Is Dancing at a SC a way for girls to have control over men?

avatar for Jpac73
Dancers like to say that alot of the customers are pathetic Losers(which could be true to some extent) but when you think about it they may just be as pathetic OTC when it comes to men. I have been observing in everday life(mostly at my job) that alot of women are foolish when it comes to men. There are 2 women who keep chasing after this guy that I work with when he has already made it clear he has a girlfriend. These girls are nice looking on top of that so WHY are they chasing this one guy? The point I am trying to make is some dancers might try to make like men are weak & stupid at the club but in reality alot of them are weak and stupid as well. Just like the RIL is chasing after the dancer with eyes wide shut, she is probably chasing after some guy outside the club that doesn't give a dam'n about her. I think some dancers get a feeling of authority and control over men while being at the club. We are on their turf so they control all the cards, but let them try that shit to a playboy out in the "realworld" and it would be a different story.


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avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
Dancers dance to make money. Once they start the job there may be some elements that become part of the equation but cash is the primary reason. I've had dancers tell me that they liked the "control" aspect of the job and most of them turned out to be girls I wasn't crazy about. OTOH, I've had girls tell me that working in a strip club gave them newfound self-confidence and maturity.
avatar for LapFanM20
20 years ago
Considering how the majority of dancers have a fucked up past, either abusive parents, hubby or a prettty heavy drug users, this may seem liike it is control, but really the customer is in control. "no you dont please me so no reward for you"
avatar for themailman
20 years ago
I agree that "control", or the illusion of it, is the main thing here. Most stripper's lives OTC are out of control for myriad reasons. I think they convince themselves that ITC is at least one arena they can exercise SOME measure of control. For many of them it is as big an escape from everyday life as it is for many of they make big money. They are dependent on the clubs to help them retain a little self-dignity. Maybe that's why so many stay past their prime when the money is not near what it used to be.
avatar for AbbieNormal
20 years ago
I'd have to say that almost any dancer I've ever known who I talked to about it has said they got into it because they needed lots of money fast. Many have stayed at it after that because they enjoyed it or found that nothing else paid as well with as little work and as easy a schedule, but I can't think of one who said she got into it for any other reason than making money. That said, I do know two that have said they loved getting to tease guys remorselessly, it was a turn on to see them get all worked up. I'm sure some of it comes from a sense of power or control. So no, I don't think they get into it for personal empowerment, but that doesn't mean that they might not enjoy the feeling of having guys lust after them and give them money while they control who gets what.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Shadowcat is right, they dance to control their finances, not to control guys. I've also known a few very young ones who initially danced for the thrill of it but that soon wore off. And I've know some who danced to overcome their shyness. But I've never known any who cared about controlling customers. I think that's a bunch of BS. They dance because they can make more money in less time and with more flexibility over their schedule than anything else they can think of. And sometimes they get to have some fun too. Not a bad combination of reasons.
avatar for davids
20 years ago
casualguy: Excellent point.

This is particularly true of those people who are used to getting what they want. Remember that hot chick in school who could have any guy she wanted? And who did she end up going pining over... The only one who didn't want her.

Use this to your advantage in SC (and elsewhere) and beware of those women who will try to use it against you.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
It's been my experience that a lot of people seem to be attracted to people they can't have or who are not interested in them. I remember years ago a new but very hot looking girl where I work at started working but I found out she was already married so that kind of shot me down fast. Then I keep encountering at least a few women I am not interested in occasionally making me offers to do this or that with them. They are just not my type but some people keep trying if they keep seeing you in their presence.
avatar for davids
20 years ago
You right on the money here.

Several SC employees tell me that many strippers are in it just as much for the control as they are for the money. This where Yoda's simplistic model profit maximization model breaks down, for instance.

Some strippers have even told me about judgements they have made about men in general based on their SC experiences. But it's not a fair comparison: Look at the way the best male players play the weakest females (or even the strong ones for that matter) and I think you will find there are as many female PLs in the world as male PLs. Maybe even more!

Playing hard to get works just as well for men as it does for women: if you really mean it.

If you look at strippers lives who are they, for the most part, to be calling other people PLs? Most are single mothers, poorly educated, not too bright (other than in manipulation which they learn from others), and probably addicted to something.

Finally, I also have come to believe that some strippers started out as overly nice and naive girls, just used and taking their revenge out on SC customers.
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