This happened to me last week. I went to the VIP area (which is very private)with a lovely dancer. We were just getting started and she said it was her turn on stage and said she would be back and make it worth my while. This has never happened to me before. I was about to leave, but noticed she left some of her personal things next to me, so I figured she would be back. Since I had my beer, I thought I'd wait it out and see what happened. When she came back, she apologized with FS for the price of a couple LDs. Her leaving me there surprised me as we were the only ones in the VIP area I could see and there appeared to be plenty of other dancers to cover the stage rotation. Has anything similar happened to you.
Is this standard in that club? For some clubs it is, for others not. IME it's not common, and where it is policy, the VIP time is generally adjusted. It sounds like you made out pretty good, though.
Some clubs will not allow dancers to sub for each other when occupied in the VIP. Others leave it to the dancers to work out as long as there is a rotation on stage. Friction between dancers can make it hard to get a sub. I never wait for a dancer to return. If she leaves me, wherever we are, I consider her gone for the evening. Your patience paid off.
Yes, this has happened to me.Most of the time the dancers just say fuck it and don't make their stage appearance.Some will get friends to sub for them. My favs will check with the DJ to see where they are on the list. If they are close, we wait. I have been left sitting. I really hate that.You look like a voyeur.Twice in one Atlanta club the bouncer interrupted us. "give us another $20 and we will let her pass" The pussy was good, so I paid. The best option is when the dancer will check with the DJ.It works for both of us.
This is a regular occurrance at Brad's Brass in Indy. There's one clock about the size we all grew up with in elementary school mounted to the wall in VIP. VIP is $100 for a half hour. One could be all hot and heavy with a dancer and then she informs you she has to go on stage. She then checks "father time" and tells you something like "you have 20 minutes left." One then gets to watch the other action transpiring in the VIP area (not an extras place) for seven minutes or so. Then your hot date comes back and onwards for another 20 minutes. I've never had a gal cheat me on the remaining time, fyi.
I had a dancer run to the dressing room once because another girl was having an asthma attack in the VIP and didn't have her inhaler. The bouncer came in to check on her, saw me sitting there by myself, and said "Lose something?"
At the club where I have a VIP membership it is club policy that girls are not skipped whether or not they're in the champagne room.
My fave is talkative and while we often are back there for an hour I pay for a half hour. During the daytime there's not many girls so it's a guarentee she'll be called up. It's $10 for her to tip the DJ for "a skip". Sometimes I'll front her the money, more often I'll just chill while she's gone for the 8-10 minutes.
Happened a few times while some will just say screw it and not go. Kind of like stripclubspy, I had one dancer stop in the middle of a song because the drunk guy getting a dance next to us was getting too frisky with the girl (forcing himself) so my girl went to get a bouncer. Another time, a fight between dancers and a bartender broke out and was audible in the VIP so my dancer left to see what was happening. Gave me a free dance for leaving.
Itr's pretty regular at the places that I frequent most. A few places will let the dancer skip her turn if she's in a 'VIP. At one place, another girl might simply take her turn in the rotation to let a co-worker make some money. This seems to depend on nhow many dancers on on shift. If it's a small club and only a few dancers on shift, everybody has to take their turn. Of course, if you can go at an odd hour when there are no other customers, who cares if anyone is on stage. That's also happened to me.
It's happened to me a few times. Most of the time, it's the last dance I get from that dancer in a night. You'd think they would have more awareness of when they have to go onstage, considering they are always following the same people, more or less. My current ATF always knows when she's up soon, because she will sometimes say no to a dance, but always because she knows she's up soon. I know at a couple places I've been to, they skip the dancer in VIP, and my favorite club, if they have more than 5 dancers, seems to be entirely free form. I can be there 3 hours, and see one dancer 3 times, and another never. There is something of an order, because you see the club owner with his sheet listing the dancers. I think what it is is if Dancer #1 dances, and Dancer #2 is in VIP, they go to Dancer #3, but when #3 is done, they don't go to #2, they go to #4, and then #5 and so on. I can't say that's it, that's just speculation, but it seems free form.
well at some clubs when you go to VIP you can pay for a "skip" which skips the dancer for up to 30mins from being called on stage...they usually will hold that skip up to an hr or however long you are in VIP with her.
yeah, it happens at one time or another, yeah, the dancers should know when they are going onstage. The dancers I have had have come back, but, by then, the happy man has shrunk and it costs more to get things going which pisses me off, but oh well.
Lesson: Ask the dancer before you go back for dances.
CT, thanks for that intel on Brad's. I am thinking about making a travel there from Columbus.. Either Brad's or one of the clubs in Dayton like Cheeks or Living Room. The living room is 20 minutes closer but Cheeks is on the top 10 tuscl list (although it is brand new to it)
As for the original topic, I like the cliche "all is well that ends well". If you got cheap FS from it then I would be a happy customer.
It's been a long time, but Cheek's was always preferred by me over the Living Room. Some of that bias may be due to the fact I once went to the Living Room and they had some sort of gay night or something. Wasn't pleasant. This was many years ago. Cheek's was also closer.
I've never had a dancer leave in middle of a set of LDs to go onstage. Recently at Club Fantasies in RI, I was with an Asian dancer that I heard called onto both of their topless & all-nude stages while we were getting a long set of LDs & she didn't even try to leave. Most larger clubs will just let the dancers make more money doing LDs than be onstage. CF also has more than one dancer onstage at most times it's no biggie.
last commentMy fave is talkative and while we often are back there for an hour I pay for a half hour. During the daytime there's not many girls so it's a guarentee she'll be called up. It's $10 for her to tip the DJ for "a skip". Sometimes I'll front her the money, more often I'll just chill while she's gone for the 8-10 minutes.
Lesson: Ask the dancer before you go back for dances.
As for the original topic, I like the cliche "all is well that ends well". If you got cheap FS from it then I would be a happy customer.
It's been a long time, but Cheek's was always preferred by me over the Living Room. Some of that bias may be due to the fact I once went to the Living Room and they had some sort of gay night or something. Wasn't pleasant. This was many years ago. Cheek's was also closer.