
How do I stop being anxious to get back and see a dancer?

This isn't a case of being a regular in Love but a case of meeting a new dancer that you hit it off with or she gave a very good lapdance. The thing is if you wait too long to go back(over a month) they seem to forget that you have met previously before. There is also the fact that if she is new to the club or to dancing altogether there is always the chance of her qutting the club anyday soon. I guess that is the biggest factor for me being anxious at time. I know the girls who have been there a while will not likely leave but if she is new and she seems to be nice there is a chance that she might be gone if I wait a month or 2months before I go back. There is also a 3rd factor which I found out the hard way last night. The fact that there personality may have changed since the first time you saw them. There was this dancer named Lola that I met a few months back for the first time. She presented herself as being very nice(Giving Hugs, and kisses on the cheeck). She gave a good lapdance that night and I thought to myself that I had found another fave. Well I saw her again last night in over 2months. Her appearance had changed somewhat. She had gotten 2rings peirced on her lip and her tongue. That was sort of a turnoff for me. Then when we got in the back she told me she needed the money upfront. She said some guys had ranned out on her in the past. I told her I wasn't like that. She replied it's just a procedure. She should have gotten the money from me while we were waitin on the next song and not wait till we had gotten in the back and eating time off of the "clock". Well dance was kind of lame. I noticed she barely grazed my crotch area as opposed to last time she had no inhibitions about rubbing her ass up and down your dick. To sum things up she didn't turn out to be the girl that I thought she would be. I guess a few months under her belt at the SC had harden her some. All I know is she will never get another dance from me again. They only have 1time to mess up with me. The point I am trying to make is Sometimes I get a little anxious to try to establish a good repore(sp) with a dancer but knowing it will take some time but in some cases the dancer leaves or like the one I just told they weren't even worth the hassle in the first place. So how do you handle being like that? wanting to see her in the next few weeks to try and build up a reputation with her soon before she forgets you or before she quits the club altogether?


  • davids
    19 years ago
    And new dancers (especially the ones likely to leave after a short period) are also the ones most likely to give you their number/agree to date you (remember the cardinal rule: no spending money on them). So my advice would be to see if you can secure their number, then you won't have to worry about them leaving since you'll still be able to contact them.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Jpac: New dancers are the least likely to be there the next time you return to the club, and, if they are there, they're the most likely to change. So going back at anytime on their account is a bad gamble, and going sooner than your usual interval doesn't improve your chances enough to make it worthwhile. Generally, I assume nothing to do with particular clubs and strippers will remain the same and make my plans accordingly.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    Casualguy: I can see where your coming from in that some will remember you. There is a dancer at another club who remembered me after a 5month Hiatus but I think that was because I use to go see a dancer she was good friends with. I really didn't get to chat with the dancer named Lola that long on either occasion. Like I said if she is giving poor lapdances she aint the one for me, plus I hate those piercings on the lips. Makes her look slutty and trashy.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Some dancers can remember a guy they met once even though it is months or over a year later when they see him again. I didn't think dancers remembered that well but one dancer told me I was unique. I think if they like you, they tend to remember better. I once thought I could tell a dancer alot of stories after drinking without her remembering but got surprised when I found out some dancers remember every single word you told them months later and even remember your name. If you go back to a strip club months later and dancers are calling you by name and you are having trouble remembering anyone, it can make you wonder.

    Getting a bit more on topic, some dancers work at different clubs different weeks and can drop or change clubs in a heartbeat so I would enjoy dancers you like while they are still working in your area.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    jpac73: Easy come, easy go. I'm in a similar state to you, and it's a bit like being in love though not quite "regular in love" status because they're not taking advantage of you and draining your wallet since you're not seeing them. Pseudo-scientists call it "limerence."

    Advice here on this board (going to other clubs, getting dances from other dancers) helped. I'm to the point now where feelings still linger for the favorite, but I've got my eye on a couple other fine dancers in case she quits, changes, or whatever. Easy come, easy go.

    One of the nice things about strip clubs vs. relationships is that all your eggs don't have to be in one basket, so to speak.
  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    My ex-wife, who claimed my going to SC's was equal to adultery, was named Lola. Seriously, don't go chasing after dancers unless you enjoy being broke and hurt. A pretty dancer is like a bus--another will be along in 10 minutes.
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