wearing that outfit after that. I didn't want to bring up the subject.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I met someone within the last few months who lost his ride home. His friends took off without him and his car was parked over 3 miles away downtown.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    CG, dancer out fits are not cheap but $500 is ridiculous. Just look at the prices on Virginity's Secretes...
  • 59
    15 years ago
    Come to think of it I've "lost" my cell phone at least a couple of times. Left it on a table (black phone on black table) in a VIP room one time. Went back a little later and the hot blonde cocktail waitress had it. Tipped her well.

    Another time was a regular lap dance room. Went back and it was a little awkward. Cell phone was sitting on a table by the "naughty girl" couch that I'd just vacated. Kind of tucked into a corner, not much visibility by bouncers or other room occupants. Had to say "excuse me" and reach over a guy and girl having similar fun to what I'd just had.

    Another time was humorous. Finish my series of dances with a fave and as she's gathering up her purse and costume she picks up my cell phone. "Hey Kara, that's mine." "Oh, it looks just like my cell phone." Had a laugh.

    I've also had the dancer rock the singles out of my front pocket deal where they've landed up partly in the couch cushions. That girl was nice enough to point it out to me, not sure I would have noticed!
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I once dropped my wallet.I noticed it missing when I came back from the mens room.Scared the shit out of me.Not only my drivers license, credit card, etc but also about $500.Fortunately I was with TUSCL_Brother and some fav dancers.They saw me drop it and picked it up.I no longer wear any pants that do not have secure pockets. Buttons or val-crow.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Hey Lopaw, pardon me for asking but why do you even take sunglasses into a strip club? Is it an LA thing? Some kind of Corey Hart thing?
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    I lost my car key once at an East St. Louis club. It could have been as bad an ordeal as yndy describes if not for my own dumb luck. I discovered it was missing after I'd been there about 2-3 hours. A bunch of strippers helped in the search, but no dice. This was more than a little awkward because I'd spent all my time there with faves who were both gone by then, and the girls who were helping me were ones I'd turned down for dances and probably hadn't tipped at the stage. One let me use her cell phone to call practically every locksmith in the yellow pages. Stripper with a heart of gold, I tell ya.

    It was a Sunday afternoon, so it was hard to get ahold of anybody, let alone a locksmith willing to venture into the mean streets of Washington Park. I learned from one that because of the electronics in my key, the only way I could get a replacement made was to get my car towed to the nearest dealer, then wait for them to open Monday morning. Meanwhile, I had to be at a meeting back in Michigan Monday morning, a five hour+ drive away, so I was debating whether to head to the airport instead. My only hope was that I had dropped the key inside the car before exiting, while trying to slip it into the little pocket in my shorts. After about three hours, as it was turning to dusk, a locksmith finally showed up, and sure enough that's exactly what had happened. Embarrassing though it was discover that, it felt like a death row reprieve, and soon I was on my merry way home. Of course, I never heard the end of it by next time back, even though months had passed.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I like wearing shades in the club sometimes. It helps cover up my eyes from those damn flashing disco lights. Also it makes it tougher for the stripper to read you with eye contact. Similar reason why poker players like to wear them inside while playing.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I have lost a few loads, but never bothered to look for them. I always assumed the dancer had them.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I wish I could lose weight going to a SC/gym combo. They could install gym equipment so while we are working out we can watch live strippers instead of watching sports or news.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Sam, scuze me for getting all steve229 on you, but that's sort of what I meant by a Corey Hart thing:

    "I wear my sunglasses at night
    So I can, so I can
    Watch you weave
    Then breathe your story lines
    And I wear my sunglasses at night
    So I can, so I can
    Keep track of the visions in my eyes

    "While she's deceiving me
    It cuts my security
    Has she got control of me
    I turn to her and say
    Don't masquerade
    With the guy in shades, oh-no"
  • yndy
    15 years ago

    first i had my locked car opened by the tow truck guy. had hoped they were misplaced inside, as you describe, but unfortunately not.

    i came back in the daylight and searched the parking lot. no keys. my only explanation is someone accidently (can't imagine maliciously) took them home.
  • Plenty of marriages. Dignity. Self respect. Marriage vows. Cleanliness.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago

    I occasionally walk from my job @ lunchtime over to my fave dive club for some lunch & some dancer-dessert. Takes me 23 minutes each way. Our L.A. afternoons are notoriously sunny, so shades are a necessity.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I once locked my rental car keys in my car in Ft Meyers FL. It was during a raging thunder storm and I got distracted.When we were leaving the restaurant, I realized what I had done.I called the rental company for help.They said that they did not have spare keys and that it was my problem. I had to call a locksmith. It cost me $40 (that was a lot of money 20 yeas ago). He shoved his tool into my window and in less than 5 minutes, I was outta there. That company has been on my shit list ever since.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Thought of this thread the other day in the club. I was getting a two girl dance and things got a little rambunctious and my glasses must have gotten knocked off the side table. We got some strange looks from the other dancers when the three of us were all on our hands and knees on the floor looking for my glasses.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I got burned by a locksmith for nearly $200 last year. It was at 2 am and did not have much other choice besides sleeping out on the street until day time.
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