I'm off to Vegas in a couple of weeks for the first time in 15 years. Looking forward to doing some drinking, gambling and strip-clubbing. Funny, I lived in northern Arizona years ago and used to visit Vegas fairly often, but never made it to a strip club. I can't remember why I didn't go, because in the years before and after, wherever I lived, I would go clubbing. I wonder what I missed in what may have been the golden age of strip clubs. Anyway, simply based on the reviews here, I plan the hit the Rhino for what I imagine is the current "ultimate" Vegas strip club experience. Any thoughts? I'll be on the strip so don't want to go too far. Also, if there are any blackjack players on here, any recommendations for good $5-$10-$25 tables on the strip. (No 6-5 for me!)
akenb321, very interested in your post as I am visiting for a week in mid to late Sept for the first time in my life. I can't give any recommendations of course on either of your points. I do have a related question though. As a general rule are the prettier girls to be found in clubs where the girls only go as far as topless on the stage? I believe in Rhino they only go topless wheras in DeJa Vu I am led to believe they do full strip.
boomer37; At MGMMirage casinos you can re-split aces more than once and you have the option of surrender, but you should ask on $5-$10 tables if the these rules apply because I usually play $25-$100 tables. At Harrahs properties you cannot re-split aces and do not have surrender.
Aken: The best advice I can give you is become a member and search Las Vegas clubs. I haven't been in about a year Iv'e had good and bad experiences at Olympic Gardens and Sapphires. The worst is the one downtown...senior moment....no cover but a two drink minimum of $25 and the girls aren't very attractive.
Leaving tomorrow, September 1, to visit Vegas.Go about twice a year,and have visited several clubs.My all around favorite is OLYMPIC GARDEN, with CHEETAH'S being just as good usually, but not quite as nice inside.Both will put a smile on your face.There are higher class joints which may or may not be to your liking, but most of these are just more money, I have found.Do not let taxi suggest place, they get paid for each passenger they deliver to club, and the cover charge is usually more.
last commentAs to clubs, Rhino is amazing. But be ready to drop some big coin.
Back in the day, my favorite club was Cheetahs. The reviews look hit and miss now.
Rhino is best strip club hands down. Best nites to visit are Wed or Thursday, very crowded on weekends.
Deja Vu does not serve alcohol, but is nude. Girls dance there as young as 18.
Olympic Garden has gone downhill in recent years.
DO NOT under any circumstances allow cabbie to steer you to clubs that you have not thoroughly checked out on this site.
Great news about resplitting aces at mirage, that's where I'm staying. No casinos in the east allow that. One card on each only.