Since I am not a shrink and have never had a Physic course I really am not sure what the term means.I assume in means dual
personalities.One as a nasty stripper and one as a normal(?) OTC woman. I knew one that told me she was BI-Polar but she always seem to me to be the same ITC or OTC but she never got nasty with me OTC.Kisses was as far as it went then.
Any body fell qualified to answer this one?
last commentI am on a shrink either, but I think you bring up a good point that a lot of strippers have mental disorders.
Aren't most women?
Ok, joking aside, many are literally bi-polar, and nearly all are literally crazy (as in medicated and/or have seen/are seeing a shrink/therapist).
Oh, know what I’m doing baby
Did you forget that I’m crazy?
Should have known I was nuts from the get go
But now you’re hooked and you can’t seem to let go
Pyscho girlfriend so you say
but you ain’t trying to run away
You keep coming back for more (back for more)
Actually bi-polar is the same thing we used to call manic depressive. It refers to a person who goes from extremely depressed to "over the top" excited in repeated cycles. The problem is often treated with more than one drug (one to calm the manic times and a different drug to treat depression) plus counseling. Often people suffering from bi-polar disorders will quit taking their drugs when they feel good and won't resume drug therapy until they hit a very low period of depression. So it is not two different personalities but instead extremes of behavior and thoughts.
I think there are a lot of bi-polar strippers but not all - or even a majority. A lot, because a SC is a place where a bi-polar woman can hide her extreme mood swings and no one fires her if she calls out sick when she is too depressed to go to work.
I am not a shrink either, but I have encountered the issue. I've also encountered a number of crazy strippers and I'm pretty sure some of them were bi-polar. (I too, wish they were just bi!!)
tx = clueless.
Less boring answer: Strippers aren't necessarily bipolar, just crazy.
So why then, chandler, is it one of your stated strip club goals to try and make a connection with them? Are you crazy too? (My guess would be that you suffer from DBPD, i.e. douche-bag personality disorder.)
but you fuck so good I'm on top of it.
When I dream, I'm doing you all night"
I know several who admit being bi-polar and take meds for it. And I know a few others who should be taking meds for it!