At a club I go to, there's one girl who uses Angel as a stage name, and at least two girls whose real name is Angel, plus a third who's Angele (accent on the gel). They're all real big on girl-next-door names, so there are at least a few other such real/stage match-ups going on. It's almost as if they got their stage names by picking each other's real names out of a hat.
I used to know both a Taylor and a Kim, neither were their real names. How about Angel? I've known a couple of them - one even had it tatooed on her lower back, but it wasn't her real name. I'vve also known several dancers who didn't use a fake name. And one who used not only a fake name (Cuddlees) but a fake real name too. But I wasn't supposed to know that, not ever the other girls did.
i use a stage name for a few reasons. a) because my real name (Laura), is not something i see as being sexy. it's old fashioned and boring! b) because my parents don't know i strip and i REALLY don't want them to find out because i REALLY don't want to be disowned, and it's easier to keep it secret if i'm using a fake persona. c) because it's fun to have a new, sexy name that you chose yourself!
and hey, names aren't really important anyway. its not like it changes the person you are. in the words of shakespeare, "if you call a rose by any other name, does it not smell as sweet?"
I was in a club once, several years ago, and enjoying the performance of a dancer named "Crystal". She was completely hot, the bar was nearly dead, and we spent several hours between dances nursing drinks and chatting. When I said it was time to go, she wrote her name and number on a slip of paper and told me to give her a call sometime.
I rang her number about a week later and asked for Crystal. After waiting for a minute or so, Crystal answered, and I reminded her we had met in the club last week, and she had given me her number. We agreed to meet for lunch the next day, and I reminded her of my physical description so she would be able to locate me.
At the restaurant, and complete stranger walked up to me, introduced herself as Crystal, and said she was embarassed to admit it, but she didn't recall meeting me at all. Turns out I had been drooling over the body of her roommate. actually Diana, who was working in the club using her roomie's name. The real Crystal and I had a nice lunch together.
Once things were sorted out, I did go out for dinner with Diana a couple days later. For whatever it was worth, as the evening went on, it became more obvious that she wasn't my type, and we never saw each other again.
Years ago there was a big mystique about a dancer using a fake name to remain anonymous. The fact is, many clubs force dancers to use fake names so that, among other things, they don't wind up with two girls with the same name on the same shift. I know the real first names of all of my favs. My retired ATF told me her real name and what town she lived in 15 minutes into our first conversation. Dancers need to worry much more about beeing followed home at night than they do about who knows their name.
I like when they give you their real name right after their stage name. "Hi, I'm Precious but you can call me Mindy." Somehow, it loses that feeling of a "special" confidence.
That's it, I want a customer name to conceal my real identity. In keeping with tradition I think I'll name myself after an expensive car. From now on my dancers will refer to me as Hummer.
I have to repress a snicker whenever exchanging greetings with one of the more preposterously named strippers. "Nice to meet you, Obsession, my name's Dave." I feel like I should have an equally improbable customer name if only to lend balance. Something like Bankroll, Jackpot, Car Payment.
I hate stripper names. I wish all girls would use their real names. I once asked a girl who was using Angel or some other name what her real name was. She was embarassed to tell me Donna Jo. At that moment she went from being an average stripper to a hot sexy one.
Whether they are intended to or not, stripper names work as much on the mind of the stripper as they do on the customer. Hey, honey, if calling yourself Paris helps you drop your inhibitions and play the slut with me, then ce'est la vie!
AN, I've found that if you go to a club regularly and get to know a couple of girls really well, the rest of the girls will treat you very differently than they do other customers. It's like once you've been given the OK by a couple of dancers, the rest will trust you even though they hardly know you at all. And once you become friends with a dancer, her friends will treat you like a friend too. That can be a lot of fun. It can also be expensive.
I have a fairly good memory, so I like to remember the names of some of the dancers I find more attractive. If I end up in the club without any of my favorites working I can usually get a temporary favorite by knowing a girls name. It is a decent shortcut to cultivating the trust you build up with a regular if you are known as a decent tipper, relatively polite, and remember a few names.
Just to clarify my earlier comments, I don't really care what a girl's real name is, especially if I'm only going to see her once. But if I'm going to see her regularly and am going to throw some real money her way on a regular basis, there has to be an element of trust between us. Exchanging names and other personal information is one sign of that trust. It's not the name that's important, it's her willingness to trust me that is.
It might be helpful to try to remember a dancers name for a few minutes in case she tries to scam you. Then you can warn other people about her. I tend to not remember 99 percent of dancer names I hear. Since they aren't usually real, it is nice to not hear a bunch of criticism for not remembering names. If dancers started telling me their real names, I'd probably hear a bunch of griping about me not remembering them so I'm fine with all the fake names.
I used to be surprised at how many dancers remember my name and me considering they may have only seen me once or twice months ago. I mentioned this to one dancer and she told me I was unique and down to earth without all the crap they hear from everyone else. Then she told me I was not an ordinary strip club customer. I guess that was a compliment. I also started wondering what kind of crap all you guys are telling the dancers, lol.
Heard a new one last night...."Cricket" Not a clue what it means...maybe when she rubs her legs together it makes noise... She was HOT...I introduced myself as "Grass Hopper".
I've known a couple of dancers, including my ATF, who didn't use dancer names, they danced under their real names. To me that meant self-confidence. They were saying to the world, "I'm a stripper and if you have a problem with that it's your problem not mine." I wish more strippers were like that. I think the whole stripper name thing is bullshit and a real turnoff. I'm supposed to give hundreds of dollars to a girl who won't even tell me her name? Get real.
FONDL, my friend, her name is the LAST thing that I'm concerned about paying for. If the dancers are hot enough, they can go by numbers, as far as I am concerned.
I remember a young black dancer at COWBOYS in Markham, IL who introduced herself to me as "UH-zot-ic" I said: "You certainly must mean "EX-zot-ic." She argued with me and said that her name was pronounced "UH-zot-ic" and why was I trying to start some shit with her?
Having grown up in da hood, personally, I knew when to cut my losses before I got my ass kicked/cut/cussed/etc.
RULE #1: If you cannot Spell/Pronounce/or use correctly in a sentence ... DO NOT pick that stripper name.
RULE #2: If you don't look like a PRECIOUS, please do not use her name, This applies to ANGEL, SUGAR, ARIEL, etc..
last commenta) because my real name (Laura), is not something i see as being sexy. it's old fashioned and boring!
b) because my parents don't know i strip and i REALLY don't want them to find out because i REALLY don't want to be disowned, and it's easier to keep it secret if i'm using a fake persona.
c) because it's fun to have a new, sexy name that you chose yourself!
and hey, names aren't really important anyway. its not like it changes the person you are. in the words of shakespeare, "if you call a rose by any other name, does it not smell as sweet?"
I rang her number about a week later and asked for Crystal. After waiting for a minute or so, Crystal answered, and I reminded her we had met in the club last week, and she had given me her number. We agreed to meet for lunch the next day, and I reminded her of my physical description so she would be able to locate me.
At the restaurant, and complete stranger walked up to me, introduced herself as Crystal, and said she was embarassed to admit it, but she didn't recall meeting me at all. Turns out I had been drooling over the body of her roommate. actually Diana, who was working in the club using her roomie's name. The real Crystal and I had a nice lunch together.
Once things were sorted out, I did go out for dinner with Diana a couple days later. For whatever it was worth, as the evening went on, it became more obvious that she wasn't my type, and we never saw each other again.
I like when they give you their real name right after their stage name. "Hi, I'm Precious but you can call me Mindy." Somehow, it loses that feeling of a "special" confidence.
Maybe some strippers use a fake name so that when they tell you their real name you will feel special and spend more money...just a thought.
I myself know a Cricket, and she's HOT as well.
If Cherry means I am a virgin, what does WildCherry mean? Is that supposed to mean she's a wild virgin?!?
Why would you possibly care what their real one is?
I used to be surprised at how many dancers remember my name and me considering they may have only seen me once or twice months ago. I mentioned this to one dancer and she told me I was unique and down to earth without all the crap they hear from everyone else. Then she told me I was not an ordinary strip club customer. I guess that was a compliment. I also started wondering what kind of crap all you guys are telling the dancers, lol.
Not a clue what it means...maybe when she rubs her legs together it makes noise...
She was HOT...I introduced myself as "Grass Hopper".
London - Damn, that bitch took Paris first.
Cherry - Yeah...I'm a virgin...
Asia - Yes, I'm Asian, and not very original.
Jade - Damn, that bitch took Asia first.
Tease - Don't say you weren't warned.
Having grown up in da hood, personally, I knew when to cut my losses before I got my ass kicked/cut/cussed/etc.
RULE #1: If you cannot Spell/Pronounce/or use correctly in a sentence ... DO NOT pick that stripper name.
RULE #2: If you don't look like a PRECIOUS, please do not use her name, This applies to ANGEL, SUGAR, ARIEL, etc..