
Comments by metaldude (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Police raid nabs 7 on prostitution charges
    Rick - Don't worry we all know when you said "$75 and I was off to the races" you meant that's how much you would pay the cab driver to take you to OTB and wait while you placed your wagers.
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    14 years ago
    Rick - LOL
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    14 years ago
    Halle Berry Stripper Movie?
    Here's a link with a few photos http://www.eurweb.com/?p=24117
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    14 years ago
    Disturbingly young girls in "Facebook of Sex" ad...
    Sam, Thanks for the tip for turning them off. Much better without.
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    14 years ago
    Negotiation for LDs.
    All depends on the club. Some have set prices some don't. When in doubt I might ask the bartender I've tipped generously what I should expect. If the prices are set I never try to negotiate. If they are not I might try to get a better price but generally agree that if the dancer feels they're not getting enough then you're not goiong to get any.
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    14 years ago
    Which is the best Providence R.I. Strip club?
    Haven't been since the change in laws but Cadillac was always my favorite with Fantasies a close second. Never been to Cheaters, a little to rough for my tastes.
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    14 years ago
    Blinded by the light
    Sam please give credit where credit is due - its springsteen (at least the original). Speaking of which interesting how "wrapped up like a duece" (as in coupe) got changed by Manfred Mann to "wrapped up like a douche"
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    14 years ago
    Golfer's swing sparks 25-acre California blaze
    Best golf accessory at that course.. a ball retriever... you can use it to toast marshmallows and stay at least 20' from the blaze.
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    14 years ago
    Can "no touch" laws actually increase mileage?
    I agree with txt that's its probably the economy more than anything else. Both general and the club's economy due to rule changes.
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    14 years ago
    End of the Month
    My experience with "the perfect storm" was not an end of month thing but an actual storm. In Myrtle Beach for golf during bike week a couple years ago and it rained every evening. They always get alot of girls to travel in to dance for the week. Since the bikers didn't come out in the rain that was the highest dancer to customer ratio I've ever seen. While some of the girls were depressed there were many others who were just down right motivated.
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    14 years ago
    smokey - just saw the pic, MILF fits you to a T.
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    15 years ago
    New York clubs
    Newmark cvers it well so I'll just add...I miss the Hot Lap Dance Club <sigh>
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    15 years ago
    Strippers and poker a good combo or just too distracting?
    As the old saying goes....stripper in the front ...poker in the rear! And even though its just a joke they are seperated for a reason.
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    14 years ago
    Agreed, Steve. By the way love the Mila photo.
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    16 years ago
    Vegas trip
    I'm on my way to Veags as well, early October. I'm certainly planning on going to SR for the scenery but, which clubs are the best for mileage? Great news about resplitting aces at mirage, that's where I'm staying. No casinos in the east allow that. One card on each only.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Your scale
    As a new poster I hope I'm not off base here. I usually enter a new SC with expectations for a 7. I then add or subtract as things happen. For the most part I don't care about anything but the quality of the dancers and the dances. It has to be a real dive or incredibly nice for the surroundings to make a difference to me one way or the other. As far as rating women goes it seems to me as I get older (mid 40's) women in general are better looking, or maybe its just my eyesight going.
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    19 years ago
    Do you have to pay to get into the VIP?
    In my experience its the rare exception that the VIP is the way to go. However I have been to clubs where a small VIP fee gets you into a different part of the club where they have their own bar, dancers and better dances. The more normal VIP 1/2 hour dance is almost never worth it the extra money, but there are expections to every rule. Cheetah's in West Palm is one.
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    19 years ago
    Your scale
    Chandler: Good to know its not just me. I remember in my 20's I thought maybe 1 in 10 girls (not in SC's) I met were great looking, now its closer 3-10 and if they're in their 20's more like 6 in 10. Of course its also harder to know how old they are. I see girls out at regular bars and think "how can they possibly be old enough to get served?"
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Interesting mix
    I am the owner of a small to medium size manufacturing company. I don't have a degree, but interstingly enough when I meet new people, not just in SC's, they always ask if I'm an engineer or a lawyer. I guess there's someting to it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The tread where we post quotes from other people's reviews
    "RUGEL" wrote this about a place in my area Ruby's 2. I have a similar story to tell sometime that just happened to a friend of mine the weekend befoer last while we were in Atlantic City on a golf weekend. Well, this used to be my favorite place but without the hot Brazilians and with the not so attractive girls remaining I give this club a low rating. But what happened to me a few weeks ago really turned me off. A not hot girl approached me and yakked quite a bit and latter of course asked me about getting a private dance which I reluctantly agreed. In the back room she got naked quick then rode me like a pony. After one song I was done, paid her, then left. Got in my car, looked down and noticed a shit stain in the front of my shorts. I was toilet paper to her. Threw my shorts out the door and drove home in my underwear. From now on, I must be more careful.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Finger Sucking Strippers
    In addition to touching the more normal places on a dancer's body I also like to caress their face. When I get anywhere near their mouths they almost invariably think I want them to suck my fingers/thumb. Its not why I do this but it can be a bouns. Of course most turn their head slightly away from my hand letting me know in a polite way that they have no interest. In which case I try to stay clear off that area in the future. But some will immediately go to town. There is one dancer at a local place that I've seen twice and both times I thought she was going to suck my thumb off my hand. Of course the first time I asked her the obvious question, but unfortunately its not that kind of place, at least as far as I've seen. So I had to settle for replacing the digit in my imagination.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Finger Sucking Strippers
    I don't know anout you, but I'm all for a dancer using her tongue just about anywhere she likes!
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The tread where we post quotes from other people's reviews
    Since you liked the toilet paper quote, I'll tell the similar story. Two weeks a go three friends and I went away for a golf and ... weekend to Atlantic City. I did as much research as I could on clubs in AC and based on what I found I wasn't expecting much. But after dinner Friday night we headed out anyway. One of the guys in our group has made a habit out of persuing questionable women. I was on a business trip to Puerto Rico a few years back with this guy and he picks up the largest ugliest girl in the Mayaguez Hilton bar, her nickname from the rest of us became Moon Face Bear (you get the picture). So here we are in this AC club and there aren't any 9's or 10's but at least there's a reasonable collection of 7's and 8's. I turn around and I swear I see Gwyneth Paltrow in her fat suit from Shallow Hal. As soon as my buddy sees this girl he's off to the private dance area with her and we are left with our mouths hanging open. A couple hours go by with each of us making several trips to the LD area and even leaving the club to go next door to get more drinks, but during all this time we never see my buddy. Finally he comes stagerring out of the LD area with a big smile on his face. We head back to the hotel and rank on my buddy calling him Shallow Hal the whole way. When we get back from golf to the hotel I take my SC clothes downstairs to be dry cleaned so they won't smell like everything that was rubbed on them when I get home. The next day we are playing golf again before we go home. Two of the guys are complaining about how bad their clothes smell (SC rookies) so I tell them that I had the hotel laundry do mine. Shallow Hal says "there's no way I was bringing home those pants I was wearing the other night, but I wanted I souvenir". He wips out a piece of fabric that used to be the crotch of his pants that he coutout with a pen knife before he threw the rest of them away. This thing has all sorts of stains on it red (lipstick I think), brown (reason the story is similar) and yellow (I don't want to know). Were standing on the first tee laughing our asses off until the starter yells at us for holding everyone up. Hope you all enjoyed.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    What are your best clubs for best lookers?
    Haven't been to the Penthouse Club but Flashdancers can have some exceptionally good looking women on the right night. However, every place in Manhattan costs a fortune so I don't think the value is there.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Drinking and clubbing
    I always have a few if I can, unless the club is dry with no byob. Not going to clubs that often I still get the adreniline flowing in anticipation and a little buzz helps to mute that. Of course drinking too much is not a good idea in any evironment and that's magnified in an SC so I try to get just the right balance and then taper off before leaving (sometimes more successfully than others). While travelling at least its an option to call a cab and leave the rental car until the next day.