
Comments by casualguy (page 154)

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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What's the most trouble you've gotten into in a strip club?
    I've also had Korean girls next door to some strip clubs come out and gang up on me. They grabbed me and dragged me into their massage parlor where they proceeded to fondle me. All I was trying to do was go to the strip club.
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    19 years ago
    What would you do in this scenario
    I usually let a dancer talk for a few minutes and then hint that I'm not interested in a dance if I'm not. I almost got a dancer upset with me one time when I immediately told her I wasn't interested in a dance before she even sat down. She told me the last guys she tried to sit with told her to get lost because they didn't want any dances. She didn't look that bad either. I believe the same annoying dancer before her that bugged me was bugging other guys in the club. An annoying dancer is one who not only leaves after being rejected for a dance but leaves with an obnoxious gesture towards you and everyone else as if she is placing herself above everyone. Those dancers make all the guys upset.
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    19 years ago
    What would you do in this scenario
    To answer the original question, I don't usually let the fact that someone is talking to me for a while factor into my decision to get a dance or not. However, talking to a dancer does seem to get me interested in her on occasion. That is if she is not arguing with me for 15 minutes over why I should get a dance from her and I keep telling her no the whole time. I have had a few dancers sit and/or talk with me for 30 minutes up to an hour after telling them I didn't want a dance but usually they'll leave quickly.
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    19 years ago
    What other x-rated activities do you regularly engage in?
    Several years ago I didn't even know what a massage parlor was. One day I decided to go to a strip club and it just happened to be next to a massage parlor. I was surprised when some Korean girls came out on the street and grabbed me and forced me into their club. They were nice about it but weren't taking no for an answer. I avoided them the next time by approaching the club from the other side and found out there were more girls waiting for me over there (another parlor that is). If a guy can actually get tired of females grabbing him, I was there at one point. I haven't been to a massage parlor since that time and do not plan to. I might consider a trip to a regular massage therapist though. As far as regular activities go, I don't keep track of how many times I've slept with this girl or that girl but believe in using protection. If I happen to be with a stripper and know she is a stripper, I'm a bit more weary of her not knowing how many guys she has already been with and get a bit nervous if she goes down on me without warning but it happens. I sometimes wonder why I even go to strip clubs but I guess I do because it's fun.
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    19 years ago
    What's your most embarrasing moment at a Stripclub?
    I remember I once used to wear white shorts into strip clubs. I remember one night a feature entertainer and porn star (don't remember who she was) was on stage. I sat back and relaxed in my chair at the stage while every single guy besides me leaned over the stage trying to get a better look. To my surprise she came over to me got down on her knees and stragetically grabbed my shorts with her teeth. She wouldn't let go either and ended up getting lipstick all over the front of my shorts turning them red. It was slightly embarassing going to another club and explaining why my shorts were red with lipstick. Watching every guy at the stage sit back in their chair after the feature entertainer was done with me - priceless.
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    19 years ago
    weirdest thing a dancer has asked you
    I'm not surprised by hardly anything a dancer tells me. I don't know whether to believe it or not. The weirdest thing would probably be any question after the dancer tells me she is from another planet and is serious about it. I don't remember if she claimed the planet was Venus or somewhere in the Altair star system. I can't think of anything much weirder.
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    19 years ago
    weirdest thing a dancer has asked you
    Oh, I just remembered one thing that might be even weirder. A dancer refused to take no for an answer and even after I told her I had no money, she still asked me for a dance. After I refused a free dance, she asked if I would come home with her. Now that is really weird. She was not my type.
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    19 years ago
    Why do people at strip clubs look so serious?
    I have a great answer to the question. Why is everyone so serious at a strip club? The reason is that for many, admiring tits and ass is a religious experience. LOL
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    19 years ago
    I enjoy looking at shaved pussy and think many if not most look very pretty. I didn't realize some guys think they look ugly. However I mainly look at girls who look good to me overall in the first place. A little bit of hair as they call it a runway doesn't bother me.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Can this theory work at a stripclub
    It's not just how you are looking but your body language as well. I see some guys sitting with their arms crossed and that is a sign for dancers to not approach them since they are being defensive or in a bad mood for some reason. Some guys may smell bad. My sense of smell is too good smelling everything in a club which can be disgusting at times except for a few dancers who smell delicious like food. :) I usually attract more dancers than I care for especially in a new club where all the dancers in the club seem to drop by. I remember one time I sat next to a group of college age girls in a strip club one time and wasn't bothered by the dancers quite so much. Actually I think they sat next to me. I'm still not used to being in a men's club and having several female customers sitting all around me. Didn't bother me though.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Female customers at strip clubs
    Several years ago I tried to take two girls into a strip club with me (one of them happened to be a temporary ex dancer) but either the club made up some excuse or the girls didn't have a suitable enough id for them to enter. We just left since apparently the club wasn't too interested in letting a guy with two girls go into the club as customers several years ago. We ended up partying at a few regular night clubs instead.
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    19 years ago
    How do I stop being anxious to get back and see a dancer?
    Some dancers can remember a guy they met once even though it is months or over a year later when they see him again. I didn't think dancers remembered that well but one dancer told me I was unique. I think if they like you, they tend to remember better. I once thought I could tell a dancer alot of stories after drinking without her remembering but got surprised when I found out some dancers remember every single word you told them months later and even remember your name. If you go back to a strip club months later and dancers are calling you by name and you are having trouble remembering anyone, it can make you wonder. Getting a bit more on topic, some dancers work at different clubs different weeks and can drop or change clubs in a heartbeat so I would enjoy dancers you like while they are still working in your area.
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    19 years ago
    Taking the initiative for dances
    It would probably seem strange but nice if I had to ask for dances. When I go out to strip clubs, I'm used to turning down dancers every few minutes unless they already know I'm not interested in getting dances from them. I do remember a long time ago I asked a dancer for a dance. I sometimes wonder if some dancers see me as a challenge when I keep turning them down. I know if you are a regular at a club where the dancers know you as someone who doesn't get lap dances, don't ever get one unless you want a bunch of dancers to suddenly complain. Just imagine hearing a dancer say that I've been teasing her for 5 years but she still asks. I might ask for dances if I wasn't asked so much. I guess it might depend on the club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Taking the initiative for dances
    I do remember one dancer years ago that may have been the prettiest girl in the club. I asked her for a dance. At first she noticed I wasn't getting any dances so she thought I wasn't interested in her either. She started asking me after that. I enjoyed her while she danced. I remember she told me she posed for some pics in a popular men's magazine, then she left the strip club business. Then I ran into her as a waitress working at Hooters for a brief spell. Then I met her dancing again at a different club for a couple of weeks, then she went back to a different club working as a bartender studying to be a veterinerian (working with animals) when she wasn't serving drinks. I know dancers walk around asking for dances as part of their job but I do remember when the guys had to ask (at certain clubs at least). I miss that.
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    19 years ago
    Stripper orgasms, fake or real?
    If a stripper is making some funny noises and seems to having an awfully good time and giving you some free dances to keep going, I might wonder. If not, I'd say there is an excellent chance the dancer is putting on a show. Dancers putting on a show and acting, that would be strange wouldn't it? :)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Feature entertainers
    Some clubs in the Southeast often charge a few extra dollars when a feature is in the house or they used to. Some features are overrated. Others I have found to be entertaining and bring a bigger crowd to less crowded clubs. It might be harder to get individual attention unless you are a regular but if you just going to enjoy the show and the view it can be fun. I'm a bit nervous about some feature entertainers trying to make me part of the show. I don't want things splashed on me or clothes torn off. Other than that they can be fun.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Has this ever happened to you?
    I wouldn't let some drunk jerk stop you from going to a club you like. He may have been curious and totally uninhibited so he asked a stupid question and any stupid answer would have been good enough for him. Answers like "I don't like wasting my money on air dances here when I get better dances down the road" would make him wonder. An answer like "I just got a ton of dances here last week and need to watch my spending" would probably shut him up as well. He's just being a jerk and is not really interested in you but just in acting drunk is my opinion. You might even tell him a story about after your divorce that you envy him and all the high roller cash he has to spend since you barely have enough after alimony to get inside and tip a few girls. I'd just chalk it up to drunken curiousity and any answer even a lie would satisfy him.
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    19 years ago
    How would you have handled this?
    If you gut is telling you to stay away, I'd listen to it. However I might play along a bit and see what her motive is. Does she want someone new to make love to with no money involved? If she even hints at some money or charge involved, she is not asking for a boyfriend but a sugar daddy of some sorts. If she is into drugs, I would avoid her. I believe it's asking for trouble to get involved with anyone using drugs. I have heard if you give a ride to someone who has drugs on them, your car can be confiscated and kept by law enforcement. I try to avoid trouble instead of asking for it. However a little bit of fun at no cost would be ok.
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    19 years ago
    Has this ever happened to you?
    I don't remember any customer saying anything about not getting dances but I remember a DJ telling everyone that Tipping is not a city in China. Sounds like one though. I once got very annoyed at a waitress who told me if I didn't order a drink, I would need to leave her table because she is serving paying customers. I just had two drinks before she came over and I was sitting there for just 30 minutes or so. I left her table without getting one and got a bunch of drinks from another waitress.
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    19 years ago
    How would you have handled this?
    I will also add if you did hit it off with her be prepared to break things off suddenly. She may be late on the rent or something and suddenly ask for a loan. Then you might get in a fight after telling her no. She may have the looks for a girlfriend but she carries a lot of baggage and possible financial problems and possibly other problems in my opinion. I might also ask what she is planning on doing after she finishes stripping. If she has no plan except to get married, you might be looking at a gold digger.
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    19 years ago
    How would you have handled this?
    One other thing to consider here is that she may be trying to seek revenge on her boyfriend for him cheating or doing something. You might get into bed with her but her ex boyfriend may come back and come after you if he doesn't consider her to be an ex. I'd also ask about what line of work (ie description) of her ex to see who broke things off and make sure he's not coming after you. Avoid trouble strategy. Example: her "ex" boyfriend is in the mafia and he cheated on her. So she uses you to get back. Now, she's happy but her boyfriend knows about you. That would not be good. Saying you don't know enough about her is good.
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    19 years ago
    can we somehow vote to ban romantic lover
    Romanticlover has discussed mental instability in the past. Do I need to say anymore?
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    19 years ago
    I got an idea if you want to hook up with dancers
    Actually I have met a dancer at one such place. I believe I may have asked her months before what kind of other regular clubs are any good in town because I was thinking about checking them out. She told me about one I remember and I did like it. It was a nice sports bar with several TV's, arcade machines, pool tables, a dance area and had free admission before 9 pm. I was sitting at the bar early one evening and I saw her walk in and then she saw me and came over and chatted for a bit. Where I live at though, the best looking girls are not necessarily strippers.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How should I handle this dancer
    I know I think more highly of a stripper/dancer if I ask her if she would like a drink when I'm going to the bar and she tells me a drink which turns out to be on the house (gingerale in this case). I liked that and the fact that the club didn't charge me for it. I will usually just say no to any dancer asking me to buy them a drink unless I'm in a real good mood when a dancer I don't know comes up out of the blue and asks for a drink after talking to me for just a minute or two. One nice thing about the stupid blue laws in south carolina is that no one asks me to buy them a drink after midnight on Saturday night. Liquor and bottled beer is cut off in some clubs at 20 minutes until midnight so they claim that waitresses have time to collect all the bottles by the stroke of midnight. I think it's a stupid law but at least I found one way it is useful. Something else you could say is that I'd rather spend the money on a dance.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever met a woman before she became a dancer?
    I met one girl many years ago who happened to be working at the same place as me ask me what I thought about her becoming a stripper. She said she knew I went to some strip clubs and she was considering becoming a dancer. I wasn't exactly sure if this meant she just wanted my opinion or wanted to spend some time with me or what. I don't intentionally encourage people to become strippers. Now that I think about it though, I could offer girls a compromise. They could come over and strip for me at my house and let me know what they think. I could give them pointers for free. That might take a while though if they look good. :)