
Comments by casualguy (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If a dancer had a sexual disease and you knew it and she was trying to share it, I would hope that information would be spread around freely. However everything else should be more private.
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    15 years ago
    Don't Tip Your Dancer? Go Directly to Jail . . .
    Customers who don't like paying tips may just leave and stay away or possibly never come back. I know of one dancer that annoyed me again asking for a tip after a $10 table dance. No one else does there and she seems to have trouble remembering that she asked for and got the money for the table dance before the dance. I will stay away and avoid the club now. Others may follow the same pattern. When the club doesn't have many customers, someone will get that message. That's on top of the fact that the dancers aren't as appealing to me there anymore either. I'm talking about a club called Nepals. Platinum Plus down the road isn't as appealing as it used to be either even though some familar faces still seem to show up very late at night. I don't care for their increased cover charge after midnight. I'm not going to visit any strip club this coming weekend.
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    15 years ago
    Technical question
    Still have a problem? I once had this problem and had some conflict with another program using my sound files so no sound. It's possible it was just corrupted. I don't remember anymore how I fixed it. It's possible I went to the remove programs section under the control panel and then added back what I needed. However I don't know what your problem is so this is only a guess at best. Something else I've done on occasion is to load another sound reading program such as ReadPlease that is a text to software program and sometimes the sound will activate when that program runs and then youtube sound is suddenly back. I'm not sure where I occasionally get the conflicts on my system but they seem to be better now. Actually I believe a web site I once visited messed up my settings.
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    15 years ago
    Where to you like to sit at the club?
    Anytime I think a spot is a great place in one club, eventually someone at the club must think the same thing and the next thing I know, they have it roped off and unavailable unless you pay for some special event. Now I'm starting to think I may not visit that club as much.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    my halloween at the club
    You missed out. The penthouse club you could have gotten in for free with a costume. Almost everyone was wearing a costume and they even had tombstones and flashing skeletons up on stage. Nepals was ok but not as much fun. Platinum sucked a bit.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I don't usually barter. However if I think a deal is good for me and legal or I won't get in trouble, I may be interested. Lots of time I guess I do barter 2 lapdances for two pieces of paper. While the paper is still deemed to be of some value, sounds like a good deal in some cases. The way the Fed keeps printing money, you wonder how long will it still be worth something?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If extras were as simple as kissing a tit etc. etc., I get so many extras for free on many nights in different clubs that I wouldn't know why I would bother with lap dances. It's pretty easy to kiss a tit when both are pressed up against your face. (Happens alot when you tip a dollar.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I don't know of anything else I would consider an extra. The other things make you want to be a repeat customer. Free dances instead of sitting and talking are nice too. I believe many guys would value a free dance thrown into the mix a whole lot more than if a dancer sat and talked through 2 or 3 songs. If you don't have repeat customers, you aren't going to have any steady business unless you constantly have tourists visiting.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Udate on gridget and TUSCL_Brother.
    I wish gridget well. Sounds like she is going through a rough time. I'm impressed with having a father who is 97. Even if your age is in the 60's, you could have another 3 decades to visit strip clubs. When I was young I had a car door slammed on my fingers. It hurt like crazy. I didn't have any lasting injury though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I don't name body parts either. I call my arm an arm, etc. etc. I once called one dancers leg Thanksgiving and her other leg Christmas. Then I jokingly asked if I could come visit between the holidays. She said she hadn't heard that joke before.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Fat and Happy Mechanics Prefer Hookers Over Strippers . . .
    The mechanic I knew wasn't into hookers or strip clubs and was married. I haven't met anyone who is into gun control. Everyone I meet is more like I have the right to have a gun and am willing to fight over it. That is if they even care about the issue. Obama has been real good about increasing gun sales and/or ammo. I hear there is a shortage of ammo.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you think SCs give you unrealistic expectations?
    I was talking about meeting people in regular bars or clubs. No one is half naked there. Not even the dancer I met one night. Maybe I don't understand the question. I was talking about how I may be reacting a bit jaded due to visiting lots of strip clubs by getting rid of possibly single girls in regular bars who act the slightest bit like an annoying stripper.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Desperate' Phillies fan arrested for offering sex in exchange for World Series
    I wonder if the undercover officer consumated her offering to make sure she would go through with it? I've heard about some cops do the sex first to prove their case, then they do the arrest. If that is true, makes you wonder if some cases go unreported. Maybe this will serve as a lesson to any other females attempting to do this. You need to be good or the cop may get pissed off and arrest you.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you think SCs give you unrealistic expectations?
    What happens if you see a dancer at a regular club and she comes over and talks to you for a few minutes? If she says she's going off to work, you might say "ok, see you in a little while."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you think SCs give you unrealistic expectations?
    I think sometimes drunk girls in regular bars can get a bit annoying. I haven't experienced anything as bad as some annoying strippers though. I remember one girl in a regular bar came up to me and started talking. The next thing I know she keeps asking "you're married aren't you?" I said no again and again. Finally after a couple of minutes of that I got tired of it and said "yes, I'm married." Then she finally left. I guess I could have asked her questions to prove I wasn't married but instead used a tactic just to get rid of her as if I was in a strip club. Lots of times it seems like the girl most interested in you is someone you're not interested in. I remember another time sitting at a bar in a regular club a slightly older woman came up to me and gave me 4 free passes to her club. As she rubbed her breasts up against my shoulders she told me we need more people like you to visit. If I had been in a strip club, I might have thought she wanted to do a lap dance. Most of the time in a regular bar though, you're just sitting around with no one bothering you and start thinking, this is really weird being left alone.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I vaguely remember seeing a video where a girl said she would not use KY because it may lead to a yeast infection (because of sugar in it?). I don't remember clearly what she said anymore but that's what I remember. I'm not sure if that's true or not. I guess KY would be better than nothing if you needed something.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    GGW busted
    The Girls Gone Wild bus stopped in some small towns here in South Carolina. I heard a crowd was at the bar but nobody got naked or saw anything that interesting. I heard they also had like the entire police department at the event so I guess nobody even thought about exposing anything. I would have felt disappointed if I had missed something.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Desperate' Phillies fan arrested for offering sex in exchange for World Series
    I wonder how often do you find a girl offering sex for World series tickets? If it's one in a million, the police should find something else to investigate or the state budget cut and those positions eliminated. Obviously they aren't doing a whole lot to curtail crime if they are going after a one in a million event. If she hadn't been caught, I seriously doubt that it would have affected society very much. Now some guy breaking into automobiles and getting away free or other common crimes is what the police should be investigating in my opinion. Unfortunately if the crime sticks, she'll probably have to deal with a lifetime of sex offender restrictions the same as a violent sexual criminal.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shelf Life of Favorites?
    My first favorite managed to keep things interesting for me. At times she made it seem like she was really giving me a girlfriend experience getting angry at me for I don't know what reason. She even quit working at the club because she knew I would be there. Then she came back after 3 months happy to see me again. I have one favorite that I believe things did get a bit stale. I was getting tired of always getting dances from her but enjoyed her dances anyway since she was a lot better than other dancers. She periodically leaves and works at the beach for a few months. The last time she came back, she was looking good all nice and tan with a better looking shape. She lost a few pounds and had a lot more guys all looking at her probably wondering who she was and why she never danced on stage. If you only see someone a few times in a couple of months, it's not that hard for someone to stay a favorite of yours a lot longer.
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    15 years ago
    My Baby got the Swine Flu
    I heard the national average was about 7 percent of the US population has swine flu. In South Carolina the average rate is only 6 percent. I believe more people had it here first when it was first spreading. It might be safer to visit strip clubs in South Carolina. Many people have already got sick and recovered. They are immune now to the same strain of swine flu spreading out to other areas. I heard almost no coughing in church this past weekend. Several weeks ago, it seemed like everyone was sick or had runny noses. In the schools a few weeks ago, they said they weren't testing for swine flu anymore because if you were sick, that was usually swine flu. If you go with 7 percent of the population has swine flu, then that means at least 7 percent of the dancers at a club are likely infected. If a club has 100 dancers, 7 should have the swine flu on average. Did they all stay home? Probably not. I had some type of bad cold for 3 to 4 days. I wouldn't be surprised if that was swine flu.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Trying to decide if I want to go out tonight myself. Supposed to be in the 30's in the morning with snow in the moutains. I was wearing shorts last weekend. I'm still home though and it's already 8:30 PM.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strippers BI-Polar?
    Maybe it just depends what time of month it is. One minute they act all nice and friendly. The next time they may want to bash your brains out or ignore you. The next time they may want to make you happy. The next time, they'll be pissed off for some unknown reason. If they always act friendly, you may not know them too well.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If you think you are friends with a dancer or have a special relationship with h
    By the way some dancers sometimes can believe they have a special relationship with a guy when the guy doesn't think it's that special. Probably the definition of dancer's boyfriend. If the guy doesn't know it, it's only a matter of time before she gets pissed off at him for some unknown reason.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If you think you are friends with a dancer or have a special relationship with h
    I had a dancer recently ask me for facebook information. I told her I didn't have anything there. It wasn't the first time I was asked. I haven't even looked up anyone on that site. A number of people online and in real life are stuck up. I have better luck dealing with people face to face rather than with some unknown user profile. The more I heard about the latest dancer who was telling me about her life, the more I was glad I'm hard to get information on. There was a reason I once promised myself never to go out with a dancer again. They always seem to have too much stripper shit going on in their lives. Maybe it's not just stripper related stuff but everyday problems. I might like having fun but I'm not looking to get into a relationship with a girl with a kid with other problems with ex's etc. I got the impression stripper web is mainly from a biased stripper reality viewpoint. I never got interested in learning more.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you occasionally encounter a dancer biting you on your neck?
    I agree with shadowcat when it comes to my neck, kisses are ok. I don't care for someone biting my neck. It didn't hurt but I don't want someone's teeth right there. I just don't remember who did it. I believe I was just tipping someone a dollar on stage. For some reason it seems like it happened at more than one club recently.