
What's the most trouble you've gotten into in a strip club?

Blue Ridge Foothills
Friday, September 30, 2005 2:39 PM
Ever get thrown out of a club? Violently? Ever get in a fight? Did you lose? Badly? Ever lose a large amout of money? (Paying for dances doesn't count.) Ever get in an argument that turned into a big screaming scene? My brushes with notoriety have been: Once lost $80 and had to use a credit card to pay for dances. Once locked my keys in my car and had to call a locksmith. Once got screamed at by a dancer who thought I was her regular. (As if.) And my Greatest Hit: My fave stripper had about $500 stolen by a punk, and I got into a screaming match with the club manager over it, sort of a small-time mobster/pimp twice my size. I really thought I was in deep shit, but he didn't do anything, and the screaming just petered out. A year or two later, I heard he had become a born-again preacher/entrepreneur of some kind.


  • ralphyboy
    19 years ago
    1) 10 speed cut off back of car (joint had security stationed outside) near LAX 2) 3 slashed tires by a dis-gruntled ex-employee in the Jersey boonies 3) Smashed driver's window and bag full of booze and shoes stolen in CC Philly 4) DUI coming out of a couple joints in Jersey--stupidest and worst SC thing that ever happened to me. Granted, this is all over a period of 35 years; a word to the wise--be alert and keep your cool. These ain't churches we're hangin' around in.
  • Officer
    19 years ago
    Well, I've never really gotten into trouble but I did have a nasty confrontation with the manager at Archibald's in Washington, DC. Although I had been tipping generously and buying drinks, he apparently thought that I had not been spending enough. Archibald's expects customers to empty out their entire bank accounts. The situation was about to become very nasty, so I simply left rather than have it escalate. Archibald's has the rudest and worst employees of any club (and maybe any business establishment) that I have ever been to--avoid this club!
    19 years ago
    I think that in many cases the size of the investment in the club has a lot to do with how closely the girls' activities are monitored. The places that have a big investment seem to be much more careful about enforcing government regs, whereas the smaller local places often take a much more relaxed approach. For example, in PA the Liquor Control Board requires pasties in places that serve alcohol. The big glitzy clubs seem to enforce this rule much more rigorously than do small local titty bars. Same way with fondling in the LD rooms, there's usually much closer supervision in the GCs than there is in the smaller places. Similarly places downtown in large cities often have closer supervision than more suburban or rural places. There are certainly exceptions at both ends of the scale but in general I've found these guidelines to be fairly accurate. The more expensive the place the more limited the action.
    19 years ago
    Sorry, meant to add one more observation to my previous post. In general I've found that there's more variation girl to girl in the small local places than in the big glitzy ones at both ends of the scale. I've been to little places where one girl won't allow anything while the next one has virtually no rules whatever. But in the GCs the girls all seem to have pretty much the same rules.
  • curiousted
    19 years ago
    As long a this has drifted off topic, I'll join in. Besides the importance the city/state gives to rules, the club is next. Girls who need the protection of very restrictive rules migrate to those clubs. Girls who enjoy some extra fun or want to compete migrate to the clubs that allow latitude. I enjoy the latitude clubs. When in one, I have no problem with gals who send signals when my hands or mouth start to roam. But it is our last dance. When I am with a dancer in a latitude club, if I enjoy the first dance, we have another. I do whatever she is comfortable with. I like it when they position themselves so they can see the club policy police. When the police get interested, the gal just casually move out of contact. Then I'm Mr. Straight Citizen. I know they will be back for some contact when the coast is clear. I think I like clubbing because it is fun to play with the gals and the rules. I had one gal who came up to me at my second club visit who told me she enjoyed dancing for me because she felt comfortable. During my first visit to the club, I broke more rules with her than anyone else. I did it by responding to her signals, whether they were "illegal motion" or"first down".
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    At Favorite Club, there have been three dancers, over the course of three years, who have declared the boobies off limits. I describe them as follows, although I don't know if there is a direct causal relationship between the facts I'm about to relate and their hands-off policy: 1. One had danced for several years at another club in the same area that had very restrictive touching policies. 2. One was very young and had just started dancing. 3. One had one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen anywhere, anytime. Her body was a 7-8, but her face was off the charts.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    FONDL: There are three sets of rules in every strip club; The city or state regulations are the ones that are written down in a government building somewhere. The Club regulations may be posted in the dressing room. The third set of rules are the unwritten ones-the stuff that dancers know they will or will not get away with sets the standard for what they know they have to do if they want to compete. In Providence RI there are clubs where you are expected to sit with your hands by your side while getting a dance and there are clubs where boob fondling is not only encouraged but expected. There are many factors that play into what is allowed to happen. Certainly management plays a key role as they decide how far dancers will be allowed to go without being reprimanded. Once the club decides to take a hands-off approach, the dancers self-police and determine what the limits in that club will be. The sleaziest club in Providence currently has private boths where full service is the norm among many of the dancers. Do they all want to do this? Probably not but they do want to compete. In this particular club many of the girls are older or less atractive. They don't have the option of moving to a better club so they do what the other girls do to compete. Weather it's grinding, boob-fondling, BJ or FS; dancers do what they have to do to earn a living.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Yes. FOUNDER is a very tolerant person. I shouldn't complain, because I suspect that from time to time I have benefitted from his apparent "hands-off" policy, and I'm all for the "free marketplace of ideas." However, I do think the market should be in IDEAS, and not in the drivel that comes from the afore-mentioned member of this community. Some who post on this board also join me in another board (actually, two-boards-in-one, I suppose), and may recall that a certain Texan was banned from that board/those boards a couple of months ago after a week-long campaign of posting that some persons on that board found offensive. Admittedly, many of the people that community have a heightened sense of outrage. However, the posts for which the Texan was banned were like reasoned discourses on esoteric issues of existential philosophy compared to those bundles of excrement dropped by he-who-must-not-be-named. Just when he seems to be gone for good, he suddenly re-emerges. Is there a cyberspace equivalent of Valtrex or some comparable anti-viral?
    19 years ago
    I don't really have much to add here but I want to elevate this topic above RL's latest juvenile bullshit. I really wish Founder would exclude 12-year-olds from posting. One question that puzzles me though that seems to be relevant here. Why is boob fondling so routine in some clubs and so taboo in others? It would be easy to blame it on local laws but I've encountered it way too often in clubs in the same town. What gives?
  • baddy
    19 years ago
    The closest I have ever come to getting in trouble at a strip club was years ago when I was out with a group of people for a bachelor party. We went to one of the nicer upscale places in my city, and I was completely trashed on arrival from all the drinking we had been doing that evening. While sitting at the stage with one of the other knuckleheads on our party, he thought it would be a dandy idea for me to use the disposable camera I had in my pocket for taking photos earlier that night to snap a shot of that hot dancer on the stage. Well, I figure I am a super spy at heart so this mission would be no problem... I whip out the camera and snap a photo with the flash on, making it insanely obvious to everyone in the club. The DJ made a comment about it over the sound system and the dancer came over and snatched the camera from me. Surprisingly enough, that was all that happened - didn't get ejected from the club, didn't even get warned. I'm sure they realized our group had money to blow and I was just drunk and meant no harm, I can probably consider myself fairly lucky. The only other occurrence I can think of is more of a uncomfortable incident than getting in trouble. Back when I first started going to clubs I got a few dances from a girl right before the end of the night. When my dances were over I reached in my pocket and realized I was like $6 short of the $60 I owed her. She was very cool about it, told me that was fine and sent me on my way. Was a nice change of pace to have a stripper cut you a break, she could of easily bitched and made me go to the ATM (even though it was only a few bucks). Here are some other events that I have been around to see but not done to me directly. I was at a club one night where there was a guy who was pretty drunk and at the club by himself. He was being obnoxious and starting trouble with a group of rough looking guys (bikers probably). I was looking up and the drunk guy was giving the guys the finger, then I see the bouncer bringing the guy into the back ally by the shirt with the group of bikers following. They probably beat the shit out of the guy, I felt bad for him but he did the instigating so it was just tough luck for him. I was with a friend at a club with a friend once, and there was a dancer that was new to the business who was hanging out with us most of the evening. He went and got some privates from her, and he made the move to try and touch her lower region and it completely freaked her out. I just remember him rushing out of the private area and telling me "its time to go" and flying out the door... not sure if she was getting the bouncer or what, he looked worried though. Regarding breast touching, I agree it is up to each girl to set her own boundaries, but it really sucks when 90% of the girls at a club allow it (unofficially making it standard procedure), and you pop $30 to find out the one girl you pick does not allow it. I generally take the liberty to try and touch the breasts the first time I get a dance with a girl -- if they are for it, no harm no foul. If they don't allow it, they are usually looking out for it and let you know before your hands even make contact. I feel that as long as you respect their wishes after they tell you, there is no harm in trying. A lot of the good mileage dances I have received where initiated by me making an attempt when they did not make it clearly available. I'm nowhere near as brave when it comes to touching the punanny, it is obviously a lot rarer to find girls that allow that so I only try it if she seems open to it. Again, if they don't offer it they usually let you know before your hand makes it that far. (Editing disabled while spellchecking) Stop spell checking
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    At my home club, fights used to break out almost every week. I saw a few, and many times dancers would tell me about the ones I missed. The first night I saw my future ATF (now ex), she was the "prize" that two guys fought over. I saw it develop at the tables right in front of me over the course of about an hour, and I jumped out of the way of flying glass and furniture just in time. The brawl that ensued closed the club an hour early. Another time, I was told that the night before I was there, a waitress' boyfriend had "pistol-whipped" some poor guy in a jealous rage. I'm not aware of any shootings in the club. A couple of times, young guys, always in groups, tried to taunt me into a fight, but I know better than to respond like I might have when I was younger. The place has calmed down in recent years. I don't recall ever seeing or hearing about a fight in any other club i've been in, but of course I've seen many in regular bars.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    FONDL: I think a lot depends on what your preferences are. I'm not a boob guy and really never have been. I don't mind a nice pair of breasts in my face or wrapped around little yoda but squeezing them just 'cause they are there doesn't do much for me.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Wow, raised voices! Feet up on the rail! Are we a bunch of hellraisers or what. Look out, clubland, trouble is our middle name!
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I know, what a rowdy lot! My personal experience is that there have been a lot fewer fights and other types of antisocial behavior in strip clubs than in non-stripping bars that I have been in, or at the parties that I went to in college and law school. I think that the reason for that is clear: very few "amateur" women are present, and of those that are in attendance, very few are available to be picked up. Most of the fights that I have seen in bars and parties have resulted from guys fighting over girls which, by and large, doesn't happen in strip clubs. Guys in strip clubs are either there by themselves, and have no desire for interaction with the other patrons, or are there with buddies, and aren't going to raise hell. Think about it--if there are no women to compete over, what are men going to fight about? There is also the factor that some of the guys in strip clubs don't necessarily want their presence to become common knowledge in the wider community, and are going to try to keep a low profile. In fact, the only violent act I ever witnessed in a strip club was a couple of years ago, when an off-duty cop punched a guy in a wheelchair. I have seen guys try to get ugly about not getting served, or get in mathematical arguments with dancers about the number of dances they have had. But the bouncers handled these very discreetly and efficiently. I have always been impressed with the fact that I have been able to go into a fairly wide range of strip clubs dressed professionally, and never gotten any shit about it. The only time that other patrons in a strip club have given me any problems was a couple of months ago, when a group of about 5-6 young (early 20s) guys started ragging on me for taking a couple of trips into VIP. When getting me a new drink, one of the waitresses told me that they apparently were tapped out, because they hadn't tipped or gotten drinks in about 1 1/2 hours, and they were about to be asked to leave the club.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    FONDL: I also politely comply with no-boob touching requests. However, given my priorities in club selection, those requests will always be outside of normal practice in clubs I patronize. Therefore, in addition to politely complying, I also terminate the patron/dancer relationship at the next appropriate junction, and move on to more congenial dancers. Scouting out such restrictions is one of the principle reasons for my policy of doing couch dances before taking the VIP plunge. Last week, I was in VIP getting the classic Favorite Club dance, while another patron sat with a dancer, from what I could see not even making physical contact with her, talking about some innocuous topic. Was I a pervert? Was he a sucker? In reality, as long as each was satisfied with what he got for his $50 plus tip, life was good for all.
    19 years ago
    Yoda, I think I'm probably a little more aggressive than you are. I agree that each girl should be free to set her own boundaries, but if they are significantly different than the norm for her club I think it's her responsibility to tell you that up front. For example, if I'm in a club where boob touching is the norm, I don't wait for an invitation to do so. Only once have I ever run into a situation where the girl objected, which oddly enough was at Chitown's favorite club. Once she informed me of her rules I politely complied. I've also encountered the problem that Chitown mentions, where I promise a girl to buy some dances but end up with another dancer because the first made me wait too long. I think that's usually the girl's fault, not mine. If she's going to be awhile she should tell me that up front. If she promises to join me and doesn't, after a few minutes I will usually pick another girl.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    As will probably come as no surprise to regulars on this board, I'm not much of a hell-raiser, so the "most trouble" I've gotten into in clubs is like grade school infractions. At Industrial Strip, I got in trouble for standing at the bar (more accurately called a soft drink dispensing station, I suppose), in violation of some rule that patrons must be seated or in motion on the main floor (kind of like traveling in basketball, I guess). At Favorite Club, I once was in a very mellow mood and put my feet up on a brass rail. One of the nice young men who work as bouncers quickly told me, very politely, that this was an infraction. It was at the very least bad manners, and I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time. I was once yelled at by a dancer who I had promised to take to VIP. By the time she got to me, I was engaged with another dancer, who I ended up taking to VIP. The first dancer approached me later, when I was sitting by myself, and yelled at me for not keeping my promise to her. She was absolutely correct, and I intend on making it up to her the next time we happen to be in the club together. The incident did, however, teach me that if you are not immediately going to get a dance from a dancer, make no definite commitments for the future, because you don't know what (or who) the future will bring.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    Chandler, Actually, I have, but usually, they act mature about it. I also agree that places where each girl sets her own rules are better. I think what dancers need to realize is if one dancer lets guys touch her tits, they all better. It's not like I try to get extras from anyone.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Dan, I'm surprised you haven't gotten into boob-touching trouble more often. I'm always finding that one girl may be cool with it but not the next. And what I like about clubs where the dancers set their own rules is that they tend to be more liberal than the club's rules.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    The only trouble I've ever had was getting stuck in the middle of jealous dancers arguing about me (read: my money). I don't touch anything on a dancer until she either puts my hands there or tells me it's ok. Regardless of what may be accepted club policy, every dancer has the right to set her own boundaries and to expect customers to respect those boundaries.
  • mufdvr
    19 years ago
    Had my car stolen while in a club in Detroit about ten years ago, try smoothing that over with the wife!
    19 years ago
    Years ago I almost got into a fight in a club and it was my own stupid fault because I had too much to drink. Since then I never mix clubbing and drinking, I do one or the other.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    I have never gotten to any trouble at a Stripclub. There might of been times when I should have went off but I didn't. It's not good to get in troulble if you are by yourself in a strange town away from home. There was a incident when I first started doing SC's some 8 or 9years ago when I had overspent my limit. I had enough to cover the dances I got from the stripper but was tempted by her to get a photo of her. Well after I got to the counter I noticed I didn't have enough to cover the bill. I couldn't find my ATM card. So the on duty manager asked for my Driver's license. He said he would hold that until I came in with the money. Luckily for me I found my ATM card in my car on the floor. I would have been pissed having to drive back to the club which was about 2 1/2hours from my home town.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    The biggest trouble I ever got was for fondling a dancers tits when the rule was no touching. I once pissed off a dancer because she didn't want me touching her boobs, which really pissed me off because a previous dancer there had let me touch hers. That's another thing, some clubs let the dancer make up her own rules, which I don't think is fair to anyone.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    CG: Did you mean to post that here in the Trouble thread or in the "Other X-Rated Activities" topic?
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    That reminds me, I had the side of my car keyed while I was in a club. I've had a few dancers incur fines while doing dances for me, and I've had bouncers come over and warn me about contact a few times, but never more than once. It's always a new bouncer who doesn't know the score, and it's never for the serious violations we both get away with during the same dance. Another category of trouble I meant to include in my question: Strip club raids. Ever been present for one? Bonus points, obviously, if you got detained. Double bonus points if you spent the night in jail.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I've also had Korean girls next door to some strip clubs come out and gang up on me. They grabbed me and dragged me into their massage parlor where they proceeded to fondle me. All I was trying to do was go to the strip club.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    I had my tires spiked once. It was a major pain in the ass getting a tow at two in the morning and new tires the next day.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Maybe I should have added all the trouble I had was years ago. I've also had my shirt ripped open by a feature entertainer which made me a bit angry. I didn't do anything about that.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I just remembered I did get into a verbal fight with one dancer one time. She wanted me to buy her something (nothing sexual) and it wasn't a lap dance. I refused and didn't know why she actually thought I would pay for anything than a dance. She was very mad which just confused me like crazy. Then she went and quit that club so I didn't see her again for a couple of months until she came back. It was nice to get a break from her since she seemed obsessed with me at times.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    My history has not been getting into trouble as much as causing trouble for anyone who gets me angry. There have been a couple of dancers who I was not angry with at all who I believe got canned when they went all nude on stage in a topless club. Maybe they wanted to quit and just went nude in front of me on stage and didn't care what the manager thought. Maybe the manager was stricter than they thought. I once considered saying quite a bit to one dancer who picked my pocket. Rather than lose control because I was very angry I said something to one dancer or someone there and then immediately left. Then I emailed the management of the strip club chain of the crime committed in the club with my real name identified. They investigated and found the suspected dancer who had been stealing from others as well. They put 8 dancers and one bouncer on a 2 week suspension for a cooling off period. I actually went back to the club and the manager wanted to speak to me and I confirmed the identity of the dancer who stole from me. I was anxious when I went back to the club not knowing what to expect if they might be hostile to me or not. To my surprise, everyone was very friendly including the manager. I didn't consider this to be causing trouble but I had another dancer get fired or to quit because the manager said she would be fired if she left early. I wanted to leave a club but this one particular dancer insisted on leaving with me. She got me to stay much longer than I intended and then left and got fired 30 minutes from closing time. I consider that to be quitting more than getting fired because I was willing to stay another 30 minutes after staying over 2 or 3 hours longer than I originally intended. I didn't really even know her that well and didn't know why she was so insistent on leaving with me that night either.
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