
Shelf Life of Favorites?

What do you consider a good “run” with a favorite?

I see some references to guys/gals having favorites for “years”, but have to wonder if things wouldn't get pretty stale by then.


  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Set a low budget for all ATF OTC activities. When she has exhausted that buddget through shopping, dinners, gifts, emergencies and holidays, then end it.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    If she makes it too obvious that she is only using me for money then I move on. I just don't find her attractive any more.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    1 or 2 visits, tops.
    I guess that's too short a time to even consider them "favorites".
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    I have been seeing my fav for over a year. Her performance in bed is awesome. Our first sexual encounter was in CR at the club. Like a heisman trophy WR, she is a keeper. She has just recently posted more sessions with me than any other girl and still going strong.

    To answer your question, I will drop them if there is excessive drama, pressure requests for big handouts, and lack of a good GFE during sex. All of those can be the impact of drugs or some sleazebo BF pimping them.

    The reality is at some point in time they may graduate, , get married (and want to stop the sessions) leave town, etc. I have had a number of strippers as mistresses over the years and keep an extensive photo archive of them.

  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Going on 5 years now but she retired from stripping 2 years ago.She will still meet me for lunch and hang with me in the club afterword. Guess I have the best of 2 worlds. I have a beautiful strip club buddy. If she knows, she will give me the dirt on any dancer.I get special prices and dances.We frequently do 3 somes with other dancers that she is comfortable with.She will hook my other buddies up.If you have to ask her name, you are a dumb ass.
  • Ecdysiast
    15 years ago
    The relationship between a customer and his/her "favorite" dancer will only become stale if it is based on the temporary intrigue of mystery or if too much emphasis is put on the financial transaction. The relationship need not be any more finite than a friendship, though this depends on the particular club and the amount (and honesty) of interpersonal contact. At a more performance oriented voyeuristic type club (mutual) relationships that last years are probably less likely to develop. Not all dancers meet customers outside of clubs (not that there is anything wrong with prostitution/escorting/courtesans) but the concept of a relationship lasting years between a customer and his "favorite" isn't necessarily dependent upon contact outside of the club (or even upon physically stimulating contact while at the club).
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Two or three visits is plenty with one whore, then onto the next.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Like a wife or a girlfriend:
    when they start taking you for granted or when they are not sexy anymore or simply go through the motions--it's time to move on.
  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
    Approximately 2 hours, give or take 2 hours.

    I do have 'stripper buddy' that I hang with a lot. We don't do dance very often. Mostly just chit chat.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Why does their have to be a shelf life for favorite or any stripper you know? I look at some as friends I lost touch with or dont go to that particular club anymore.
  • LoneLurker
    15 years ago
    My current favorite has had that status for a little over a year. I've been getting dances from her for at least 4 years, but over time she's refined her technique and increased her service level...and we've gotten to know each other better. She also understands and respects the fact I like to try out new dancers and have other dancers that I like to spend time with regularly.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    My favorites stay favorites. The only change is how much time I spend with them as new favorites develop.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    That's a tough one, as usually it's only a year at the most. My current ATF I have had for 4 years. On the other hand, if my original ATF were to come back to dancing, or at least dancing in clubs I am also in at that point, we go back at least 10 years. It's not like I wanted her to go away, and I wouldn't be shocked if she were dancing somewhere.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    A girl remains my favorite only for as long as she intrigues me as much as a new dancer does. It's pretty rare for a girl to keep me from feeling I'll just be repeating the same experience for more than two or three times together.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    My first favorite managed to keep things interesting for me. At times she made it seem like she was really giving me a girlfriend experience getting angry at me for I don't know what reason. She even quit working at the club because she knew I would be there. Then she came back after 3 months happy to see me again. I have one favorite that I believe things did get a bit stale. I was getting tired of always getting dances from her but enjoyed her dances anyway since she was a lot better than other dancers. She periodically leaves and works at the beach for a few months. The last time she came back, she was looking good all nice and tan with a better looking shape. She lost a few pounds and had a lot more guys all looking at her probably wondering who she was and why she never danced on stage. If you only see someone a few times in a couple of months, it's not that hard for someone to stay a favorite of yours a lot longer.
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    It depends to a great extent on her hotness. And on how much "please" I get from the tease. I prefer more service over less service, but if she ensconces the service in something that has to do with coaxing and teasing, then I move along pretty quickly. If, to the contrary, she is a just-the-deed type of gal, I go back to her regularly, but only for the deed itself.

    I dunno. I can recall nothing more than about six months. Usually she ends up not working at that club, much sooner than I end up not wanting to see her again.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    With the "shelf life" of dancers, favorites usually moved on before I tired of them.
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