
Comments by zipman68 (page 44)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT open question for the RickDugan dude...
    Important a sense of humor is. Should not you always enjoy yourself, hmm? Now off to the club of stripping I am. Herh. Herh. Herh.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When is the line crossed?
    Or Lone Wolf dude could put on a Little Red Riding Hood outfit and join the freaks. People could speculate about whether the strippers are taking advantage of a crazy dude. Whatever you do...HAVE FUN!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Off topic. Waffle House Customer Shot Dead by Cook
    Last time I ate at a Waffle House was after a Dead show at about 2 am or so. Place was frickin' filled with weirdo freak Deadheads in tie dye. Men's room was frickin' disgusting. My theory -- somebody was all high and tried to flush the unflushable.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT - Medical Advice Sought
    Does your brain itch too? Swelling itchy brain can kill you dude.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When is the line crossed?
    As in Clubber's story's you never know if the stripper is taking advantage. Sounds like the stripper didnt care whether she got naked or not. She was just giving the crazy dude what he wanted. Not really her issue. I sort of feel that most things in the club, other than out-and-out scams like charging for an extra dance or other ROB shit, is within the lines. How is the stripper supposed to know whether a dude in a tux or a white leisure suit or whatever is crazy, stupid, experiencing dementia, or just being a bit crazy? She should give hime the same treatment she gives others.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    founder stop being a faggot please !
    I have question and comment for Yoda... Why do you not speak in Yoda speak, hmm? Coo-el it would be if you did.
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    10 years ago
    When is the line crossed?
    Surely you're not implying that ANYTHING against the law is over the line, 'cos that would disappoint most of the pervs on this site. But seriously, I would say that taking advantage of anybody with dementia or a severe mental defect is despicable. But telling a weirdo apart from a mental defective. Was tux dude in Chili Palmer's story losing it or just a weird dude having fun in his own way? I would also think that the stripper wouldn't want to cross that line out of self preservation. From a stripper's standpoint, a dude that REALLY thinks she's in love with him could get scary. One thing to lead a PL along and think you might give him more (or cheaper) fun...another thing to convince a dude with a tenuous grasp on reality that you really love him. The latter could go south real fast ...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Clubbing at more than one club a month
    Seriously Lion-dude, you need to pick one club and stick with it. You'll get XXXtra special treatment!
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Condom BJ vs uncoverd HJ
    CJ-dude, I thought HJSLSO might be another groovy acronym. Almost as groovy as the ol' BBBJCIMNQNSQWERTYUIOP. What I wouldn't give for a good BBBJCIMNQNSQWERTYUIOP with some XXXtra QWERTYUIOP. WEEEE-YAWWWW!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The Ultimate PL
    @pineconedude...this ain't a new protege of "The System". Nosiree. This is a new system. The "Jizz-stained tux system" For my next visit to the club I was planning to dress as a Klingon and order blood wine, but now I've changed my mind. I'm renting a tux and I'm going to LDK in that mother all night long. That mofo is going to have one cum-stained cummerbund!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Did we just see the death of RichStud?
    Dougster my man, forgive the speculation... But let's just say that I'm not sure of anybody's pledges if breaking them gives the lulz!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Whither "Duke1" and "RichStud"?
    On a serious note, I wonder what has happened to Juice. I worry a bit about a dude with such a hard on for posting that just stops, just like I worry about Alucard. I know many folks had issues with Juice and Alucard (for different reasons, obviously). But I still hope they're OK.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Whither "Duke1" and "RichStud"?
    Hmmm...I can see RichStud's deletion. But Juice? Oh...I should have said "But Duke1?" He actually posted on topics other than just ripping on Rick. And worse...ripping on Rick in a seriously unfunny way! Are we seeing a final de-Juicification of TUSCL?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    spanking in the club
    CJ...did the dude that liked to get kicked in the nads have a picture of jet fighters on his t-shirt? I bet it was TDHQ!!! Or maybe it was Juice bein' crazy. Did he have a bucket of KFC?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit without a Car
    Wait...IronFox...is that anything like Iron Man? Well, all I can say is that NOTHING would stop Tony Stark from flying to the club in his armor and getting som lappers. You should take off the armor befor getting the lapper though. Say "hi" to Nick Fury for me.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit without a Car
    IronFoxDude, do you have any other modes of transportation? Like hoverboard, teleporter, personal helicopter, UFO, etc. if so use them. If not, go with Art's suggestion.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The Ultimate PL
    For all we know Mr. Tux LDK'ed on dance #2. Maybe that why it stopped -- he pulled the ol' JITT (jizz in the tux) and didn't want to sit in his own spunk. Not sure what the connection is to the dancer who spent all of his social security check. I mean really...it is coo-el that the dude who takes the screen name of a loan shark has sympathy for a dude spending more money he shouldn't. But do yo actually know that the dude didnt have sufficient retirement money that he could afford to go? My plan for death is to go out from dehydration due to excessive LDK at the age of 129 years. At that age it may also be a bit of incontinence. Who knows and who cares? If I make it to that age I'm going to hop on the spaceship ('cos all the best clubs will be orbital at that point), go to the 0.15 G ring on the space strip club, and pay a 19 year old girl to do a low gravity grind on me 'til I have the GREAT SPACE JIZZ and expire. Maybe the alleged Mr. SS check had a similar plan (minus the doing it space part). Judgemental much CP?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    ‘I had a sexual relationship with a dolphin'
    So Jack...do you think it is possible to teach a Miami dolphin to speak through his blowhole? I'm dubious.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I would not want to do anything with a chick who could be negotiated down from $300 to $50. That much of a change in price is really fishy. Assuming the dude who wrote that isn't full of shit (which is most likely) I bet something nefarious happened. Like the stripper was actually an alien in disguise and he was tagged for retrieval and anal probing. Quick -- PM the guy to see if he got a thorough alien reaming after he returned home.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    so which system is the best?
    What what WHAT?!! You did not mention the best system of all -- the KFC system. Fuckin' Burger King system... Pale imitation of showing up with a bucket o' the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay and a tube o' lube.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    My new booklet will get your dick sucked in a strip club
    @Hugh...to be fair, Mr. Edric does say free blowjobs. On the other hand, I also suspect Mr. Edric is full of shit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    My new booklet will get your dick sucked in a strip club
    Joseph Edric dude...you seriously need to consult with Juice and write a booklet on getting strippers to have sex for KFC and/or Taco Bell. I bet the chicks that have sex in exchange for a drumstick of the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay are way classier than the chicks you get free blowjobs from. Those chicks probably have herpes simplex XIII o' da mouf, as Brother Juice would say.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Can You Really Do All 'That' With The Dancers Here?
    I feel a bit sad for the boring guy. Did you tell him "yes, if you have sufficient money"?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever wish the songs were shorter?
    I think Shadowcat has a point. I have something I call the "Star Trek V" attitude. When I first went to see Star Trek V, directed by TJ Hooker himself, I was looking forward to it quite a bit. 'Cos I digs the Trek. All I remember is sitting there as the suckiness onscreen washed over me. I kept thinking "this will get better soon". But time went on. I still told myself "this will get better soon". And then the credits rolled... With a bad lapper I say to myself "this will get better soon" until it ends. My brain isn't wired to let me call for an early end something that is normally great, like a lap dance (or Star Trek). There is always the hope it will get better. But if it sucks all the way through...well, you look back and say to yourself "I wish it had ended earlier...'cos that sucked big time".
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    It's the origin of the world as we know it...and I feel fine
    I'm not convinced the Musée d'Orsay needs to drum up business. Sometimes performance artists just do weird shit. That's the cool part of being a performance artist. When I was a university student there was this preacher dude who dressed in fatigues and carried a toy gun. Called himself "Corporal Christian" or some such BS. Preached about how we were all going to hell for fornicating too much. I always wondered if he was real or a performance artist. Somehow, I could respect him if it was a put on. Alas, he was probably real. Really just a sad, sad, sad dude not fornicating enough. At least this chick dug showing her snatch. Can't argue with that in a woman!