
Celebrities you've actually seen inside a strip club

Avatar for Slothrop

Happened all the time in Vegas. Nicholas Cage at the Crazy Horse Too, 3 in the morning, a Saturday, I think. One of the strippers pointed him out to me. " Did you see Nick Cage over there? I just danced for him." George Cloony at the Spearmint Rhino, about midnight one Friday.

TV sports reporter in Denver, Ron Zappalo, used to frequent Shotgun Willie's after games. He ended up getting divorced and marrying one of the strippers.


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Avatar for Drippy

My fav in Detroit says pro sports figures come in on a regular basis. However, I have not been in the club when anyone famous was also there. I'm sure many famous people have the same lust/desire as we PLs have to see near naked (or naked) beautiful women. After all, we're all just human.

Avatar for samsung1

There was a golf tournament and I saw a Lamborghini in the parking lot of Kahoot's. There were only 2 other customers in there besides myself. One was sitting with a dancer nursing his beer. The other guy was buying lap dances from every girl who gave the "wanna dance" line to him. I asked about him and they mentioned his name (I don't remember it though) and he was a professional golfer.

Another time a UFC fighter visited Vanity with a large entourage and the DJ was acting as if he was best friends with the guy and kept trying to make us believe he was a really big deal. Sure, he might be famous among UFC fans but I don't know him.

I did not talk to either of these celebrities but then again they were not famous enough for me to even know their names or remember them.

Avatar for compshop

At Pts Sauget, I've seen at least 2x John Goodman (nice guy--enjoyed talking to him about the Coen bros. movies he's done). Also, at the same club one late afternoon was Wayne Gretzky and Janet Jones, while he was playing for the Blues. Several dancers kept coming over and talking to them--I had the distinct impression they were "interviewing" prospective 3rd parties for a 3some. Oh, to be a professional athlete superstar!

Avatar for shadowcat

Pro athletes are not liked in clubs. They are not big spenders. They get their pussy for free. I have not personally met any Celebs ITC but have met Charro, Sammy Davis Jr,and Dean Martin in my air line travels. None impressed me. I have heard that Brittney Spears visited my favorite club but have not been able to confirm that. I don't need them.

Avatar for Roscoe5500

One afternoon a couple of years ago at Olympic Gardens in Las Vegas one of the dancers pointed out Don Johnson of Miami Vice fame enjoying the ladies.

Avatar for CTQWERTY

I would've like to have been present for the Plexico Burress' incident. So long as I wouldn't have caught a stray, having a celeb shoot oneself at a strip club would've been surreal to say the least.

Avatar for londonguy

Saw Lemmy from Motorhead in Stringfellows, London. Heard a rumour that John Deacon (ex-Queen Bass player) frequents a lot of U.S. clubs.

Avatar for samsung1

Pacman Jones was another celebrity that frequented the gentlemen's clubs.

Avatar for 59

Saw Pauly Shore at Delilah's outside Atlantic City years ago.

Don't know that it qualifies but I saw Gina Lynn, porn star, chillin' as a customer at Delilah's in Philly earlier this year. Even with that much cleavage and big blonde hair circulating the place, less dressed than her, she stands out.

Just had a conversation this past weekend with a fave. She mentioned the athletes suck, they're poor tippers.

I thought the Plaxico incident was in a night club, not a strip club?

Avatar for CTQWERTY

59, you're probably right. I thought it was one of those stories where the press massaged the headline to remove strip from the headline; kindof like the way "make love" is used instead of "have sex".

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I saw an NBA player in SLC. No idea who he was, but he was "showering" just about every dancer.

Avatar for BaddJack

Don Johnson (pre-"Miami Vice" but post-"A Boy and His Dog") used to come into a bar I worked at when I was in college. Although we had Michelob Light on tap, we kept it in bottles just for him. I was the only guy that knew that he was in the movies, and told him what a fan I was of "A Boy and His Dog." The other employees of the bar had NO idea that he was a sorta-kinda movie star and thought he was just a dick without any reason to be arrogant. He did, however, bring his ultra-hot young starlet wife in occasionally, and Melanie Griffith would get drunk, flirt with the young impressionable bartender and rub her titties on all the regulars. That made him OK in my book.

Avatar for Slothrop

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, saw Chubby Checker at the Olympic Garden one late afternoon. I think he was appearing at an oldies show at one of the resorts. He was wearing sunglasses indoors, but I knew it was him from the conversation with the bartender and I'd seen him before.

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RE: Melanie Griffith. Young is correct! She was, as I recall a very young teen when she started going with him. This was before their first marriage. Likely she was underage in that bar, getting "drunk", as you state.

Avatar for steve229

Griffith supposedly started dating Don Johnson when she was 14 (he was 22)! They married when she was 18. You can check out an 18 year old Melanie Griffith as a sex crazed nymphet in "The Drowning Pool" starring Paul Newman.

Avatar for muni48

Saw Tony Stewart in Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis in 2008. He lives nearby.

Avatar for bornloser

I also saw Pauley Shore years ago in a club. Locally, I have seen the Titans players but never Pacman. One night at Christies, they kind of took over the whole club(most were 300 lb linemen) Some brought their wifes. Brad Hopkins was later arrested for smacking his wife up side her head not long after I saw them . Melanie Giffith played a stripper in an 80's unknown movie and also played a pornstar in BODY DOUBLE.

Avatar for bumrubber

How could you see who anyone is inside the Olympic Gardens? Way too dark in there...

Avatar for stripperfan

I've seen the following athletes at strip clubs...

Kareem Abdul Jabbar (club in Houston)

George Brett (club in Milwaukee). He was there with Clint Hurdle and Bill Buckner.

Jim Kelly (houston)

Pete Rose (Cincinnati)

John Salley (Windsor, Ontario)

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Since my last post in this topic some 3+ years ago, I have seen and met shadowcat in SC and GA.

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