Last Dance

avatar for steve229
Dancer asks if I'd like to get the “last dance” from her. I thought she just meant last dance of her shift, but turns out she was quitting dancing that night. She was offering her last dance, ever, which was too unique to pass up.

We chatted a little afterward, and she gave me the rundown: Danced for 9 months, banked as the new girl in the club, even though she couldn't really dance very well at first. The newness factor wore off, but her dancing had improved by then and she picked up a few regulars along the way. Still, business was slow, and the club kept raising house fees, hiring too many girls, etc. She had finally decided to get a “real' job in a restaurant.

Could have been SS (not my usual club, so I won't know if she shows up dancing next week), but I didn't get that vibe. Anyway, how typical does this sound to you?

“So let's dance, the last dance
let's dance, the last dance
let's dance, this last dance tonight”


last comment
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Whores come and go. Who cares? Not sure what the point of this thread is.
avatar for Floridaguy23
15 years ago
I think it was an interesting story.
avatar for LeeH
15 years ago
Ditto what Chise said.

Dougster, there's no more PL than someone who thinks that anyone who shows any emotion (other than disdain) for dancers is a PL.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
LeeH: Wrong there is no bigger a PL than someone who finds this story interesting. Let's see.

A whore worked in a strip club and her dancing improved and she made money but then business got worse so she quit.

Still no sure what the point is.

avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
I was there for the supposed last night of a particular favorite dancer, although I have no idea if I was her last dance that day, but I have since seen her at a different club. But I'm not completely sure it was SS because I found out after the fact she was married. Perhaps the divorce happened.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
It sounds like SS..but interesting SS nonetheless.
Her "real" job in a restaurant will probably be just as slow if the local SCs are slow. She will be back to stripping but maybe at a different club with lower house fees.
avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago
Dougster, your disdain for this topic begs the question, what on this site do you find interesting? I'd think saying "all strippers are whores" would get old after a while if that's all you think. Is it your God-given mission to educate us all to that fact?

My current theory is that your mother was a stripper (excuse me, whore), your father was a DJ or bouncer who didn't give a f***, and your mother ran off with another bouncer leaving u to be raised by the state. No wonder you're so bitter.
avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago
Back on the subject, "my last dance" could mean good intentions at the time, or temporary frustration, or SS. I once had a dancer at Silver Cricket in Dearborn tell me she would never work in a dump like H8N (it came up because she was talking to a friend on her cell who was working there), and not 3 days later I saw her at the very same aforementioned dump. Later she told me she lived in Jackson, over an hour away, but would never work in the clubs there because she didn't want to see her high school classmates, etc. Then a friend of hers told me she was working in Jackson now. Elastic resolutions.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
My current theory is that you are a faggot.
avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago
avatar for jabthehut
15 years ago
Wow! dougster sure has some issues. He calls people names and seems to have a bad outlook on life. I'm guessing his wife was a dancer(whore) and left him for one of her customers. Sure, there are some whores that are dancers but not all dancers are whores just like there are some wives that are whores but not all wives are whores. Of course all dougsters are idiots.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
The faggots are sure crawling out of the woodwork today. What is this? Gay pride day for them or something?
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
LOL, hey stripclubspy, I think Dougster wants to get a room with you.

But back to the topic, the dancers usually just move to another club. I have heard this story enough times and lo and begorrah, inevitably they turn up elsewhere.
avatar for neoguy
15 years ago
I ran into a friend dancing at a club. I never felt comfortable getting a dance from her, but always watched her from a distance. When she told me she was leaving I was very disappointed. The last day I at least got her to sit on my lap, show off her great ass to me, but all this did was make me wish I would have not waited to start getting that friendly with her. She was truly leaving the biz, but I am hoping she comes back once in awhile just to make some quick, extra cash. I wont make the mistake twice.
avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago
Poor Dougster doesn't have much imagination, all he can do is call me a faggot, which is pretty funny considering this is a straight strip club site. Like if I was gay, I would be spending any time here.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
stripclubspy = closet case (Duh! Not very bright either is he? Lacks "imagination".)
avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago
LOL... you are so predictable... always taking the bait.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Oh, I'm the one taking the bait? LOL! What a dumb fag you are.
avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago

Several people have told me that the "ignore" function was created because of you. I believe them.

You should be nicer to me, I'm probably the only person who actually reads your posts. It seems everyone else already has you on "ignore".
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
You're really, really dumb aren't you spy? Let's see just in this thread we had Chise and LeeH respond to me and that's no even considering other threads. Yep, everyone has me on ignore. For sure!

stripclubspy = dumb as can be
avatar for how
15 years ago
RE: Last Dance Ever -- I bet she'll be back, even if that was not her intention before.

RE: Last Dance of the Night -- I don't like the mad scramble for one more dance before closing, because it will always be lame and rushed.
avatar for Otto22
15 years ago
Dougster finally forced me to discover the (ignore) icon. Who needs his homophobic rants?
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
well, it's kinda funny that Dougster only has posted reviews about the same club. Sounds to me like he is rather limited in his experiences so he likes to go on homophobic rants to get his rocks off.
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
According to the Oracle of South Park, which routinely tells us which way the cultural winds are blowing, the word "fag" or "faggot" no longer has anything to do with being a homosexual. To be a fag, one must be awash with misplaced self-importance, engage in annoying public behavior, be totally out of touch with current cultural trends, and be utterly without any sense of how others perceive them (in the enlightenment episode, it was noisy "outlaw" bikers who earned the insult). In short, anyone who routinely calls people they don't know "whores" and "faggots" (the latter using the older meaning), is in fact, guilty of faggotry (i.e. displaying the characteristics of a fag) themselves.
Thus it has been written by the Oracle of South Park and thus it shall be. Cartman says so . . . Goddammit!!!!

avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
Dougster/Bobby-boy is a simple Internet Troll. They exist to endlessly stir the pot & draw attention to themselves. Just ignore them all...

"it's kinda funny that Dougster only has posted reviews about the same club."

Wrong, he's posted exactly zero *real* SC reviews because that's not why he is here. He's a Troll, period end of story.

I admit that the mad rush of some dancers at the end of the night for the profitable "last dance" is quite amusing. A long time ago at a former favorite club of mine in northern NY state, one dancer came out of the LD room, looked around the main room that was mostly filled with college kids that weren't spending too much money, and said out loud, "Hmmmmm, I've made (x-amount of money) so far...just need one more LD..." For what I'll never know...maybe drugs, as she was excessively skinny.
avatar for 59
15 years ago
Knew a petite Asian dancer in Vegas for 2-3 years. In her early 20's. Going to UNLV to be a teacher. Got a part time job in a nursery school. Decided to call it quits from dancing at OG.

I suggested she come in one last time and dance for me. I agreed to pay her house fee as incentive, at that time it was $40. We did 8 dances over a couple hour period, gave her $200, parted ways, and she headed out.

Only spoke with her on the phone briefly one time after that. No idea if I was truly her final lap dance but would like to think so.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
stripclubspy fits both the old and new definitions of the words "faggot" and "gay".

MisterGay: sorry my reviews are real even if infrequent. Now that parody and njcsfan are gone YOU are the biggest troll on this board, but, unfortunately, a rather weak one.
avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago
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