
Should I go back or not?

A few weeks ago I visted one of my regular clubs although it had been 3months since my last visit. I was going to see Lyric (my current fav) at the club but I found out she had quit. Well I had a backup plan. I was going to get a ladance from a waitress named Brandi(the waitresses can give lapdances here). I didn't see Brandi when I first came in so I had to look around for other prospects. I sat in the corner for a good 45minutes before any dancer decided that she would sit and talk with me. I had this experience before when my favorite wasn't there but I had decided to come back again. Well one dancer finally came over and sat with me. She really didn't have to much to say and she wasn't really my type. By this time another dancer named Roxie had made her way on stage and she caught my eye. Nice blonde slender build but with a nice round ass. Well I told the girl whom was sitting with me that I wanted to tip the girl on stage and she said no problem. Well I really enjoyed Roxie's stage peformance. She was making her butt checks jump up and down and that was a real turn on for me(Hey I'm a butt man.) Well I asked roxy for a lapdance and she said okay. When I left stage side and went back to my table the other dancer immediately got up and left. I guess she heard me ask roxy for a dance? Anyway Roxy came over and thanked me for the tip and told me she would be back but had to thank some other folks. Well Roxy dissapeared into the back for about 5 or 10minutes. In the meantime another dancer came and sat with me and I ended up getting a table dance from her. While I was getting a table dance Roxy came back out. She saw that I was getting a dance and naturally stayed away. Well when my dance was over Roxy was giving some other guy a lapdance and also to my surprise the waitress Brandi had came on duty. I decided to take another course of action and asked Brandi for a lapdance. Well the lapdance kind of sucked. Brandi was very polite and professional and even gave me some info on my old ATF Faith whom had quit a year ago. Well after I was through with getting a lapdance and heading out I see Roxy. Roxy asked "are you the guy that was sitting in the corner earlier?" I said yes. You took to long to come back. She then asked when would I be back? I said since I don't stay in town maybe a month. She said well when you come back in just ask for me Roxy. I said okay and left. The thing is this club isn't really enjoyable to me since faith & Lyric quit, but I am interested to see what roxy has to offer even thought she lacks a little professionalism. Should I go back knowing that I might have to sit and wait alone for a while since some of the dancer seem to ignore you if you are alone. On the other hand, I kind of have the hots for Roxy but don't really know if she is worth the trouble.


  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    FONDL, I'd be curious to see that list. Is it online anywhere?
    19 years ago
    AN, I agree with you in theory, but I also think you need to have some flexibility here. Many of these girls are very young and immature, have never worked in an environment where they they were expected to provide good service, and as a result they don't have any idea what good service and courtesy are all about, those are foreign concepts to them. If you have the patience for it, you can teach some of these girls how to better treat customers. I once wrote a guide for new strippers and gave it to my ATF for exaclty this reason, I wanted to teach her how to treat me better. And it worked. She told me years later that she gave a copy of my guide to every girl in the place. Maybe that's why I enjoyed hanging out there regularly for a couple of years. My advice - never criticize the girl you're with, just comment to her on some of the ways that other girls in the club could improve. She'll get the hint. And when she does something special for you, use positive reinforcement, make a point to tell her how much you appreciate it.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    Fondl: It was improper for her to say she would be back then disappear into the back. If she knew she would be away for a little while she should have said so upfront. I think she felt kind of guilty that she lost out on making some money that's why she said ask for her next time. I am not hating on the girl. I know she is kind of young (about 23) and sometimes young people don't always make good decisions. I will still ask her for another dance whenever I go back, but I won't wait for ever and I probably will remind her of what she did last time( In a nice way.)
    19 years ago
    Jpac, I agree that she shouldn't have disappeared in back without telling you, but I've found that to be pretty common. I don't know what they do back there - go to the bathroom, renew their makeup, comb their hair, talk to their friends, smoke a cigarette, smoke a joint, or just take a break - but it seems pretty common. It's also pretty annoying when you're waiting for them. And they seem to be pretty philosophical about it costing them money, the attitude seems to be that they don't worry about it, it all averages out in the end. I ended up dumping a regular who I really liked because she kept me waiting once too often.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I think of it as poor service, that makes it easier to put into context. They are supposed to be providing a service to you (dances, company, fantasy, whatever your preference is) and if they do so poorly they should not get your buisness. There are some mitigating factors and intangibles. Despite what some say dancers are not fully interchangable comodities for most of us, we need some attraction to make things more enjoyable. And I've sat waiting too long for a favorite to do whatever it is they do in back (I like to think it is lingere pillow fights, but that's just me). But I think eventually you need to cut your losses and move on.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I agree with SuperDude on that. If a club is boring, don't hang around unless you're very confident it will get better. I would seek out other clubs or other recreational activities to have fun. I believe I would rather watch a good movie than go to a boring strip club or do a number of other things. That's kind of why I wish they would have some entertaining video arcade machines in strip clubs so you can do other things at a strip club if you wish. I'm not talking about some video gambling machine either. I prefer working machines that play things like Daytona 500, some shoot em up arcade machines, and some other old style machines including some good pinball machines. I just don't see that in strip clubs anymore at least where I live. A strip club is supposed to be about having fun entertainment I thought.
  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    Never let a dancer keep you waiting. Move on to the next one of to the next club. This is your money you're spending and you don't have to take second place to a dancer's whims, laziness or moods.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    At this club the girls seem to like hanging out with guys in large groups at least 4 or more people. They will sit and laugh it up with these guys for a long time and only 1 or 2 of them will get a dance from any of the girls, some don't get 1 at all. On the other hand, that night I had a pretty decent "stash" on me but seems if no dancer wanted to have sum fun with my stash. The few that did come over were not my type and I didn't want there company. It's not like I was tipping. I did tip the ones that I thought were attractive.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    You actually believe you get less dancers coming over to you when you go alone? I find the opposite. Of course I go to a larger club where there are lots of dancers walking around. I suppose in that particular club I go to, a single guy would draw more dancers than a table full of female customers or a table with a couple or a bunch of college folks with a male and female mix. As to whether or not go back, all you have to do is weigh your alternatives of what you feel like doing, such as play golf, play computer games, chat online, etc. I would probably go back myself if the drive wasn't too much of a hassle just because my curiosity would make me go. There is also what I call the fun factor. Fun factor: What can I do to have the most fun with the least amount of hassle?
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    Never mind, I get it now your favorite club Plaitnum Plus. That's probably about a 5hour drive for me, doubt I will be going anytime this year especially with the gas prices so high. Maybe I can make it at the beginning of next year.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    PP? you lost me on that one shadowcat? The only girl I know named Amanda is a Biracial dancer who is half Korean & Half Black. She is fairly thin.
    19 years ago
    Jpac, that sounds like a pretty normal SC visit to me. These girls always have multiple customers that they're trying to juggle and if you want one in parrticular you almost always have to wait. That's not unprofessional on her part, in fact it's often quite the opposite. The fact that she asked you to come back is very professional in my opinion. There are only two sure ways to avoid the waiting: have a regular and make appointments to see her, or take whoever comes along first and party with her.
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