
Udate on gridget and TUSCL_Brother.

Atlanta suburb
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 3:31 AM
I talked to both of them on the phone this afternoon. gridgets 5 yo son caught swine flu that developed into pneumonia. He had a temp of 106. He spent 3 days in the hospital. They were not sure he was going to make it but he is back home now.Grigdget is still on workers comp for the accident she received several months ago when her finger got slammed in her ambulance door. Now she needs another surgery. She sustained nerve damage from that accident and now that damage is spreading up her left arm. She has already lost some feeling. The are going to cut her from her wrist to her arm pit to repair the nerve and then she will have wear a cast for 6 weeks. She won't be able to work until next year, at the earliest. I know this is not stripper shit. I can afford it and am sending her a check tomorrow. Bro is doing just fine. Busy with work and caring for his 97 yo father. He misses TUSCL and you guys and gals. He will be back as soon as he can but says that the upcoming holidays will likely delay things a bit. He says "Mr. Happy" misses you [view link]...


  • clubsblue0303
    15 years ago
    Thanks for letting us know. If I ever get a chance to go down to Atlanta I would like to make your acquaintence. I do occasionally travel to Columbus for business and would like to meet Bro when he's back in the saddle. God speed to all!
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Just wondering what does this mean for you and your monthly visits to PP?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I forgot to mention. gridget has recovered from her recent intestine surgery and can now eat solid food again for the 1st time in 2 months. sam, it will be different. I have not been to the club without her for well over a year. She retired from dancing two years ago and took up EMT as a career. But she will always drive the 50 miles to have lunch with me and hang with me at the club, whenever I am in town. Like a strip club buddy but more reliable and prettier. I missed my usual trips in Sept and Oct because of her health but she is encouraging me to go without her. She knows that there are 5 or 6 other guys wanting to hook up with me again at the club and that I still have a dozen or so favorite dancers there. She wants me to phone her when I get into town this month. If she has not had the surgery yet, she will come down and hang with me as a customer for a while, so that we can get caught up. She was once my ATF but now is a true friend. Outside my immediate family, she and Bro are the two most important people in my life.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    That is very nice for you to help out gridget.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I wish gridget well. Sounds like she is going through a rough time. I'm impressed with having a father who is 97. Even if your age is in the 60's, you could have another 3 decades to visit strip clubs. When I was young I had a car door slammed on my fingers. It hurt like crazy. I didn't have any lasting injury though.
  • jester214
    15 years ago
    Sometimes I think you're an old fool shadowcat, but at the end of the day I give ya a bunch of credit for the heart you put in to what you love. One a these days I'm gonna get off my ass and drive down to Columbus so I can buy you a drink.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    jester. I always enjoy meeting TUSCL friends but let me straighten you ought. I am in Atlanta. Bro is in Columbus, OH. My favorite club is in Columbia SC. Maybe some day we will put it together.
  • Thanks for the updates, shadowcat. Give my well wishes to both of them if you see them. And hell, if they get enough time to get back to TUSCL ... hey guys!!!
  • jester214
    15 years ago
    Surprisingly my grammar in that sentence wasn't bad. If you check out a few of my other posts from last night it's a different story. I'd had a few drinks. I was referring to Columbia, which I know you have "frequented" in the past. It's only a mere 3 hours or so from me. Don't know why I typed "us" instead of "ia", other than drunkeness.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    jester, it is a hard 3 1/2 trip for me busting all of the speed limits (240 miles)I will be making a 3 day trip there next week. Probably Thu, Fri,Sat.Daytime.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Just wondering why do you prefer to drive instead of fly? I recall you mentioned that you get to fly for free.
  • pop
    15 years ago
    Flying from ATL to Columbia is much more of a hassle than driving. SC, pass on to gridget that I wish her a speedy recovery.
  • tdcx
    15 years ago
    shadowcat, i'd like to meet a "legend" someday that i can make the trip to SC...it just seems sooooo far away from maryland
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    pop is so right. For us in the air line business the general rule is, if you can drive it in 6 hours or less, DRIVE. Sharon(gridget) left a message on my machine. She is going to call me tonight.I will pass on your kind thoughts.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I just got off the phone with gridget. She does not yet have a date for next surgery. I always knew that she had had a lot of surgeries but I was shocked. This next one is going to be number 17 and she is only 32 years old.Only 2 of these surgeries were accident related. I'm almost 68 and have only had one minor one.If I didn't know her so well, I would think SS but I do know her too well. She sends her thanks for all of the well wishes.
  • mitciv
    15 years ago
    My prayers are with Gridget. Pop, nice gamecocks pic
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