
Comments by casualguy (page 156)

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    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Most consecutive days/nights that you've visited SC's?
    I've visited strip clubs (not usually the same one) on 3 consecutive nights (my record). I've noticed the third night is usually the least exciting night and I feel a bit burned out or tired of strip clubs by then. It's extremely rare for me to go to clubs for 3 consecutive nights. Of course if I have nothing better to do (probably vacation somewhere) and there are some good clubs around, it could happen.
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    19 years ago
    Ever told a flat out lie to a dancer but she calls you on it?
    Anyone ever invent a good line to tell the dancers when someone eventually asks the question "where do you work at, or what do you do for a living?" I thought about being funny with a nice story such as I'm a nuclear engineer but if I tell you where I work at, I'd have to kill ya!" What good lies have you come up with?
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    19 years ago
    The Free Dance Gambit: Accept or Decline?
    I don't recall someone offer a free dance but it seems to be a scam to me where she could dance for 1 or 2 minutes, then ask "shall I continue? that was your freebie if she even makes it that obvious. Sounds more like let's go back and give you a dance, then we can discuss how much you owe her after she has given you a dance. I discuss dance prices before I go get one if the prices are not set in stone. As a customer who doesn't know her, you don't know if she will argue with you and then bring in the bouncer as a major threat to you if you don't cooperate and pay up. If you don't like her, trust her etc. don't do it unless you enjoy taking gambles and don't mind getting burned.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    When was your 1st lapdance & whose was earliest?
    I remember getting some table air dances and then my first lap dance was probably at some small club in a small military town in NC. It could have been Rick's lounge (closed down years ago) or some other small club. It was in the 90's but I don't remember exactly when and where. I do remember a small club there that kept giving out free admission passes and offered free pizza. That kept me coming back every week. I might have received my first lap dance at that club. I just don't remember. I do remember getting the free pizza and free cover though. They knew how to get me to their strip club, lol.
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    19 years ago
    Dancer or stripper?
    I don't really see any difference between the 2 words except perhaps how the dancer or stripper feels about it. My opinion is that the word stripper is considered more negative or derogatory towards them. Therefore I may like a dancer but sometimes get upset at the stripper. I think it's similiar to the difference between calling a guy a garbage man versus sanitation worker. One word is considered more politically correct by those in the profession.
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    19 years ago
    Strangest (Serious) Stripper Requests During LD
    I suppose the first time you hear something is always the strangest. I remember the first time a stripper asked me to slap her ass. I did but then she said that wasn't hard enough so I had to slap her harder. I was hoping not to attract attention doing that. I remember another time a dancer said I should be dancing for her and I remember one dancer asked me to dance for her. I certainly wasn't going to do that when she was supposed to be dancing for me. I thought that was strange. Another strange request actually before a lap dance started was "would you like me to go get your girlfriend to join us?" To make a long story short, a regular girl (not a dancer) in a strip club who I had never seen before seemed to be having fun with me as if she knew me and fooled the dancer on stage and maybe a few others. You have to watch out for drunk girls, you never know what they are going to do.
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    19 years ago
    Does anyone else have a long-term relationship ...
    I don't usually worry about dancers stalking me but the thought crossed my mind (especially if I get one angry). Since I can't remember too many people from years ago, it can seem surprising when you run into a dancer still working who claims she knows you from 8 years ago. After talking to her a bit more after being a bit friendlier with her, I was a bit surprised when she said she first spotted me when she was 16. That would have been 14 years ago. I have been on friendly terms with her recently but have no memory of her from 8 years ago when I moved from another state. You may feel like you really don't know someone but they'll claim they've known you for years.
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    19 years ago
    Happy Veterans' Day
    I'll say thanks to the veterans as well defending what freedom we have left and taking the fight to the middle east instead of having everything come here. I think people have forgotten that it's better to take the fight where the terrorists live at rather than wait for them to come to where we live. I still remember running into a WWII veteran about 10 years ago in a strip club around veteran's day and he said he enjoyed these go go clubs. so do I.
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    19 years ago
    Ever Dream About a Stripper?
    I don't remember if I have or not. Of course my dreams have been so far out there, I could write a book. I have achieved lucidity in several of my dreams so I can do whatever I please while in a dream and I do mean whatever I want to. The best way to describe it would be like you are in the holodeck of the TV show Star Trek and you can change the program however you want it.
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    19 years ago
    Ever Go Shopping With a Stripper?
    Nope, you got me beat there davids. How many times have you gone shopping with a stripper?
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    19 years ago
    Why so many older patrons in strip clubs?
    I haven't really noticed that. Of course I'm probably too busy watching all of the 18 to 20 something year old strippers. :) I had one dancer lie to me and tell me she was almost 40. I corrected her immediately (maybe she was testing my memory). She had told me her age before and I remembered. She only looks like 27 to 29. I was thinking if dancers still look that good in their 40's, everyone else must be doing something wrong.
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    19 years ago
    Ever Dream About a Stripper?
    I was just thinking it's possible I had a dream with a stripper. Then she rolled over a little bit and woke me up. Lol.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    How reliable Top 40?
    I only see the top 40 as a rough and crude guide of what some people like. All it takes is 8 local guys who like a club in their town to make their club the best club in the nation. I certainly don't necessarily think it may be the best club or what you may be looking for on any given night but the locals in that town may consider it the best club in their town. If clubs were rated for certain categories the top 40 would look a lot different (for instance high contact versus low contact, hottest looking girls, lowest drink prices, best other entertainment -tv's, pool tables, arcade,etc.) A overall rating depends a lot on the reviewer and what he/she is looking for at any given moment. For instance in South Carolina if I had a little mini transporter as in beam me up Scottie, but it was limited to this state, I would visit Derriere's in Myrtle Beach for some great nude eye candy and then beam over to Columbia for lap dances. Derriere's isn't even on the list but in terms of brightly lit clubs with lots of nice looking and nude dancers, I would rate it very high. As far as contact goes, it wouldn't and doesn't make the list.
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    19 years ago
    My unattractive social habit.
    Maybe I'm a bit crazy or eccentric but I don't usually seem to think about strippers outside of clubs. One of the last pretty girls I saw I suddenly visualized seeing her in some outfit from the 1800's. hmmm, I'm just wondering if maybe she was and that's why I pictured her that way. :) I may have been too busy noticing her pretty face as I walked by and didn't clearly remember what she was wearing. hmmm, I just remembered I did think about strip clubs today. I was thinking the town I live in is big enough to support a large strip club and there are many good looking girls who could work there. If only the religious folks wouldn't be so gangbusters against that sort of thing. Maybe religious folks will be labeled as engaging in terrorist activities if they oppose a business in the future if not enough people speak out against making the Patriot Act permanent. I'm trying to think positive about losing freedom in this country with our bill of rights getting effectively removed (it appears) in congress now with making the Patriot Act permanent. hmmm, I could actually be right. Without an effective bill of rights, any group could be labeled terrorist by opposing another group. It just depends who is in power. Sorry if I went off track here.
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    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Future of Stripping in the US.
    Let's make everyone happy. Rapture occurs for all the religious folks and they get out of here. Then a strip club and bar opens up in every city where they had been banned. Blue laws are banned. Supreme Court overturns all of these strip club must be located at least 1000 feet away from laws since no one is going to church anymore. Then some new religious folks return telling us it is better to give than receive so we give more tips to strippers and keep wondering "when are the strippers going to start giving us what we want to receive?" :)
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    19 years ago
    Top Celebrity Strippers
    This thread just confirms I am really bad with names. I recognize Britney and remember the invisible girl from Fantastic Four Jessica because of someone talking about her alot. Many of the other names I don't even recognize. Britney seems more like a stripper than others since she married quickly twice and now has a kid. That behavior seems to remind me of some strippers acting first and then trying to figure a way to explain things later.
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    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Future of Stripping in the US.
    Obviously if you aren't familiar with the way the religious right or some groups of people have attacked strip clubs here in the south or the so called bible belt (actually I'm not sure which particular group it is so I just called them religious folks), then you would better understand what I mean. Many people who go to church etc are obviously tolerant. I actually am one of them. I get a bit upset when a group of these people suddenly have a conviction to close down all the strip clubs or impose severe restrictions on them even though they have been quietly operating for years. I know of one county that lost all of its strip clubs. I remember a few others that got closed down. I even remember some others being sued and they temporarily stayed opened by becoming bikini bars which made them go out of business. In the town I live in, I know of many people who go to strip clubs in the bigger cities but I heard even Hooters which has waitresses wearing shorts was strongly opposed by some of the religious folks here and that kept them away. More people seem to be thinking the way I do but the few who don't seem to be willing to go all out using courts etc. to enforce their own beliefs on me and everyone else. I suppose I feel a little bit of resentment towards someone who fights bitterly to enforce his or her moral beliefs on me no matter what. I don't have anything against religious folks in general especially since I may be one of them but I didn't have a better term for those who want to impose their beliefs on me and close down or severely restrict what I think is fun. Even though the majority may not even care one way or another about strip clubs, the few religious right or whatever you call them sometimes go on their crusades. I believe at the moment their crusades consist of fighting for prayer in schools, displaying the ten commandments, and trying to slow down the spread of gay marriage. My own belief is that strip clubs are like on a bottom burner for the moment on their list of crusades. If you imagine yourself to be a Kerry supporter and a few people managed to vote for Bush in your state and win, then you can get the idea of how it feels. I actually thought Bush would allow strip clubs to continue as is (they are a business) better than Kerry but I doubt they even care.
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    19 years ago
    Dancer says her boyfriend doesn't get the money
    Maybe her boyfriend has a few girlfriends but he doesn't want to upset her about it. She is just one of a few and he is ok with her stripping because he doesn't take things that seriously with her. If I had a stripper girlfriend, I would probably assume that she had a few other guy friends she might be sleeping with so it wouldn't seem like any big deal if I had a few other girlfriends for myself. I haven't heard of too many guys who tell the girls about other girlfriends.
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    19 years ago
    Dress for Success/Excess
    I remember being better dressed than many at one club and it seemed like every dancer was trying to get a dance from me multiple times throughout the night. Of course I had one dancer tell me that I am unique and I'm not ever going to be able to just hide in a crowd without the dancers finding me and trying to get dances. I took that as a compliment. Of course many of the other people at the one club looked to be either college age and not buying dances or couples who weren't too interested either.
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    19 years ago
    No One Cares
    Future of Stripping in the US.
    Someone mentioned strip clubs trying to lobby for their rights to exist or something like that. Well, in the carolinas many have contributed I believe to aid in their cause. Unfortunately, many people do not want to be seen publicly defending strip clubs so it doesn't take too many people to oppose a strip club and shut it down but I hope that is changing. The fact that even a place like Hooters is opposed bothers me. They have great hamburgers and I do not believe that a pretty waitress wearing shorts is immoral. However in the quest to avoid conflict and be seen as politically incorrect, some businesses may seek to avoid confrontation. We can all go about our business not bothering anyone and then some person on city council gets elected and wants to go on a crusade or something against anything immoral and then our favorite hobby can be buried with a few lies or exagerrations to the public and a public crackdown destroys our fun. I see it happening here and there but apparently many still do not.
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    19 years ago
    Are you winding down?
    Compared to shadowcat, I never even got wound up. Therefore, it's going to be pretty hard to wind down. That must be an all time customer record as far as I've heard, 62 lap dances in a single day. That might be a world's record too but I wouldn't know.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Choosing Sides: Which way do you want your dance?
    I prefer facing me. However I do like a change of positions every once in a while.