Female customers at strip clubs

avatar for JC2003
Anyone notice that there are more of them these days in your club or clubs of choice than before? At any given night at the Mons, I think I've seen more non-dancer women at the clubs than I did in all of the 90's. Any idea what they're doing at the clubs that might be different than the reasons why we go?


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avatar for lopaw
19 years ago
There are plenty of male-only gyms, altho they aren't labeled as such, and were never intended to be.....they are the gyms that are usually filthy & rundown enough that no woman would ever set foot inside.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Chitown, how come there are female-only gyms but no male-only ones? How come my gym has a female-only workout room but no male-only workout room? What would happen if a club excluded female customers? Can they do that? I don't get it.

BTW, one of the large corporations I used to work for had mostly female lawyers including one who was a real bitch, she absolutely loved screwing employees out of their benefits. Experience also tells me that there are more female lobbyists in DC than males. They start out as staffers for their congressman, go to law school, then become lobbyists. So maybe that's where the female lawyers are. (Interestingly I found that most lobbyists are Democrats, even the ones who work for business.)
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
FONDL, you could aways join me at the bar. Trial work is still largely a male-dominated area of the legal world. (Studies have shown that trial lawyers have higher testosterone levels than lawyers in general, including female trial lawyers; adjusted, or course, for gender. Of course the same studies have shown that actors ahve higher levels of testerone than the population at large, so I'm not sure of the significance of such studies.) Obviously, there are some women trial lawyers, but there are times that I will see fewer women at the courthouse than I would at some strip clubs.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Ever notice how many women you see on the golf course? Ever notice how many women are in the weight room at your gym? There aren't any men-only places anymore. The strip club was our last exclusive enclave, now it's gone too. Personally I'm saddened by that.
avatar for GooberMan
19 years ago
Hey, minnow, what are "PR seats"?
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
Just a random thought, anyone notice how well women's liberation has worked out for men?
avatar for ralphyboy
19 years ago
What began as a trickle years ago has turned into a fairly routine expectation--they always come in packs and are there more often than not in my regular joint. Personally, I like it. At least they are asses in seats in joints that are all too often two-thirds empty. They add energy, intrigue and flavor--and they tip too. I've seen more than one get up on stage. What's not to like? It's called women's liberation and it's here to stay. More power to them.
avatar for lopaw
19 years ago
Hashing around if it's good or bad don't mean a thing.
It's here to stay, so ya better get used to it.
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
I don't care if it's good or bad. I just remember it being more of a spectacle in the past, that's all.

The last time I saw women in the club, they were complaining to their boyfriends/husbands/whatever how boring the club was (it was early) and then they started making out with each other. All the dancers avoided them after that scene, and the club manager bitched at them about smoking in the club (no smoking club) so they left.
avatar for minnow
19 years ago
Yes, this is a new millenium, after all. Seems to be more prevalent near college campuses and vacation hot spots. One night @ Christes (Tempe AZ, near ASU) 1/3-1/2 PR seats were female customers. I kinda sense JC is just dying to start a thread on whether such an increase is a good or bad thing.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
"in the superlitigious buisness environment we have (no offense ChiTown)."

WHy would I take offense? It's made me a good living for the last 20 years!
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
Chitown, Touche.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
I've noticed an increase in female customers. Most of them I see are with a group of guys, the phenomenon I call the "one of the guys" test. In the male dominated professions especially you often see the lone woman in the office going to the club with the guys for various reasons, most of them having to do with wanting to show the guys they fit in, or even get a little teasing in that is otherwise off limits in the superlitigious buisness environment we have (no offense ChiTown). Some obviously enjoy flirting with the bisexual or lesbian image because of how it gets the guys worked up, others see it as something naughty, and thus fun. For some it's almost an initiation. At my club you can see that these groups almost always make the woman go up to tip (which results in a serious pink kitty show), and they always get a big kick out of it. Some of the women seem to enjoy it, others, not so much.
avatar for lopaw
19 years ago
QuicksandMan: The coincidence is amazing. I am a female engineer that works at a large facility, who hangs out with her guy co-workers at stripclubs.

Suddenly the Twilight Zone music is running thru my head.....
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
The women I've seen in clubs seem to fall into one of three groups: (1) they're there with their boyfriends, (2) they're friends of one or more of the dancers (and are maybe dancers themselves), or (3) they're lesbians. My guess is that sometimes they're both (2) and (3). My ATF used to go pretty regularly with her BF. She even went with me once to visit her old club.
avatar for GooberMan
19 years ago
Chitownlawyer, I think you meant that last line to read "power over males."

Hey, lopaw, the club I described is near me in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Hope I didn't disappoint you!
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Not too long ago on internet SC forums, you'd always see it asked which clubs were "couples friendly". I think the assumption now is that with few exceptions, they all are. And I know it used to be standard practice not to allow unescorted females to enter for fear they would distract attention from the working females, but that obviously fell by the wayside some time ago.
avatar for lopaw
19 years ago
BTW - QuicksandMan: If you live in L.A. & hang out near LAX, it sounds like you were describing me, down to a tee. It can't be that small of a world, can it???
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Several years ago I tried to take two girls into a strip club with me (one of them happened to be a temporary ex dancer) but either the club made up some excuse or the girls didn't have a suitable enough id for them to enter. We just left since apparently the club wasn't too interested in letting a guy with two girls go into the club as customers several years ago. We ended up partying at a few regular night clubs instead.
avatar for lopaw
19 years ago
For me..it's all about lesbianism! That's why I go....I love women just like you guys do. But I know that I am in the minority of all of the women customers nowadays. Most girls are there on a lark, or are dragged there kicking & screaming by their boyfriends. That latter group are the biggest pains-in-the-ass going. They annoy the dancers, and make everyone uncomfortable. I wish to hell those bitches would just stay home!!
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
I have to wonder if some women aren't attracted by being in a situation where women have so much power over men. Perhaps this is projection on my part, but I think that dancers have a lot of power over their customers. In fact, I doubt there is any place else in society, with the exception of the earlier years of the educational system, in which females have such power over females.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Ten years ago at my home club, the clientele was mostly older guys, a lot of them blue collar or farmers. Women were so rare that a chubby 45 year old who came in with her husband or boyfriend would get stares from all around. At 35, I was often the youngest guy in the place, even though it's a college town. Nowadays, I feel like the chaperone at a young singles party. For a while, it was kind of interesting to see an occasional group of cute young women come in, tip the dancers and maybe drop their tops. It stopped being interesting a long time ago. Sometimes, there are more female patrons than dancers, and they may be better looking, but it's ho-hum.

As for why they go, the beauty of the female nude has for centuries been an object of attraction to both sexes. With most young women I see, I don't think it's about lesbianism. I think it's mostly about strip clubs being just another form of nightclub for young men and women.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
Some black lesbians go to a club I have been to (not Favorite Club). They drink their beer and mind their own business. Whatever. I;ve never seen them at the rail, and for some reason the d/j doesn't rag on them like he does the men who don't tip.

I am impressed by men who can get dates to go to strip clubs. I dated fairly extensively before I got married at a relatively late age, and I can only think of maybe two women that I would have even thought about asking to go to a strip club.

We won't even talk about Mrs. Chitown.

Have any of the posters on this board taken dates to sc's? What was the experience like?
avatar for GooberMan
19 years ago
Oh, since we are on this topic, I wanted to mention something weird that happened last week.

I work at a large facility that employs thousands of people. A female engineer I know casually from some training classes appeared as a customer with some guy friends of hers at a club. It was dark and I had to catch a glimpse of her from several angles as I meandered about the floor, but I am quite sure it was her. I opted not to strike up a conversation given all the other guy friends at her table and given how little I know her. We did make eye contact once and she looked at me like she recognized me.

I did not really know what to make of the situation. She is straight as far as I know. I thought she was married with children. But, of course, I know better than to make assumptions about anyone.

Anyway, it was one of those strange scenarios.
avatar for GooberMan
19 years ago
I have heard that straight women go because they find it sexy to be around sexy women. I guess they feel a sense of osmosis of the sexiness transposed from the dancers to themselves. A straight woman told me this and said straight men are too inhibited to feel the same way about being around sexy men. Hmmmmmm...
avatar for minnow
19 years ago
QM: PR= Perverts Row . Yeah FONDL, kinda sad, but daytime shifts are still very much man's enclave. However, a fast-loose kind of club with the right kind of female "civilians" can be quite the spice of life indeed.
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