Choosing Sides: Which way do you want your dance?

chandlerBlue Ridge Foothills
Imagine for the sake of discussion you had to choose. Would you rather have a lap dance with a stripper facing you or her backside towards you? If it depends on this or that, let's hear about it, but no fair saying you want both. Booty or boobs - which side do you choose?
last commentFacing away. I love the boobies, but they distract me when they're in my face ;) I also love to watch their butt grind away. It's also more impersonal that way...easier to objectify the woman. Oh, and I love that view from behind a woman where you can see that hourglass figure and see the edges of the boobs peeking out the sides...yeah, baby.
Facing me on her knees, and pu$$y to cock grinding! Oh yeah!
Facing me, counting her money and snapping gum while telling me about her bad childhood. Wait. What was the question?
Facing me. I like feeling her tits better when we're looking at each other, not the rest of the room. I'd miss the grinding, rubbing her back, and having her reach back to rub my dick, but you can't have it both ways.
on her knees
I prefer facing me. However I do like a change of positions every once in a while.
I prefer facing me. Facing away is only good if the dancer knows how to grind so well that I won't notice their eyes go dead while they stare off into space.
Facing me. Boobage. All the time, if possible.
I prefer them facing away. It's easier to touch their titties that way. Of course, there's nothing wrong with them facing you.
Facing me, always, all the time. I want to look at them and I want them to look at me, it's more personal that way. I don't like it when they turn away from me and face the other way. But some clubs require that they change what they're doing every 15 seconds or so, in which case they have no choice.
If I had to choose I'd say facing away. LDs are mostly tactile, and like Chitown said, you get both grinding and easy access to all the good parts from behind. I would however miss the move where they lightly bite willy through the pants and breath warm air and ... well, you get the idea.
Facing away...better grindage, and better grip on the boobs. I also like to pull the dancer back against me and rest my head against her head, neck, and/or shoulders.
The last time I was at Favorite CLub, I had the bizarre experience of getting it that way, seated around an L-shaped group of sofas from another guy who was getting it the same way. Meanwhile, the dancers were leading forward over the same round table, smoking and talking like two housewives over the back fence. They were grinding like crazy, but like their asses were on automatic while they were have a swell time talking.
It was very strange.
Facing me!