
Comments by casualguy (page 10)

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    15 years ago
    Marge Simpson makes cover of Playboy
    I like Hooters hamburgers, beer, and fries (could be a lot better). I also like watching the Hooters girls but if most of their food wasn't decent, I would not visit. I go there to eat on occasion and be entertained by the girls in shorts. I could probably do the same thing at a food court in a mall without the beer. However I would not be guaranteed to have everything in one place. I do not care for wings.
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    15 years ago
    anyone go to clubs on fri and sat and church on sunday? any dancers go to churc
    How would you feel if you saw your pastor, in plainclothes, getting a lap dance? I'd smile and say hi, how's it's going? That is if he wasn't drunk.
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    15 years ago
    How old is the oldest dancer you have ever had?
    I'm pretty sure I've had table dances from a dancer in her 50's. She's pretty fit though. I haven't had a dance from her in years except for one free one she did with another hot dancer a year or two ago. They both danced free for me in a double team for reasons unknown to me. Oldest favorite was in her early 40's before she retired from dancing but she only looked like 30. I would have never known if she hadn't told me.
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    15 years ago
    How old is the oldest dancer you have ever had?
    I had one dancer tell me she was over 400. However her fangs and hungry look in her eyes made me think she was full of it. The other day I was thinking about posting a new topic on here asking why do some dancers like to bite you on the neck? I've been bitten by several dancers in various places. I don't know why some bite the neck. They haven't broken the skin but still I'm not turned on by getting bitten there. One dancer just made me think vampire while she was on stage even though I couldn't see anything obvious indicating she was into that. Then all of a sudden, she bit me. Maybe she was into that. Biting my nose is even worse than biting my neck though.
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    15 years ago
    Anybody get a free extra?
    In one club I once encountered a dancer who reached up and didn't stop. I was very surprised. However I visited the club when it was pretty empty and nobody else was back there except us. She was doing a great job too. Then I suddenly saw a bouncer and he almost caught her. I decided I wanted her to stop dancing after that. She complained that she didn't get to taste anything yet. Never saw her again after that. She gave the best lap dances.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Anybody get a free extra?
    Yes I have. Don't ask me how many times because I don't remember. It was with one dancer years ago who is no longer working at any nearby club. She always wanted to have sex with me so she was always working on getting me in the mood. However there never was enough privacy for her to finish anything and I wasn't that comfortable with what she kept doing in the club. Never had FS in the club though. I was wondering why one club installed hidden cameras, the dancer I knew already knew about them. I have had dancers sitting on my lap for so long that sometimes my leg almost falls asleep, that would probably be like some guys lap dances except I didn't pay anything for that. Hands sometimes roam. If I really want something for free, I'd rather meet up with a dancer away from the club if she's into me and not worry about either of us getting in trouble at the club. One dancer once had me go back to the lap dance room with her and she took off her top, sat in my lap. She wanted me to give her a back rub which she must have liked the way I did it because she was always asking. That didn't cost me anything but my time.
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    15 years ago
    The horror...the horror!
    I think it's possible I saw the same 200 pound girl in an amateur contest. What was even more horrifying was that I heard the crowd voted her the best in a recent contest so she won on a previous visit and was entering again. Oh the horror of it all. Apparently she didn't have as many fans that night and one of the skinnier and better looking females won. I never saw anyone that big enter into an amateur contest. Something else that can be horrifying, go to a club where you're afraid a dancer might give you an extra whether you want it or not.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer Sucking on her Thumb
    I remember I encountered a dancer a week or two ago who sucked on my fingers. That's a good tease. I remember one dancer put her tongue in my ear. The next thing I knew, she was no longer teasing me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How perverted are you?
    My definition of perverted are democrats planning on giving us lots of new taxes everywhere you look after promising no new taxes on the middle class. I think that is just sick and perverted. I'm in favor of the people keeping their own booty.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Marge Simpson makes cover of Playboy
    I should add young hot female internet stars. I saw hotforwords was rated number 1 by something recently. She looks good and interests me a whole lot more than a cartoon. She's on youtube. I'm not familar enough with facebook or myspace to know who the stars are there.
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    15 years ago
    Marge Simpson makes cover of Playboy
    I think Playboy is off their rocker trying to appeal to younger people with cartoons. I thought the magazine was for 21 and over. If they want to appeal to younger people, they might try to get young 20 year old something internet stars to get more attention even if the stars don't appear nude.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    anyone go to clubs on fri and sat and church on sunday? any dancers go to churc
    I go to church and then out to strip clubs. I thought I heard go out and multiply in church. I don't see anything hypocritical even though I'm still working on the multiply part. If I wasn't getting stirred up in church, I might be content to just stay home. I remember there used to be a church across the road from one nude club before they passed and enforced a law requiring 1000 ft separation of church and strip clubs.
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    15 years ago
    Do you have any routine strip club lies?
    "garbage service dispatcher", Thanks. I might use that line sometime and see how good it works. I'd only tell that to dancers I don't recognize. They are the only ones who ask that question anyway.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer feels old at 24
    I think people would believe me more often if I just lied more often.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer feels old at 24
    I can imagine a 21 year old dancer is still full of hope about how she wants her life to turn out. She's probably not planning on making a career out of dancing. Three years later probably seems like a long time and if she hasn't made any progress towards something better, it might be depressing. I had a dancer last weekend ask how old I was after she had me guess her age. She told me she thought I was full of it when I told her my actual age and wanted to see my drivers license to prove it. We changed the subject, I didn't want to get out my wallet.
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    15 years ago
    Items Lost in a Strip Club
    I met someone within the last few months who lost his ride home. His friends took off without him and his car was parked over 3 miles away downtown.
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    15 years ago
    Items Lost in a Strip Club
    I remember a dancer lost her top part of her red dress outfit one night. She was looking all over for it and suspected a customer must have stolen it. She mentioned to me almost in tears that her outfit cost $500 and it wouldn't be any good with that part missing. Then she went looking for it again after mentioning someone probably took it as a souvenir and didn't think about how much it would cost her. I never did ask her if she ever found it but I don't recall seeing her wearing that outfit after that. I didn't want to bring up the subject.
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    15 years ago
    Items Lost in a Strip Club
    Other than losing money, the only thing I recall losing at a strip club I lost during lap dances. One time I believe I lost a car ignition chip. However I had a spare so no big problem. Another time I lost a button on my shorts. Apparently when one dancer got me in a private spot that usually wasn't there, she went hog wild and ripped open my shorts so fast the button must have flown off. The club got rid of that private spot by my next visit. I had one feature entertainer rip open my shirt and that ruined a perfectly good nice shirt but I consider that an act of vandalism rather than losing something. She ticked me off doing that but she didn't stick around. Oh, I also lost some beer due to a waitress or bouncer taking my cooler before they should have. I never left my cooler alone after that or without someone watching it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I just remembered, one dancer over 12 years ago wanted me to give her $100. In return she said she would give me all her lap dances at half her normal lap dance price she said forever. I gambled and it paid off for me. For two years she stayed true to her word. I think she liked me since some of those dances ended up at her house. She was a regular dancer and I was a regular at one club at the time or I never would have taken the gamble.
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    15 years ago
    I haven't bartered. I did have one dancer get so determined to dance for me, she finally offered to dance for free. I wasn't interested in her so I still refused. Then she offered to take me home. I was wondering if she was serious but I never had any other dancer waste so much time on me when I never spent any money on them. She finally left me alone after I told her no again. Another dancer I went out with and had some fun one night, after another night later on, I was ready to break things off with her. The next time I got alone with her I was going to tell her, she gave me an extra without me hardly saying anything. I thought, what an excellent tactic to stop a guy from breaking things off. I almost always check my wallet before buying lap dances if I'm low on funds.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    update on gridget
    If it makes you feel better shadowcat, I actually paid a recent visit to your favorite club. I had fun. I've been very busy and my membership is already good until 2011 so I haven't posted any reviews. I've been having fun at almost every club I've been to recently. I ran into one of the afternoon girls or rather she found me before I even sat down. Her boobs were pressing up against me and we went off to do a two for $25 before I even sat down in the club. I enjoyed the cheaper beer prices too, only $2 for a bottle of beer earlier in the evening. Later in the evening I did encounter a dancer who seemed a bit stubborn in leaving. She wanted $25 or $30 a song. I'm not paying prices that high. I'd rather go without any dances rather than pay prices I think are too high. Dances are usually tamer as well since I know they must be visiting dancers trying to charge that much. Hope Gridget recovers well. It's always possible I met her years ago but I don't remember 99 percent of the people I've met.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ok this off topic and bragging on my part...
    I had a hard time finding everything in Peachtree City. I believe they believe it's better to hide all the buildings behind trees and bushes and keep the signs very small or hidden as well so only the locals can find things without a GPS system. From what I remember though, the trees looked nice. That was about the only thing I could see out of my hotel window when I visited there. I enjoy green spaces but I think they overdid it there. Maybe someone cut down a tree by now, that was years ago.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I just remembered. I did not see Stormy Daniels at a strip club recently. I saw her I believe on the Fox network. She was considering running for some political office I believe. If she were elected President of the US, I believe our relations with some countries might dramatically improve.
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    15 years ago
    Clubber beat me to my answer: "$0 since I don't have one, and likely the same if I did." Stormy Daniels seems to remind me of someone I saw recently at a strip club somewhere. I've seen a lot of porn stars as features so I don't remember when and where but I may have seen her in the last 2 or 3 months. Usually when someone is announced as a porn star, I have never heard of them before. There have been 2 or 3 porn stars who I actually remembered from a porn show. If Megan Fox would do a porn movie and then became a local feature entertainer, I could claim 3 or 4 porn stars who I remembered. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unshaven pussy's
    I think I would resemble Blackbeard the pirate if I didn't shave. However I don't believe I would look older. Probably just a lot scarier.