
Are you winding down?

Monday, November 21, 2005 9:21 AM
As I've posted a few messages here recently I've come to realize my clubbing days seem to be winding down. It may be boredom with the scene, or age, or just a change in attitude, but I find that my visits are less frequent, and even when I travel they sometimes seem more like an obligation or a default than something I really look forward to. I still have a good time mind you, and I'm usually glad I went, but I'm starting to find that I care less and less for the whole scene. I'm not sure if that is a reflection on me (though it has to be to some extent) or the clubs. Thoughts?


    19 years ago
    AN, suggest you try Showcase Theater and Wagon Wheel if you're looking for contact laps - the former is closer to you but the latter is by reputation more contact although I've never been there. Both are "private" clubs in that they require annual memberships so you may want to wait til after Jan. 1. McDoogals can also be fun, it's a good place to either just sit or to have some private dances and it's not too expensive. If you just want to sit and watch there are a bunch of other good places to choose from. GGC probably has the best looking ladies but the quality has declined somewhat; they also have laps but they're quite expensive.
    19 years ago
    JC, that's exaclty my point - a lot of smaller clubs have a lot of customers spending a lot of money, and because they usually have fewer girls working they often make a lot of money in such places. If you want to call them big clubs, that's OK with me. I tend to equate "big" with "GC," since most of the GC's I've ever been to were big and most of the non-GC's were quite a bit smaller. But not always.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    FONDL, in my experience, most small local clubs feature below average talent and a sparse number of customers, none of which is spending any money on the girls. That might be because I live in Tampa, where there are quite a few excellent clubs where girls can make a ton of money. I think this is a case where our opinions differ because the clubs are different where you and I are.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    FONDL, when I say big club, I mean a club with a lot of customers. That doesn't necessarily mean "big gentlemens club" in my book. Mons Venus, for example, is a tiny little building but qualifies as a "big" club in my book.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I think I need to quit the DC clubs. Did my monthly dual trip last night, and found myself watching the Plasma TVs both places have installed more than the dancers. There were some worth looking at at one place, only one at the other. I give up. I think I'll need to drive to Baltimore to get the mood back.
  • Doverman
    19 years ago
    When I lived in Florida, I spent a lot of time in the clubs (big surprise eh?). After moving around the country, I started to wind down, not finding the same excitement (or action) that was to be had in the Sunshine State. I guess I was jaded having lived in a place with somewhat lenient rules. I'd still hit some clubs when traveling for business, but not always. Now that I've found a club where the mileage closely approaches that of Florida, I seem to be spending more time there (but not nearly approaching that of the good ole' days of F L A).
    19 years ago
    JC, I think it's a common misconception that girls working at the big GC's make more money than do girls working at at small local clubs. For one thing the big GC's take a much larger house cut. Secondly they hire far more girls which means there's a lot more competition. My ATF did extremely well, as did a couple of her friends. I think a lot of the average-looking girls in today's big glitzy GC's could increase their incomes by moving to a smaller club.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    I'm winding up. Man if I look where I was last year compared to now and how much progress I've made... I wonder where I'll be in a year? I feel very confident about my prospects over the next year. My biggest fear is that I'll start to think I know everything and get stuck in a rut, rather than just having fun and experimenting like I am doing now. Got to avoid that at all costs... Also the temptation to just start spending money is always there (kind of like the temptation to eat cheese burgers and fries at every meal as opposed to a healthy diet). Looking forward to the guy who starts the new year's resolution thread this year. -davids
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    If I ever found a cutie like that at a local club, I would tell her to move to a busier club, make more money, use some of that money to get an education and save the rest, and then get the hell out of the business. Dancing when you are young and pretty and can make a lot of money off dirty old bastards like you and me is fine, but eventually she gets old and not so pretty and then what is she going to do?
    19 years ago
    JC, I agree that the talent is often lacking in the local titty bars, but my experience is that's becoming the case in the big GC's too. I think talent is declining everywhere, there are too many clubs and too many dancers. And way too many girls think they're entitled to big bucks just because they take their clothes off, regardless of how they look or how they treat the customers. The trick is to find a little neighborhood place that has a couple of cuties and low prices. That's how I met my ATF.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    True that. I haven't been a fan of low-key clubs because the talent there leaves something to be desired to my tastes, but I can see the appeal if personal connections with the talent matter more than appearances or mileage.
    19 years ago
    JC, while it doesn't always happen that way it happens often enough that it's exactly why I seek out newbies. I've found that if you start with a newbie, even after she becomes jaded she will usually continue to treat you the way she did originally. I also think it depends on where you are. The low-key neighborhood titty bars often have dancers who never seem to develop the jaded attitude. Maybe it's because they never make the really big bucks and as a result their expectations are more realistic. Anyway I find such places to be more fun.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    The amount of hustle is also affected by how long the dancers have been working there. Newbies used to the low-paying wages of their old jobs are ecstatic about the easy money they make dancing. Once they become pros and get used to the income, their attitude suffers, and they began to look for greener pastures ("better" clubs, OTC whoring, etc).
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    All of my favs know that I go to a lot of different clubs and they are ALWAYS asking me about them with an eye towards changing clubs. A fav of mine who's been at the same club for 8 years recently showed up at another club I frequent to try it out for a few weeks. She told me that she had adjusted to the lower income at her old club the last few years but that new management was treating all of the girls like crap and she had had enough.
    19 years ago
    AN, I think that's especially true for strip clubs because of the way they treat their dancers. Typically the dancers aren't employees and have to pay one way or another to work there. Clubs and dancers are therefore often in an adversarial position. And that makes for a very short-term orientation and poor customer relations.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I'll just add that an employees motivation, to make money for themselves, in a tipped job is sometimes at odds with the employer's desire to have them make money for the buisness. When both are being satisfied there isn't a problem, but the tipped employee has little reason to be loyal to the employer who is hindering their earning potential, and every reason to side with the customer who is paying them for their service.
    19 years ago
    I've noticed over the years that when a business focuses their attention on providing superior product and service, they usually tend to make a lot of mony. But when they focus on makingmoney, they end up making less. You see this especially when a business changes hands - the oiginal founder does very well because his attention was focused on the customer, but when a professional manager takes over he cuts corners and profits decline. That's exactly what a lot of strip clubs have done.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    True JC, but I'm speculating about which started that cycle. I saw it happen with one of the resturaunts I worked at. When the old much beloved and very skilled manager left the place started to decline. The decline in earnings produced an exodus, increased competition for good shifts, hard feelings, and a less skilled but overworked staff. The start was when the money wasn't there to keep the good people working and happy.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Cheerless hustle is both cause and effect, a vicious cycle that feeds back into itself.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I'll just add that the hustle you see now may be the result of, not the cause of the decline in clubs. Even 10 years ago when I started there was a lot more money to be made by the dancers. From various conversations then and now they used to be able to count on about $300+ working a decent weeknight. Now some say they are lucky to break $200 sometimes. Add inflation to that, and you can see that there has been a serious decline in earning potential. Now consider when it is easier to be in a friendly party mood, when the money is flowing and you know you'll make decent money, or when you realize you better get it while you can or you're going to be struggling at the end of the night? Just a thought.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I agree. Years ago I hung out at one club. I was there once or twice a week and always had a great time. It was like Cheers with boobs. I had an ATF and favs but even the girls I didn't know well or spend money on where friendly and the management and staff where also very friendly as well. I still go to that same club but only once in a while to visit a fav or two who happen to work there. The club itself hasn't been the same for years. I find myself hitting many diferent clubs now solely to visit the girls that I like. If they aren't working I go someplace else. Club managers have created a situation where all they care about is how much money THEY make. As long as the girls show up and pay their house fee management doesn't care if they go home with $500 or $50 at the end of the night. This creates an environment where hustling is elevated to annoying and, in some cases, ripping -off customers just make a buck. Girls jump from club to club since they know management doesn't care about them-and they no longer care about management-or the club they work in. It's become a completly mercenary environment. The other day I was at a favorite club of mine and the floor manager bought all of the dancers a drink in the middle of their shift. You hardly ever see this sort of thing anymore.
    19 years ago
    SuperDude, I agree. It's hard to find that great party atmosphere or girls with the party attitude anymore. Most places and girls are all about money now. Maybe that's why I've found other ways to spend my money.
  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    The managers and owners have let many clubs become boring. Dancers with no personality or dancing skills and everyone on the make for money. Getting older I find that I will not tolerate being hustled for bad service. I still go, but a lot less frequently and only as a regular.
  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    The managers and owners have let many clubs become boring. Dancers with no personality or dancing skills and everyone on the make for money. Getting older I find that I will not tolerate being hustled for bad service. I still go, but a lot less frequently and only as a regular.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Pleasant conversation and personalities have half lifes too unfortunately. Thankfully, memory is one of the first things to go so some things will never get old.
    19 years ago
    But to get back to the original question, I've found that rather than winding down my tastes have changed. Certain aspects of the encounter (eg. pleasant conversation) have become more important than they used to be, while other aspects (eg. total nudity, high contact) have become less important. I think at first the nudity and high contact were a real novelty, but once that novelty became fairly commonplace the girl's personality became more important for me. And that I can find cheaper elsewhere.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Around Providence we often refer to it as Brazilian rug burn. If you don't pop in a song or two she will rub it raw-even through you clothes...strangely, no one ever asks these girls to stop...
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat, just be glad that you recovered. You can actually do permanent damage. Mr. Happy is quite fragile. My record, BTW, is 16 - nonstop. With my ATF.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I'm holding steady for the last couple of years-meaning that I'm going less than was five or six years ago but still on a fairly regular basis. I have periods where work is so busy that I won't go to a club for a month or so. I average once or twice a week when I'm not traveling for business. I definitely don't do as much club hoping on the road as I used to. Lately I'm too dissapointed with what I find outside of my home area.
  • lousybuck
    19 years ago
    Winding down from my peak but going a bit more now that i was a couple of years ago. All in all, I'm spending less but probably enjoying it more.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    The only thing that can keep me away from the clubs is a committed relationship, and being in the clubs keeps me away from that (along with fear of commitment). When the time comes, I don't wind down, I walk away.
    19 years ago
    "Sure" not "shure" - I never could spell, or type for that matter.
  • travelingthrough
    19 years ago
    I'm in the winding up stage, but I think I am probably younger than most of the regular posters here. (Yeah, the finances are regretting it. But that is the only regret so far.)
    19 years ago
    I don't know if it's a world's record, but it shure sounds like one sore weenie. Three hours + of aggressively rubbing any body part is going to leave a major brushburn and probably serious bruising as well. Ouch.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Winding down. I'm getting tired of the local club scene; maybe a trip will recharge my interest.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Compared to shadowcat, I never even got wound up. Therefore, it's going to be pretty hard to wind down. That must be an all time customer record as far as I've heard, 62 lap dances in a single day. That might be a world's record too but I wouldn't know.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    No, if anything, I'm ramping up. I used to go to Favorite Club once every three months, as a special roadtrip. Now I'm up to at least monthly, plus anytime I am within an hour and half or so of the place, which usually adds another visit a month.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    No. Unfortunately for my finances - I'm winding up.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I myself have had a few periods where I thought I was "winding down", including a 6 month gap between visits, but then I always found a new club scene to go to, or sometimes a new favorite comes along.
    19 years ago
    AN, I went through that too about 10 years ago. I got tired of club hopping and looking for new girls all the time. It seemed like my batting average was dropping and I was having fun on fewer and fewer occasions. So I became a regular - I found a regular club and a regular girl and that solved the problem for a long time. Now I'm winding down again but not so much by choice - I don't travel as much or have as much freedom to go clubbing as I used to. And I've found other activities that I enjoy just as well.
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