
Ever Go Shopping With a Stripper?

If so did you buy her anything? If so was it your idea or hers?

Ever go shopping with a stripper, not buy her anything, but get her to buy you something?


  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Me? No! Shopping is on my least favorite things list. I bet you have got taken pretty bad by the tone of your original post.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Or whatever it was.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I have never gone shopping with a stripper. A stripper once suggested that I take her shopping, which signaled to me that it was time to discontinue the relationship.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Never. I hate shopping.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Nope, you got me beat there davids. How many times have you gone shopping with a stripper?
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I go shopping with one of my OTC dancer friends all the time. We took her daughter back-to-school shopping last September. It was a blast. I've never bought her anything while we where in the store-other than lunch-though I have given her birthday and holiday gifts.

    Why would I try and "get" her to buy me something? Davids, this almost sounds like some sort of game you try to play. There's nothing in most women's stores that I would have any interest in. Again, we exchange gifts on B-days and holidays but I'm a little old for playing games and trying to "get" people to buy me things. I do these sort of things because I want to, not because I am looking for something in return. It's that whole honesty thing, it's a bitch I know but it works for me.

  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    More than one stripper has asked me to meet her at a local upscale mall for a shopping date. NEVER.
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