Are strippers BI-Polar?

avatar for shadowcat
Since I am not a shrink and have never had a Physic course I really am not sure what the term means.I assume in means dual personalities.One as a nasty stripper and one as a normal(?) OTC woman. I knew one that told me she was BI-Polar but she always seem to me to be the same ITC or OTC but she never got nasty with me OTC.Kisses was as far as it went then.

Any body fell qualified to answer this one?


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avatar for Player11
15 years ago
I would tend to agree many of them are Bi-Polar and even had some of them tell me they are. In many instances this could also be the infulence of years of drugs. A friend of mines gal, a stripper / escourt he has been doing for years can be really sweet or fly into a screaming rage he says.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Maybe that girl was on medication treating her bi-polar? If she has welfare it would all be free.

I am on a shrink either, but I think you bring up a good point that a lot of strippers have mental disorders.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
"Are strippers BI-Polar?"

Aren't most women?

Ok, joking aside, many are literally bi-polar, and nearly all are literally crazy (as in medicated and/or have seen/are seeing a shrink/therapist).
avatar for chandler
15 years ago
Some of them are just bi.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Cue "Psycho Girlfriend":

Oh, know what I’m doing baby
Did you forget that I’m crazy?

Should have known I was nuts from the get go
But now you’re hooked and you can’t seem to let go

Pyscho girlfriend so you say
but you ain’t trying to run away
You keep coming back for more (back for more)
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
About ten years ago, I noticed that a significant amount of the female population seemed to be unbalanced. It was about that time that I read that researchers were finding estrogen in our drinking water due to the vast use of birth control pills. If one were to draw a parallel between the two-too much estrogen making females a little cuckoo.
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
Maybe it just depends what time of month it is. One minute they act all nice and friendly. The next time they may want to bash your brains out or ignore you. The next time they may want to make you happy. The next time, they'll be pissed off for some unknown reason. If they always act friendly, you may not know them too well.
avatar for dallas702
15 years ago
S cat,

Actually bi-polar is the same thing we used to call manic depressive. It refers to a person who goes from extremely depressed to "over the top" excited in repeated cycles. The problem is often treated with more than one drug (one to calm the manic times and a different drug to treat depression) plus counseling. Often people suffering from bi-polar disorders will quit taking their drugs when they feel good and won't resume drug therapy until they hit a very low period of depression. So it is not two different personalities but instead extremes of behavior and thoughts.

I think there are a lot of bi-polar strippers but not all - or even a majority. A lot, because a SC is a place where a bi-polar woman can hide her extreme mood swings and no one fires her if she calls out sick when she is too depressed to go to work.

I am not a shrink either, but I have encountered the issue. I've also encountered a number of crazy strippers and I'm pretty sure some of them were bi-polar. (I too, wish they were just bi!!)
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
I've had many dancers tell me that they are bi....I assumed that they meant bisexual. Silly me.
avatar for definitelynotgreenvegas
Bi polar refers to drastic mood swings. It would be easier to say they almost have duel personalities. Mom and wife all day.....naked slut at night
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
I have known some who were bipolar. I probably fell out with my third ATF because she was. She would be up and then down and there was just no in between. Alcohol probably didn't help at all.
avatar for txtittyfan
15 years ago
There is probably the same % of bi-polar in the general population. The only differnce may be that the general population stays medicated.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
In a nude club, could one of these dancers be a Bi Polar Bare?
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
No none I know like cold weather. They do like Santa.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
tx: "There is probably the same % of bi-polar in the general population. "

tx = clueless.
avatar for chandler
15 years ago
Bipolar gets overused to describe much milder forms of what's actually a pretty rare clinical disorder, in the same way that paranoid and schizo have gained popular use. Probably only a small fraction of people who undergo wild mood swings are truly bipolar. Strippers are less inhibited than most people about showing their feelings, so they may be more likely to appear bipolar, whether they are or not. On the other hand, psychological disorders are often triggered by the kinds of childhood abuse that many strippers underwent, so it stands to reason that there would be some correlation.

Less boring answer: Strippers aren't necessarily bipolar, just crazy.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
chandler: "Strippers aren't necessarily bipolar, just crazy."

So why then, chandler, is it one of your stated strip club goals to try and make a connection with them? Are you crazy too? (My guess would be that you suffer from DBPD, i.e. douche-bag personality disorder.)
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
because maybe he likes crazy girls?
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Won't be the only thing weird about him.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
"hey you're crazy bitch,
but you fuck so good I'm on top of it.
When I dream, I'm doing you all night"
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
I'm all lit up again
avatar for gk
15 years ago
"Ppsycho bitch" is actually a clinical term created to describe a certain type of dancer. Hey, you crazy bitch.

I know several who admit being bi-polar and take meds for it. And I know a few others who should be taking meds for it!
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