
Your scale

Avatar for AbbieNormal

We all use the 1-10 scale in our reviews to try to give some objective view of the looks of the girls. The problem is that our standards vary. I think this caries over to club ratings also. I rarely rate anything below a 5 in either case, 5 being average in my opinion. To me most moderately attractive women are in the 7 range with the top models and actresses being 9. The 10 is very rare for me. To be a 1 in looks a woman would have to be disfigured, and even then I might give personality points. For a club to get below a 5, they practically have to insult me in some way, although very poor service is something I consider insulting. If they have several attractive girls who put on a decent show, prompt service and a friendly atmosphere, it's usually a 6 at least for me. What are some other opinions? As for the women, a few in the news I consider 9+ are Scarlett Johansen, Jessica Alba... you get the idea. Chalize Theron in that serial killer role was about a 3 or 4.


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Avatar for JC2003

I agree about young women getting better looking the older you get though sometimes I wonder if young women look better these days because they are getting sexually active earlier and have more confidence in themselves sexually.

Avatar for chandler

JC, that's an intriguing conjecture, but I still think the aphorism that youth is wasted on the young explains the impression best.

Avatar for Officer

It all depends on what you're looking for. A lot of guys on this site go to clubs only for the lap dances. These guys hate any club that does not offer contact. I, on the other hand, almost never get lap dances (way too expensive). I go just to watch the floor show. So I rate clubs based on how pretty the girls are and how good the stage dancing is. So I love the Atlanta clubs because of the full nudity, but some guys (like Shadowcat) hate then because they are no contact. I have never been to a topless club that I have rated over a 7, because it's very important to me that the girls go fully nude.

Avatar for Yoda

When I apply the numbering system to a club I apply it in the context of what the club is supposed to offer in relation to the area and what is allowed as far as contact levels etc. I recently gave a good review to a club in SanDiego where the girls actually have to do LDs while still dressed. In this case, the attitude of the dancers and the atmosphere of the club more than made up for the extra clothing. I like FONDL's approch of starting with a 10 and then subtractingfor things that don't measure up. One thing I have learned is not to judge by reviews alone. Two of my favorite regular clubs generaly get low review numbers but I have found long-term favs in both and always have a great time in them.

Avatar for metaldude

Chandler: Good to know its not just me. I remember in my 20's I thought maybe 1 in 10 girls (not in SC's) I met were great looking, now its closer 3-10 and if they're in their 20's more like 6 in 10. Of course its also harder to know how old they are. I see girls out at regular bars and think "how can they possibly be old enough to get served?"

Avatar for ShotDisc

I agree with shadowcat. I also live in GA and quantity certainly does not equal quality when talking about Atlanta strip clubs. Although my ATF worked for years at 24k, I rarely if ever visit the local clubs. I think the fact that the clubs are full nude make it seem much wilder here than it really is. Local laws are pretty strict about contact and I personally think most of the Atlanta dancers feel they have reached the "Big Time in ATL" and have decided they can still make money off conventioneers and business travels without having to give high mileage. A couple of local laws include no floor shows, and legs can only be spread the width of a dollar bill while dancing.

Avatar for chandler

MD, I agree with your last point. At the same point in my life, younger women especially look WAY better than I remember back when I was their age. I walk by a college on my way to and from work, and I keep wondering how I did anything in those years other than, like, OD on young pussy.

Avatar for metaldude

As a new poster I hope I'm not off base here. I usually enter a new SC with expectations for a 7. I then add or subtract as things happen. For the most part I don't care about anything but the quality of the dancers and the dances. It has to be a real dive or incredibly nice for the surroundings to make a difference to me one way or the other. As far as rating women goes it seems to me as I get older (mid 40's) women in general are better looking, or maybe its just my eyesight going.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

I think the street walker phenomenon was part of the inner city rot in the late 70's. A lot of cities have cleaned up their act that way. Liberty Avenue in Pittsburgh used to be like that, but it got to be an embarassment to the city, kind of like Times Square in NY, or any of the other famous red light districts that have mostly disappeared. As for the decline of Atlanta clubs, I remember they were supposed to be great in the early 90's (never sampled myself, had a friend who did extensively). Like many things, too much success will attract the wrong kind of attention. I think it's probably part of the ebb and flow. To get back to ratings, I think baddy nails it. My working scale is 5 to 8, and it takes a lot to go outside that range. I also tend to rate compared to other clubs, so DC clubs would never get more than a 5 compared to say a few Canadian clubs I've been to, but that does you no good if you're in DC and want the best local club. In general I try to describe the overall experience, which I think we can all agree is much more useful to the potential customer.

Avatar for FONDL

Shadowcat, I think that the main thing that killed off streetwalkers is the internet, which has made it a lot easier for hookers and customers to get together. Streetwalkers seem to have disappeared almost everywhere. And I don't think Atlanta clubs have changed much in the last 20 years or so, but clubs almost everywhere else have changed quite a bit with the introduction of LDs.

Avatar for baddy

While I use the 1-10 scale like everyone else, I basicly use a scale of 5-8. It is pretty rare for me to see a stripper that is lower than a 5 in a strip club that is not a total dive (though it has happened). It is also very rare that I see a stripper that I would rate a 9 and I don't think I have every seen one I rate a 10.

Avatar for FONDL

Shadowcat, what I find especially puzzling is that many years ago Atlanta was considered to be the top strip club city in the US. I used to love visiting Atlanta, it was the first time I ever saw total nudity in a club. There was a little titty bar northeast of downtown that I loved. Then gradually many other areas of the country changed but Atlanta didn't. I wonder why?

Avatar for chandler

I've only rated girls by number in a review one time, about a month ago. I never think in those terms, so I don't include it in writing. If club ratings weren't required to submit a review, I would skip it. Because you're applying a number to your opinion, it's tempting to think some meaning can be agreed upon, but it's futile. Just because it's a number doesn't make it precise. When I assign a rating to my reviews, I just go by gut instinct and the measure of pleasure I got from my visit.

Avatar for FONDL

When I rate clubs I start with 10 and subract for everything that I dislike. My highest priority is the quality of the girls, both looks and friendliness so that counts the most. Next comes atmosphere, is it relaxed and party-like or nhigh hustle. Then comes price, is it reasonable or overpriced. Then comes the level of contact and privacy, I like a fairly high level of 2-way contact but I'm not interested in extras. Then comes overall decor, I like a place to be clean and fairly nice but super fancy isn't important, in fact may be a detriment if it's overdone. And finally the incidentals like type and volume of the music, lighting, annoying dj, etc. My average rating is probably a 6. I've never given either a 10 or a 1 and maybe not a 2, mainly because if the place really sucks I don't stay long enought to warrant a review.

Avatar for chitownlawyer

Of more interest to me, although it might be more appropriate as another thread, is how people rate clubs. I have definite ceilings on clubs, based on issues of exposure and contact. However, I know that others rate a club based on how well it performs within its category. For example, I doubt that I would ever rate a bikini club over a 5, even with Kathy Ireland and Elle MacPherson (Ok, I'm showing my age) working there. A place with only air dances probably could not break 5 with me, and a place limited to one way contact could not get past a 7 or 8, regardless of how pretty the girls were, and how cold and/or cheap the beer was. This is obviously a matter of considerable idiocyncrasy. For example, I'm not particularly concerned about seeing the cootch, so a club wouldn't need to be full nude to get a 10 with me. However, to be in the 9-10 range as far as I am concerned, a club must be topless, with fairly attractive girls, and full two way contact.

Perhaps there are others who feel it is more appropriate to judge a club "for what it is", and therefore will give some club within each type a ten, reflecting that it is the best of whatever category it belongs to. I'm not interested in knowing about clubs that only offer air dances, so I'm not in the least interested in their ratings.

Avatar for EPDreamer

Easiest answer for me is to start from a 5 where that is 'wouldn't turn her down, wouldn't chase her either'. Average, in other words, and then add + or - to taste.

Avatar for minnow

AN; Probably lowest I'd go in SC would be 3. I agree on other grades, 10 should be rarity. Going mall walking, see surprising no. of women that are better looking than 80-90% of SC dancers. (Who knows, some of them may be SC dancers). I don't fall into bell curve grading trap, grading is subjective thing.

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