I looked up in google definitions of hobby and vice and believe going to clubs for me is a part time hobby or recreational pursuit done in some spare time. I put this in the same category as playing golf, going to the movies, or a number of other recreational activities done for fun or enjoyment. I see the definition of vice seems to be a bit evil or against the moral standards of the community and do not see strip clubs that way.
I suppose for some a hobby can become a vice if they are spending more money than they can afford to and it results in other problems. Not being able to say no can be a serious problem. At different times I've had a dancer approach me out of the blue and ask me to her a drink. I just told her no and she seemed slightly surprised. I believe going to strip clubs has actually gotten me in the habit of saying no. I'm usually more agreeable though if someone has been sitting and talking to me for a while.
When the customers are having fun then it's a hobby. I know a few that have had serious conversations with me regretting spending so much money. What all 3 of these guys had in common was the fact that they danced with several girls and couldn't say "no" to some of the girls that they really didn't want dances from, then later regretted it. One of my weekly regulars for 4+ years had financial problems because he would spend $300+ a week on me, then come back in when he got really horny at night and blow more money than he could afford. One day shift I worked almost an hour overtime and was tipping out the day shift when I saw him back in the club. He was really embarassed and told me that the air-conditioning wasn't working in his place and that he came back to the club to cool off! I never judged him for his addiction and helped him out, I think, with discussions on the topic. Our relationship came to a screeching halt when we took it to a more intimated level. I miss him.
Can't it be both? I don't think the two terms are mutually exclusive. If you go to clubs regularly it's probably always a hobby. Whether or not it's also a vice probably depends on what you do there and whether or not you think that it's wrong. Personally I've neer considered it to be a vice but others may disagree. It comes down to a value judgment.
If overeating and being drunk is a vice, then habitual clubbing for sexual satisfaction could be termed a vice as well. However, gourmet dining and social drinking and cigar smoking would be termed as having a hobby. So, I guess we should not overindulge on food and drink. That doesn't explain my addiction to several favorites at different clubs. Too simple a question to answer with a simple response.
Easyed, I really didn't give much thought to what I meant by that comment, and in fact I rarely give much thought to what I say here, I just say whatever pops into my mind at the moment. But I guess if I stop and think about it, I'd say that whether or not going to strip clubs is a vice depends in part on your mindset. If you go just to have some laughs and be entertained, I don't think that 's much of a vice. But if your goal is to seek illicit sex, I'd say that probably is a vice, particularly if you're married. Like most every other subjective and descriptive term, whether something is or is not a vice is not a black and white issue, it's various shades of grey, and strip clubbing lies somewhere in the middle of the vice-nonvice spectrum in my view. See, we were better off before I gave it much thought.
Is there such thing as a vicehobby or hobbyvice...that describes me pretty well Kind of like the Mafia...Just when u think ur out, they pull u back in...
last commentI suppose for some a hobby can become a vice if they are spending more money than they can afford to and it results in other problems. Not being able to say no can be a serious problem. At different times I've had a dancer approach me out of the blue and ask me to her a drink. I just told her no and she seemed slightly surprised. I believe going to strip clubs has actually gotten me in the habit of saying no. I'm usually more agreeable though if someone has been sitting and talking to me for a while.
Kind of like the Mafia...Just when u think ur out, they pull u back in...