
Comments by casualguy (page 157)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    North Iowa
    Mental Illness and strippers
    If RL actually talked, you might hear something from him about observing mental instability. Of course I believe he was merely looking in the mirror and imagined the behavior he saw in others. As far as any strippers being mentally unstable, just tell them that you know, everyone is crazy and we are the only sane people around. I personally haven't been attacked by any trees but I had a few branches fall down close to my car. My car luckily escaped undamaged from the encounter. Being a little bit more serious, alcohol is not recommended to take with hardly any medication it seems unless it's cold medicine and then it will just make it stronger. I haven't personally observed any crazy strippers but I've had several call me that but I believe they were joking or actually believed the stories I tell them after drinking a few.
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    19 years ago
    I just wanted to say!
    congratulations. Happy thanksgiving, merry christmas, and happy new year. guess I'm good till next year now. :) shadowcat, I'm not coming out of the closet but I did come out of my refrigerator. I believe I just finished the fourth and I'm feeling pretty good right now. Seems like a few beers would go down good after dinner and they did.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers often give EXCUSES not to see customers OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    ...and sometimes customers give excuses why they don't want to see strippers outside the club.
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    19 years ago
    It's Flu Season!!
    I don't think what you do afterwards will have any impact to avoid the flu. I heard vitamin C may lessen the impact or severity but it's hard to tell. Thanks for reminding me though because I was going to check if I could get a flu shot.
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    19 years ago
    It's Flu Season!!
    Well if terrorists ever can kill us by using the flu, consider everyone in the town I live at to be dead unless we survive naturally on our own with no help from the US government. I searched and found no flu shot clinics available in my area. That is very very sad especially considering over 50,000 people a year die from the regular flu. I feel much better knowing our government is spending 200 billion on Iraq and nothing on saving lives here at home.
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    19 years ago
    From Playmates to Burger King
    Lol, I'd like a burger and fries and a free playmate with my order to go please. Sounds good to me.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If a stripper REFUSES to tell you her REAL NAME and PHONE NUMBER, do you conside
    RL is in denial. He doesn't understand that people reading this discussion board are tired of reading these same ol same ol messages without any response.
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    19 years ago
    How often do you get a stripper to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE?
    A few different strippers and I wasn't even trying. How about you RL?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Anyone ever ASK a stripper he knows if there are CRIMINALS in her FAMILY?
    Well apparently only you RL. All the rest of us are out on parole and I was wondering if you were still in prison and got some internet priviledges. Maybe you should ask your stripper girlfriend called Bubba for more stripper advise to post here. These messages you're posting now look really really old.
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    19 years ago
    How much would you PAY to KISS a stripper on the MOUTH?
    This has got to be one of the stupidest or lame questions that you have asked RL. Maybe we need a psychologist on here to ask why you keep asking these questions and thinking about these things. RL are you fantasizing about kissing strippers? You obviously seem to be fantasizing about strippers way too much.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    PAYING a stripper for SEX in order to make her your GIRLFRIEND
    I'll answer your question RL. Almost everyone has sex. Some people pay many thousands of dollars and say they are married before they get to do it. Others may have listened to your advise here and heard they shouldn't be paying any more than $5 and gotten it. Of course the dancer may have refused the generous payment of $5 and done the deed out of horniness. Then we have your predicament. Maybe one day you will luck out and get some. However I am not going to offer advise. I will offer my condolences to you though in your long fought search for sex.
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    19 years ago
    Totally non-stripping topic that might be interesting.
    I am using firefox for most of my browsing except a very rare occasion when I find it easier to use windows or necessary. Firefox is the second most used browser after windows and it automatically blocks popups I believe. http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ My pc is old even by my standards since I used to do a lot of pc gaming. It's a Pentium III. My favorite games used to be Axis and Allies, Total Annihilation, Warcraft, Age of Empires II (I think) and RTS (real time strategy) in general. I haven't bought an Xbox or playstation since I don't believe you can get the thinking sort of strategy game I enjoy. I don't really enjoy the click, click, click or pressing buttons as fast as possible to try to beat an opponent. I think that is not strategic thinking but a press the button competition. I seem to be busy with relatives now and reading and surfing the internet especially at http://www.abovetopsecret.com/ which seems to have taken all my time away from playing pc games much anymore. I have to work time in to go to strip clubs sometime. :) Since my time seems limited, I have tons of now older pc games to play and finish and this pc I have is just fine for that and surfing the net.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Totally non-stripping topic that might be interesting.
    I still have an older pc which I haven't even turned on except once in a blue moon and it has a usable version of dos on it I save for some old favorite Dos based games. It's a Pentium and I have considered recently playing the old X-com strategy game on it but haven't gone through all the trouble yet of finding the software and making sure it still works ok. The old dos based games don't seem to work on newer computers unless you do a lot of tinkering around and then they may still throw fits. I'm not a fan of Microsoft. They actually made a good game called Freelancer and then dropped all sequels to it by focusing on the Xbox instead. I haven't bought any microsoft stuff since then. Microsoft abandoned the pc user and gamer in my opinion. My older brother still plays the old Wing Commander, Privateer, and the newer Freelancer games. no sequels are coming out now. It's all Xbox and playstation at 50 to $60 a pop a game and with microsoft that is a fixed price.
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    19 years ago
    Totally non-stripping topic that might be interesting.
    I haven't built any pc's from scratch or components but I have installed hard drives and formatted them along with sound cards, extra ram and I once replaced the main chip with an upgrade chip. Now I'm just trying to stay ahead of all the hackers and identity thieves trying to steal personal information and just messing with everyone in general. Some of my first experiences with hackers online came in a chat area and my screen kept going dark and then coming back on every few minutes. I said "some hacker must be messing with me" and then my screen went immediately dark. It came back on after a few seconds and then didn't happen anymore. I've tried to increase my security settings and be more alert after that. Although one time I had some settings on my pc screwed up and wasn't sure how to fix them. They mysteriously got fixed after surfing the internet one day. I guess not all hackers are bad. Now I sometimes wonder if my pc has developed a mind of it's own because some programs seem to act intelligently when playing against them. It's very strange especially since they are old programs that I don't understand why the pc ai would be using new moves against me as if it's learning from me. (I wasn't online either.) Oh well, I'm getting used to seeing strange things happen.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Rate your least favourite Posters
    My least favorite poster is no longer posting and hasn't been for quite a while. RL's posts can be a bit irritating since he/she nevers responds to anything anymore except with stupid one liners sometimes months later such as "anyone care to respond?" but usually it looks worse than that. I thought one time he was on to something when he discussed observing mental instability but then I don't know if he was talking about strippers or looking in the mirror. Apparently he/she didn't care to respond.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Lap dances on credit
    I usually pay cash for dances after I have finished. If a dancer wants to get more dances, she will often ask and may lower the price even more. I only use cash and no credit ever. I don't think I would pay $40 for a single dance even if I was really drunk. Well, if I just won a million dollar lottery and felt really good there might be a chance.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Bikni Bars& Topless bars vs Full Nude Clubs who has the better looking girls?
    I haven't really been to a bikini bar that I remember so I will say the topless clubs seem to have the best looking girls. Actually I think the best looking girls go to where the money is at. I just saw one of my favorites the other night and she said she was working at the beach and made $4000 in one week. She said there was a lot of out of town golfers vacationing there but things are much slower now.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I sure do miss my good ole days
    I haven't really had much time to miss anything so far. Girls keep finding me and that keeps me busy.
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    19 years ago
    Is it any different?
    Well after sleeping through a sci fi show twice, I am up during the middle of the night again. 3rd time seems to be the charm along with a vcr. As far as my comments about picking up strippers, I don't really believe I have that much experience. The only time I remember trying to go out with strippers on purpose and not drunk was when I was completely new to the strip club scene and that particular girl who said yes to meeting me outside the club still viewed me as a customer but that did seem to change. All of the other times I have gone out with strippers would be more like how a stripper can pick up a customer she likes. It was the females or dancers who got me going out with them one way or another. Therefore I believe I have very little experience picking up strippers especially since I don't try to. On the other hand maybe the process is similiar because even in a regular bar a female will often indicate if she is interested in you in some manner if you know what to look for. Well you made me remember a college class where I swear I saw at least 7 or 8 nice looking girls spying on me in class and I was thinking, too many choices, oh my. Now I need to try to go to sleep with that thought stuck in my head. :) Of course remembering coming back from a late class around 10 pm and finding my entrance blocked by the girls from the suite next to mine still haunts my memories. The girls were sitting with their legs in an A shape (shorts of course) one across from another on both sides of the walkway or breezeway we called it. Their legs formed a tunnel so to speak in an A shape. I believe about 5 or 6 girls. Then they told me they weren't going to move and I would have to crawl under their legs. They eventually let me by but that memory still haunts me. I think I should have gone for it. I had a dream where it was lots of fun crawling under their legs especially grabbing the girls to push myself forward past them on my back. Oh well, I guess things we didn't do tend to haunt our dreams later.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Is it any different?
    I'm off topic but about to go to sleep having nice college memories. Here's another, a friend of mine called and the girl in the hallway answered and said it was for me. The guy friend of mine said "what kind of suite is this anyway where a girl always answers the phone?" I just laughed. We only had one phone in the suite at that time and the guys didn't want to get up to answer the phone. Off to sleep now.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Is it any different?
    I don't call myself an expert because at the moment I remember the girls who have been more blunt at giving me signals especially like staring at you. Things also depend if the girl is looking for someone like you or not. If in doubt though, you can always go right at a girl and possibly settle the question by making a move. I think RL is a real head case. Apparently he/she thinks every guy goes to a strip club to try to date strippers, lol. That's really funny or amusing. That's a very twisted view of strip clubs in my opinion. Everyone I know just goes to have a little bit of fun, no strings attached, no committments to any girls, etc. etc. If guys want to pick up girls, other places are better I believe but RL apparently is stuck on strip clubs. RL, if you read this message, there is hope for even you. Life does exist outside of strip clubs. Maybe one day you will discover that.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Moneyrolls on Garters: Annoying?
    Money on the garters can get annoying if you have to keep trying to avoid accidently touching it just because you don't want the dancer to think about you putting your hands near her money or are trying to avoid getting scratched by some sharp paper. However, I can understand if a dancer doesn't have a place to put it not trusting other employees in a strip club. I know I wouldn't feel too safe leaving my money somewhere else in a strip club. I'd keep it with me too.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Bikni Bars& Topless bars vs Full Nude Clubs who has the better looking girls?
    I believe many girls look a lot better fully nude. However I just responded to the topic here by saying topless clubs at least in my local area because that is what most clubs are in my area and that seems to be where most of the money is at. The better looking girls often go to where they can make the most money. Of course that is assuming the better looking girls have some sense about them (a little pun there). :)
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Exhibitionism: To be seen or not to be seen?
    I know some strippers may be an exhibitionist but I don't really care to be the center of attention. I guess if I was getting paid big bucks like Tiger Woods, I would get used to it. On the other hand if the crowd only consisted of several pretty females and I was the center of attention, I could get used to it. :) The big downside is that with so many watching, someone always seems to want to criticize whether they say something to you or not. I suppose that is what all people in public life face. I'm glad I'm not in charge of this country. If you have enough people watching, you can never please everyone.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Most Top 40 Clubs Visited
    Currently two for me, PP Columbia and the Masters. There was one that dropped off. There's another I think I could help get on the top 40 but I'm not interested in making the place more crowded than it already gets. I would actually like it if PP Columbia was not standing room only on the weekends. I think it was last year when I was there. Definitely a hearing protection required club (no joking either about that). You have to protect your ears from the ear piercing music and the DJ rattling his mouth. I think he must be training the DJ in Greenville because that music is getting too loud as well.