
What would you do in this scenario

If most of the dancers at a club didn't take time out to sit and have a converstaion with you but one of them did but she isn't as good looking as the others would you get a dance from her? The other girls might look better but they only asked you for a dance but couldn't take time out to sit and talk, would you waste money on them even if they looked hot? Does the dancer sitting with you deserve a dance or at least a tip because she has good customer service skills? or would you just tell her no as well?


  • chandler
    19 years ago
    CG: Talking to a dancer has on occasion gotten me interested when I hadn't been before. More often, I've had a girl i wanted a lapdance from bore me with her talking to the point where I lost all interest in getting a dance.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    If a dancer I'm hotly anticipating is due to come by any minute, and another girl starts to sit down, I'll just fib and say, "Sorry, that seat's taken" or, "I'm with somebody." I'll use the same line to keep a fugly from trying to join me under any circumstances.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    To answer the original question, I don't usually let the fact that someone is talking to me for a while factor into my decision to get a dance or not. However, talking to a dancer does seem to get me interested in her on occasion. That is if she is not arguing with me for 15 minutes over why I should get a dance from her and I keep telling her no the whole time. I have had a few dancers sit and/or talk with me for 30 minutes up to an hour after telling them I didn't want a dance but usually they'll leave quickly.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I usually let a dancer talk for a few minutes and then hint that I'm not interested in a dance if I'm not. I almost got a dancer upset with me one time when I immediately told her I wasn't interested in a dance before she even sat down. She told me the last guys she tried to sit with told her to get lost because they didn't want any dances. She didn't look that bad either. I believe the same annoying dancer before her that bugged me was bugging other guys in the club. An annoying dancer is one who not only leaves after being rejected for a dance but leaves with an obnoxious gesture towards you and everyone else as if she is placing herself above everyone. Those dancers make all the guys upset.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    JC: I tell her I feel she should know I have plans to get dances from other girls. I think they appreciate being told earlier rather than later. Sometimes, she'll say that's okay and keep talking. Nobody's ever acted offended by it.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    What's a decent way to tell a girl that you aren't interested in dances if she's chatting it up with you?
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    jc; Tip her, $$ solves problems, can't really bitch abt. being tipped. I'd likely buy a dance if she wasn't ugly.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Jpac, just for your own self-interest, you don't want to acquire a reputation for allowing girls to sit and talk at length, only to turn them down for a dance. That will discourage other girls from investing any time upfront in conversation. If you know you're not going to want a dance, you should let her know within a few minutes rather that wait for her to ask. That way you'll never get stuck feeling obligated to buy a mercy dance.
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat, hook me up. I don't let a girl sit with me if I'm not willing to buy at least one dance from her. So if she sits and talks, unless she turns out to be a total airhead, I've already made the decision to try her dances. I don't require a girl to be gorgeous, I'm quite content with an average looking girl who has a nice smile and a pleasant personality, as long as she isn't too big or too pushy.
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