
weirdest thing a dancer has asked you

"are your parents still alive"

just out of the blue i was asked that.


  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Chitown: She started to answer me straight, then the guys at the next table laughed, and she realized it wasn't a straight question. I told her I was new in town, and I didn't want to get suckered into anything. She said if I was new it was $10, so I told her I wasn't that new, now DANCE!
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    "a dancer came by and asked me if I'd like a dollar dance, and I asked her, "How much does it cost?""

    OK, I'll bite...what did she say?
  • bighands00
    19 years ago
    Will you co-sign my loan on my new townhouse. My credit is bad and I know yours is great. It is only $174,000. Since this girl had been my favorite for 2 years, I actually didn't say no immediately. We have met OTC many times. She was not happy with me when I said no.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    bighands00: Good decision on your part.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    File under Shouldn't Complain: Last night at Chitown's club, a dancer came by and asked me if I'd like a dollar dance, and I asked her, "How much does it cost?"
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    A tipsy older dancer once asked me what I'd do if she spilled a drink on my pants. I replied that I'd take pants to the cleaners & send her the bill. Dancer got po'd, needless to say, didn't get any ld's or any further contact w. her
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Did you cum? Then she reached inside my pants to check....I did.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I've gotten similar questions:

    From one: "You were so tense before; are you relaxed now?"

    to the more direct

    "Are you feeling nutty?"
    19 years ago
    Good line, Chitown, I'll have to remember that one. That reminds me of the time I met my first ever fav, she was standing at the bar in a long dress and I actually didn't know if she worked there or not because it wasn't the kind of place where the girls dressed like that. So I walked up to her, asked if I could buy her a drink, we took our drinks to a table, sat down, and I asked her if she worked there because I really didn't know. She turned out to be one of the nicest girls I've ever met in a club. Also one of the best looking ever, one of the few true 10s I've ever met. I think that's the only time I've ever approached a girl who was just standing at the bar in a club. Lust at first sight.

    But to answer the original question, I once had a dancer who I had just met ask me if I had a condom.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Maybe not particularly weird, but a longtime favorite once asked me "Do I dance slutty?" I thought that question was in the same catagory as "Does this make me look fat?" and as I stammered she realized the no-win nature of the question and let me off with a "That's not a fair question, don't answer that."
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I shouldn't complain. One of my favorite icebreakers with a dancer that I am approaching for a dance is to look down at her naked boobs, and however much else of her is naked, and say, "Do you work here?"
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    A dancer asked to move in with me; I said no. Then next week when I asked her why she came back from NYC after working the $1500 VIP rooms at Scores, she told me that she had a million dollar home and two golf courses here in Florida. I thought about asking if I could move in with her, heh.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    One time, when I was on the road and wearing a Star Wars t-shirt, a dancer came up to me, told me she liked the shirt and asked if Spock was my favorite Star Wars character. Not who was my favorite character, but whether Spock was. I then spent far too long trying to explain the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    There's a dancer I've seen a few times now who asks almost without fail what I had for dinner that evening.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Oh, I just remembered one thing that might be even weirder. A dancer refused to take no for an answer and even after I told her I had no money, she still asked me for a dance. After I refused a free dance, she asked if I would come home with her. Now that is really weird. She was not my type.
  • Shekitout
    19 years ago
    "Do you watch porn? Do you masturbate? Are you married? Do you have a girlfriend?" Just one question after another right after she asked my name & told me hers. Never haappened before & never has since & most likely never will. Now mostly what I get is "Wanna dance?"
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I'm not surprised by hardly anything a dancer tells me. I don't know whether to believe it or not. The weirdest thing would probably be any question after the dancer tells me she is from another planet and is serious about it. I don't remember if she claimed the planet was Venus or somewhere in the Altair star system. I can't think of anything much weirder.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    The other night, a girl I'd never seen before in my life walked up to me with the opening line, "Do you like this outfit?"

    It was all in the timing.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    If I was a Republican (she explained that the question was prompted by a red tie I was wearing.).
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