
Comments by casualguy (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any day of the week?
    I typically work Monday through Friday. I don't like to go driving to strip clubs if I have to get up and go to work in the morning. I'm often tired by the time Friday rolls around. Sundays are pretty empty in strip clubs and not too exciting in my opinion. I'm used to most strip clubs being closed on Sunday even though I know of a couple that are open now. That leaves Saturday night. Of course if I'm off from work and not doing anything, other times and days become available. I don't enjoy crowds that much but I do enjoy seeing lots more dancers. As long as I don't have trouble finding a seat or feel like I'm not getting any attention from dancers that I want attention from, I don't mind the crowds that much. There have been a few times I felt like I was a piece of steak dropped off among a bunch of sharks (dancers swarming me). That is actually a lot better though than getting bored in a strip club wondering if you should leave or if someone interesting will appear.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club or whore house?
    I guess in some clubs you could say I go to party. That is more than just watching. It may include drinking and doing some bumping and grinding similar to what some people may do in regular night clubs. I do remember one club many years ago that was strictly no touch and they had a number of 9's and 10's dancing in it. I really did go to that club just to watch eye candy. I miss seeing several very hot girls in the same club but I do not miss the no touch part. I do enjoy having a nice looking dancer sit in my lap. That would have been a big no no in the old no touch clubs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club or whore house?
    I go just to watch. I'm not having sex with any dancer and don't expect to. Now if they look good and want to touch me or get into a high contact lap dance at a reasonable price, I may bite. I don't think of that as an extra but I guess long ago, it would have been much better than just looking and spending a dollar or two at a time and then leaving after you finish your beer. I've turned down multiple dancers over the years who either wanted to take me home or wanted to have sex with me away from the strip club so I don't believe I'm going to strip clubs looking for sex or extras. I do like boobs and pussy though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you go to a strip club on your birthday.
    My birthday once fell on my normal time to visit. I didn't tell anyone it was my birthday. Strangely enough, it wasn't more than a week or two and a dancer asked when it was or how old I was. She said I could have gotten something for free but I didn't want even more attention.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    $64,000 question
    If a dancer has a bad smell, I can usually smell her within a few feet just approaching her. If the smell is only noticeable when your nose is within a few inches of her twat, I can tolerate that for a few seconds and try to get out of that position if the dancer doesn't try to keep my head there. If I was more familar with the smells of products that females use, I could tell some dancers what products they were using in their private area. Usually though, dancers drown out that smell with other smells. I like the smells that smell like vanilla and other food items. The smoke in some clubs will deaden my sense of smell a little bit and the smoke stinks by itself. I don't usually like being in crowds because I can smell lots of people all around even if they don't think they have any body odor. Every once in a while, I smell a dancer within 5 feet of approaching the stage and realize why she isn't getting many tips. I go ahead and give her a dollar and get away. I don't know if those occasions are just bad overall body odor or if she may have had a yeast infection. I stumbled upon an interesting youtube video recently where the girl was talking about yeast infections and said it does affect men and women and it affects your whole body not just in certain areas. She had natural remedies. I was glad I listened to the video. Her sexy voice got me interested in listening in the first place.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Police: Dad watched strippers while son slept in truck
    I agree. Amazing he could dial 9-1-1 but could not remember where he parked at. He could have left an extra cell phone in the car and asked his son where he was at. Of course that would require too many brain cells to dial that many digits. I heard worse though recently. In South Carolina, one 17 year old girl learned a new trick with a gun. She spinned the revolver and put it up to her boyfriends head. Boom, it accidently went off for the first time while she supposedly did that trick over a dozen times already without pointing it at anyone and nothing unusual. Now she faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted. Pretty girl too. I was told a long time ago to respect guns and never point it at anyone unless you're prepared to shoot them. Stupidity kills.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    private/vip room
    I never paid for an expensive room at a strip club. If I ever thought of using one, I would not take a dancer I wasn't already friendly with. I'm not Bill Gates. I seem to have a gazillion relatives so the holidays usually mean not much time to go to any strip clubs for me. I'm really looking forward to time off from work though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Cold Weather
    I don't like having to carry a jacket around the club when I go up to tip at the stage. I don't want to leave it somewhere and hope no one took it either though. I get hot quite easily with a jacket on if the temperature is above 69. Therefore I do like warmer nights better and no jacket to carry around.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Cold Weather
    If I have the heat on at my house, I'll definitely wear pants. Many months though, I'll be wearing shorts here in South Carolina since it's warm a lot. IF the forecast calls for freezing rain, I won't go out to clubs since that requires at least 1 hour driving one way on a good night. I'm not that worried about snow but do know most other people will stay home if the forecast calls for it. Some clubs sometimes have the heat turned up way too high in the winter. I can only stand the heat for so long if I'm not drinking. Everyone seems to be keeping things cooler this year so I've been good so far. I wouldn't dream of wearing shorts to a club in Wisconsin in the winter. Although one hotel I stayed at once there was too hot. I had my window wide open with it snowing outside and was still too hot. That was years ago. I noticed while flying north years ago, snow in carolina mountains, ponds frozen in Ohio and snow cover, lakes and even rivers frozen solid in Wisconsin. I'll let you guys keep those minus temp's up there especially with that bite you in the ass wind at those temp's.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Favorite clubs
    I did have a favorite club close. Life goes on and other clubs open up. Fortunately in my case the new clubs were already open and became my new favorites, less expensive too and higher contact. I say less expensive even though I used to spend less money. Cheaper better lap dances seems to equal spending more in my case at least.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How far do strippers live from where they work.
    One of those out of state dancers suddenly stopped showing up at the nearby strip club after she told me she got stopped by the police for doing 95 MPH in a 70 zone. Gas prices started shooting up about the same time too.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How far do strippers live from where they work.
    In case anyone is wondering, the dancers that routinely commuted long distances each week would stay in nearby hotels for a few days at a time before returning. They would keep doing that if they were making enough money in the strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How far do strippers live from where they work.
    Back when the economy was better and gas was only $1.40 a gallon or so, I had 3 routine favorites that all lived in different states. One lived in Southeastern NC over 280 miles away, another lived in Alabama. Another lived far away too but I don't remember where anymore. Now all the dancers I know live within an hour of the club (that I'm familar with). One dancer does work a few months at a time at the beach but she stays in a hotel and doesn't commute back and forth each week like several dancers did when gas was cheaper. I once had one dancer who knew me from NC call me up one night after not seeing her or talking to her for over a year and ask me to come visit Platinum Plus in Columbia because she was working there that weekend. She told me it was a no tip out weekend or something like that. I think she just wanted to see me again. That was probably a 4 to 5 hour drive from her house if she wasn't flying like some strippers do sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Anyone else visit Greenville, SC clubs in the evening?
    I believe the normal cut off may be around 2 or 230am most nights. That's not usually when I visit though. There is a special Sunday blue law about drinking. Platinum Plus in Greenville stops serving bottled beer around 20 til midnight and I believe they even send waitresses around to collect up all the beer not letting you keep it. I think that policy sucks. I heard the so called "beer" they sell in plastic cups afterwards on Saturday night/Sunday morning is non-alcoholic beer. I believe the Columbia sister club can keep serving bottled beer a whole lot later into the night. I used to think these laws were ridiculous and didn't like them. However I found out it cut out all the dancers trying to get you to buy them a drink etc. etc. so that part is nice.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    VIP membership
    I have VIP membership good until 2011. Let me know if you get anything extra. I wonder if a dancer would give me free dances if I said I could mention her name on here? Just thinking of ways to get extra things....
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Anyone else visit Greenville, SC clubs in the evening?
    Platinum Plus stays open until 6AM during the weekend.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
    I seem to gravitate towards non smokers or dancers that don't seem to smoke around me. When asked by a dancer if I mind if she smokes I usually say I don't care as long as the smoke doesn't blow in my face. However if she lights up and the smoke blows straight at me, I'll probably be ready for her to leave asap. If there were any smoking bans on strip clubs here in South Carolina, it would not bother me. The only drawback I would see is that if someone wanted to hook up with you, it might be hard to tell if she smoked or not. Sometimes I don't want to hook up with a smoker. That is not usually the first thing I'm thinking about though when a dancer starts asking for contact information.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on TUSCL_Brother and gridget
    I'm not surprised that some people have good memories in strip clubs. I've had dancers remember me from many years ago to my surprise. The last dancer who claimed she knew me finally ended up telling me she remembered the very first time she saw me. Weird. Good luck to all who need it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Eliza from Atlanta's Mardi Gras hit and killed
    My condolences to anyone who knew her. I feel sorry for almost all young people who are just randomly killed on our highways.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on TUSCL_Brother and gridget
    I wish her well. Same to others and happy Thanksgiving.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    LIfetime membership cards.
    I wouldn't be surprised if they went high tech to find out more information on who was using the cards, how often they attend, etc. etc. They may think about coming up with something new like a 2 or 3 year membership for $300 or $350. If I wanted to spend the money and take a gamble, I could probably break even in less than 1.5 years. However there are too many what if's in that to make me want to do that. The only reason I would do it is to save money on admission. I'd worry about spending the money and either losing the card or saying they are no longer honoring it after a year or two or else the club suddenly not worthy of being visited.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How To Upload a Video Here?
    I've seen several videos with nudity on youtube. I've even seen complete porn videos on a few occasions. I was surprised when I saw the first one but the video kept going and didn't get cut off. It was removed within hours though. I believe you'll get your account in trouble if you post nudity on youtube though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Don't Tip Your Dancer? Go Directly to Jail . . .
    When a dancer asks for a tip, anyone ever told her "how about not asking for one?" If a dancer asks for a tip, it increases the chance I will not ever get another dance from her again. Unless of course she really did do something extra to deserve it. I see dancers asking for tips being similar to bums on the street asking for money especially if all they are doing is walking around the club asking for dances and when you say no, then they ask well how about a tip? A tip for what? To get you to leave, uh ok. That might be worth a dollar.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Road Trips?
    About an hour and a half for me. However I'm used to living in the boondocks where I have to drive an hour to get to any big size club. Longest drive to get to a dancers house, about 2 hours. I did that twice I believe many years ago. I decided that's too far if I'm not spending the night.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever wondered if a dancer was on drugs and then asked her?
    If someone seems to have trouble remembering that they already asked for money and already got paid after only 5 minutes for a table dance, I certainly don't want to spend more money. Doesn't matter if she's drug free or not. I would stay away from serious drug users if I could spot them.