What's your most embarrasing moment at a Stripclub?

avatar for Jpac73
Since there was a thread about the most trouble you've gotten into at a SC it made me think of the most emabrrasing moments for me at a Stripclub.

One of the most embarrasing moments I remember took place at the now extinct Gold Club in Atlanta. I had been sitting at my chair for a while drinking a few beers. I kind of felt the urge to use the restroom but I wasn't in a "tight" and the area near the bathroom looked sort of crowded so I decided I would wait a little later to use it. Well after a while a sexy blonde haired shot girl named Ginger comes up to me and asked did I want a shot? I told her yes since she was hot and I had just turned down a hot chick a little before she came. Well Ginger procedes to stradle my lap facing me and giving me one of the most Erotic shots I have had. After minutes of having her moan and suck on my ear and rubbing my chest let's just say my blood got to flowing and unfortunatly something else did as well. Before I knew it I had popped like a champagne bottle. After she had got up and left I noticed I had made a mess in my pants and unfortunately I was wearing light colored tan dress pants. I had now wished I had used the bathroom before hand maybe that would have save me from the situation. This was the 1st time that I had a accident in my pants. After a while I decided to make a break for the exit door. The place was crowded so no one really took notice. The bad part was this place had valet parking. I had to wait for the valent attendent to drive my car around. Meanwhile the doorman sort of noticed that I had a "wetspot" on me and was looking at me funny with a frown. As soon as the valet pulled the car up I tipped him and got in my car. Ever since then I have never worn any light colored pants to a stripclub just in case I had that experience again. Of course I have but I was better prepared.


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avatar for ralphyboy
19 years ago
One night in my younger and drunker days I couldn't stand it anymore and whipped it right out (1am, dark dive, under a winter coat) stageside and took care of business. Got away with that one. Couple years later, a sister in a black joint started screaming bloody murder when I shot--'you got it all over me, rolling down my leg!' It was BS, but she got her extra ten or twenty to shut up, as I skidoodled the hell out of there. She was the exception to the rule--the dozens and dozens of others, can't tell, don't care, or downright want and expect it.
avatar for SuperDude
19 years ago
Walked into a nude bar in my hometown with another guy, my law partner. Found my Dad at the tip rail.
avatar for corey
19 years ago
You know the only times i feel embarassed are when i pick out a dancer and somehow i'm not "ready" or "awake". I feel bad when that happens
avatar for GooberMan
19 years ago
Well, heck, I used to think messy pants never happened, but I only learned otherwise within the last year or so. Now I just do it on purpose whenever I can.

As for seeing someone I know outside the club as a dancer, that has yet to happen. Whether I decide to employ her services when it does happen will depend on whether I find her attractive and how gossipy I think she is. I would not kiss and tell, but she might, and I just do not want the hassle from others at work or wherever. I imagine it could be a fantastic experience if done correctly with the right woman.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
FONDL: I had exactly the same experience, solely as a matter of chance. I thought that the "happy ending" was normative long before I found out that it is exceptional, and sometimes offensive.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I think the only time I've ever been embarrassed in a strip club was one time when I drank too much and almost started a fight. But I wan't really embarrassed until the next day.

Here's my sticky pants story. When I first started getting LDs about 10 years ago, the first few girls I was with worked so hard to make sure that it happened that I thought that was the whole point of the exercise, I thought you were supposed to. It wasn't until several years later that I discovered that some girls found it offensive (and if you believe the pink site they all do.) Fortunately, although it rarely happens to me anymore, there seem to be plenty of girls around who don't care one way or the other.
avatar for ShotDisc
19 years ago
many years ago I was sitting alone in a small club and who walks in the door, my uncle. I was probably only 19 or 20 at the time. He was obviously a regular so as he made his rounds, I slipped out the back door.

avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
I often see people (customers) I know in a club. Outside, we never speak of our visits unless alone. But seeing a woman I know now dancing, that is more surprising. One actually stopped dancing and left the stage just as we made eye contact. Due to the low lights, it took me a few seconds to see who she was. After a few minutes, she came out and sat with me. We talked for a bit, then all was well after that outside the club, but I didn't go back into that club till she left.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I remember I once used to wear white shorts into strip clubs. I remember one night a feature entertainer and porn star (don't remember who she was) was on stage. I sat back and relaxed in my chair at the stage while every single guy besides me leaned over the stage trying to get a better look. To my surprise she came over to me got down on her knees and stragetically grabbed my shorts with her teeth. She wouldn't let go either and ended up getting lipstick all over the front of my shorts turning them red. It was slightly embarassing going to another club and explaining why my shorts were red with lipstick. Watching every guy at the stage sit back in their chair after the feature entertainer was done with me - priceless.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Jpac, my embarrassment threshold in a strip club is so high that I doubt whether your incident would have fazed me in the least. The staff sees guys with wet spots all the time, so i bet any reaction on their part had more to do with your discomposure. However, I would definitely not have stopped a store or anything until I'd changed pants. I'm constantly finding myself in situations in strip clubs that would be embarrassing in any other setting.

The only thing I can think of, and it happens to me a lot, is this: A stripper is coming my way - to join me, I assume - so I break into a big smile to welcome her, and she walks right past to join the guy behind me. Kills me every time.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
I've never been embarrassed to see somebody I know in a club. However, a work colleague once told me "a friend of his" had seen me recently getting dances. Not knowing which dances had been watched and reported on was kind of discomfitting.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
Here I was debating whether to tell my sploog story, and it turns out that everybody has one. I visited a strip club under "perfect storm" conditions--I had had sort of a stressful day, topped off by not being able to find the club I was looking for, and "settling" for the one that I happened to drive past. I think there had been a little bit of a dry spell at home, as well. I got a lap dance from a short little brunette with huge fake double Ds...I'm surprised she didn't tip over. In any event, she put her mouth on my little lawyer (through my pants), and he proceeded to give his closing argument. I was so embarrassed that I immediately got up, paid her for the dance, and walked out of the club.

THe dancer in question ended up being one of my favorite dancers and, of course, the club ended up being Favorite Club.

As for wet spots, the good thing about wearing a suit is that you have a jacket to hold over your arm in front of you.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
This has happened twice. Being in a club and seeing a dancer that I didn't know was a dancer, but I already knew that outside the club. Another time, a co-worker asked a couple of us to visit a club, turned out his wife had started dancing there. She became rather famous, locally,for a time after that.
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