My unattractive social habit.

Ever since I've started going to sc's on a regular basis, I notice that I've frequently looked at innocent civilian women, and thought that they/she would make a good dancer. I think that is more than the typical male "undressing with the eyes." It happened two nights ago with a cashier at the grocery store.
Has anybody else picked up this rude habit?
last commentAN, well said. I agree completely. My biggest problem with zoning laws is that they don't work, they only apply to the little guy; anyone with lots of money and/or political connections can have them overturned. In fact one of the ways that big developers make their money is exactly that, they buy up land that is zoned for low-value use, then have it rezoned to a higher value use. Happens all the time. But I always enjoy mentally undressing all those attractive ladies who end up working in the new office buildings, which is what this thread is all about.
FONDL, since we've managed to kill this thread too, I'll just finish up with one last post. I think we are probably close, but I'm probably a bit more conservative. I'd have no objection to zoning laws being used to prevent adult buisnesses from opening up in some areas. I think that is a fairly reasonable thing, so long as it is done by elected officials who are accountable. I would draw the line at changing the laws to close a club down.
In a larger more philosophical sense I have always believed that while some things should be tolerated at some level, they should be discouraged at another. This has been the case throughout history. To bring in another thread, hypocracy is the tax that vice pays to virtue. I think many things, prostitution, pornography, alcohol, and stripclubs among them, have a social function that is useful, provided that the extent is controlled somehow. When we weaken those prohibitions by demanding more "openness" about sexuality or more understanding about addiction, thus lessening the social stigmas, we may suffer from some very unexpected consequences. I'm a big fan of the sexual revolution, but you can't deny it pretty much gave us AIDS. We too often look at past generations thinking we know better in these more enlightened times, when what we see as stodgy old traditions are really the collected wisdom of thousands of generations. If you believe in evolution we are a cooperative and social species and the evolution of a working society is no different than the evolution of a living organism. One bad change can cause a lot of problems we can never predict, or leave us unable to respond to some change or pressure in the future. Given that we have to show some humility when tinkering with taboos or social stigma, and if we see things going south we might want to admit that maybe our parents and grandparents had a few more things right than we thought.
AN, it sounds like you and I share a political philosophy. I've always considered myself to be a pragmatist with strong libertarian leanings. And by that I mean doing what is proven to work, erring on the side of protecting individual freedoms. For example, I'm opposed to our current drug policies not because of some philosophical leaning but because they clearly aren't working and clearly restrict freedoms. I'm opposed to such things as zoning laws including restrictions on strip clubs for the same reasons. But I guess that's leading this discussion astray again.
I have a fav who spent almost every morning last summer reading a book at the beach. She chose to do it in a thong bikini and she has an ass that could stop a runaway train so it made for some interesting mornings (I spent about one morning a week at the beach with her during the summer) She got to be friendly with the local cops on the beat, the local vendors, the guys from the State who test the water, even with the local prisoners and prison guards who clean the beach! The only person who complained about her choice of bathing suit all summer was a woman who had to weigh 200lbs and was pissed that she had to wear a poncho ad shorts to hide the flab.
FONDL, I have my share of discussions gone awry. I just find it amazing that everyone is getting exercised about the Patriot Act when 99% of it has been on the books for decades. Us libertarians (note the small "L" denoting a political philosophy, not an affiliation) get a little sensitive about all the fair weather civil libertarians getting exercised about the Patriot Act, but have nothing to say when the state or city you live in can force you out of your house because a Home Depot would pay more in taxes than you would.
Casualguy: Are you a fucking idiot? What could be "positive" about losing freedom / rights in this country?
Chitown, I bet you never thought you're original post would lead to a discussion of the Patriot Act. Usually I'm the one who leads discussions astray - not this time.
I don't want to turn this political, but the fact is that almost everything in the Patriot Act was already on the books for RICO and other criminal investigations. About 99% of what the Patriot act did was extend the powers the FBI, prosecutors and other federal agencies had to include investigations concerning national security. If you are worried about the bill of rights being lost, most of what you are worried about was already lost in the 1970's. In addition some prosecutors already tried to apply the RICO act to peaceful groups of abortion protestors. Wake up, the liberties you complain about losing in the Patriot Act were gone years ago.
Maybe I'm a bit crazy or eccentric but I don't usually seem to think about strippers outside of clubs. One of the last pretty girls I saw I suddenly visualized seeing her in some outfit from the 1800's. hmmm, I'm just wondering if maybe she was and that's why I pictured her that way. :) I may have been too busy noticing her pretty face as I walked by and didn't clearly remember what she was wearing. hmmm, I just remembered I did think about strip clubs today. I was thinking the town I live in is big enough to support a large strip club and there are many good looking girls who could work there. If only the religious folks wouldn't be so gangbusters against that sort of thing. Maybe religious folks will be labeled as engaging in terrorist activities if they oppose a business in the future if not enough people speak out against making the Patriot Act permanent. I'm trying to think positive about losing freedom in this country with our bill of rights getting effectively removed (it appears) in congress now with making the Patriot Act permanent. hmmm, I could actually be right. Without an effective bill of rights, any group could be labeled terrorist by opposing another group. It just depends who is in power. Sorry if I went off track here.
Please name a "job"...a man can do...Based off his "Looks". (That is so widely available and acceptable).
The key is not "Are my Looks good enough" to make me that 100K a year but...Is my attitude where it needs to be based on my looks.
Which is the same for any male or female...once you get "the job" (any job)...its your attitude and ability to capitalize on that opportunity.
Sure, I agree...we've all seen the Beer Bellied Hag...that for some reason just doesn't get it. But some of my best dances have come from women...that were less than average looking...the ones that I said....OH What the Fuck! After to many beers. (Sometimes they're the real Diamonds)
I still say its the morals boundaires that still knot the girls up that make the jump into the Strip Clubs.
"How many of us have gotten Air Dances from a New Stripper?" discover that she left the next month because she couldn't cut it.
Nothings easy in this world..."Except" getting a job as a stripper if you're an attractive woman.
I used to arrive at a regular club around shift change and often saw the girls in the parking lot. They looked like a typical group of teenaged girls. I'd have never guessed that any of them were strippers if I didn't know them. Most strippers are pretty average looking in their street clothes, especially the all-natural ones.
StripShopper, you overestimate how easy it is to be a successful stripper. It isn't rocket science or hard work, but it's more than just show up to a club 3-4 nights a week and come home with $500-$1k a night. We've all seen the girls who think they can do that, and I don't think any of us get dances from those women.
Women dress to impress other women, because it's pretty easy for women to dress to impress men.
I think we don't spot women who are strippers outside the club, because they tend to dress casual and not wear much makeup while out and about living their lives.
SS, I have one female friend who thinks the way you do. She said she called her girlfriends on it one day at the beach when they were getting catty about some girl in a very skimpy suit. Her friends were all tsk tsking the nearly nude woman and she stepped in and called bullshit. "If you looked like that" she said to one friend, "You'd be doing nude somersaults down the beach yelling LOOK AT ME!!, and so would I" The fact of it is that women don't dress or undress to impress men, that's easy, they want to impress other women.
FONDL: I play that same game at the gym. I go mid mornings or mid afternoons which is when a lot of my favs tell me they go. I've never spotted a girl at my gym that later turned up at a strip club but it's not a bad way to pass the time on the treadmill.
I always try to guess who the strippers are at the gym. You know some of them are because lots of strippers work out regularly. But my ATF tells me that the girls who you think are least likely are the ones who are. And she's right, nobody would ever guess that she used to be a stripper, she doesn't look at all the type. If there is a type.
I'd have to say alot of the time...I find myself looking at an attractive woman in a low paying job or demeaning job and saying to myself.....
If I had an easy way to make 100-200 grand a year just based off my "looks"'d bet your sweet ass I'd be doing it! Not to mention you only have to work 3-4 days a week.....IDiot!
I think Why! Why Can't you just break thru your BS morals boundaire and "Take Care Of Yourself For Life!"
BUT Noooooo.....that would be wrong and immoral.....
FINE!!!!, Lets trade Bodies and I'll use it!!!
....I Just Know I'd make each one of you guys my regular...(lol)
I've noticed some of the girls at Dunkin Donuts get a little pissed when I try to tip them between their breasts. It wouldn't be a problem if they would just pull out their thongs for the tip the way the girls at Starbucks do....
Every time there is a new woman at work, unless she is old, I always think they'd make a great stripper. Of course, I don't tell them that, but the one woman who actually used to be a stripper does not make me think that she would have ever been one.
Sexy nurses usually turn me on much.
Yeah, but they all wear scrubs now, not those really cool uniforms with the neat caps.
I was watching a recruiter walk today at work, and thought "her g-string must be way too far up her butt to make her walk like that." Definitely on the way to strip club customer damage. I might need to cut back a bit. LOL...
A similar habit I fall into is noticing women who look like they might be strippers. Not that they look hot, but just their manner, their casual body language, how you could picture them any second fluffing their tits in the grocery. Of course, they're probably the LAST women I'd be right about.
The worst thing to say while the cashier is giving you an odd look after sticking a dollar bill in her apron: "It fell out of your garter."
this is on the way to a "stripper damage"/"customer damage" post. You know you've been a stripper too long when you need to set the alarm to get to the bank before it closes...
Chitown, yep, when I've been on a SC streak in the past I've found myself being a little too obvious. Interestingly, this is a stripper problem too. One dancer I was friendly with confessed after a particularly busy few weeks she caught herself "fluffing" her breasts in the grocery store.
Chitown, I don't see anything rude or unattactive about that, as long as you don't do anything to creep her out. I imagine it all the time with women I only see for a few seconds and women I've known for years. When I'm not imagining sex with them, that is. I draw the line with family, friends and co-workers, of course. I assume most men have those thoughts, it's only natural.
" I draw the line with family, friends"
How closely related are we talking about here? When you were married, did in-laws count?
I don't remember that being a temptation. The point is, anyone should know not to indulge in such thoughts about somebody you're close to, to whom it would be like a betrayal. Cashiers are free game.
Was I over the line when I stuck the dollar bill in her apron?