
Comments by zipman68 (page 45)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Anyone ever see a cam girl with a Hijab?
    @MrDeuce -- just stand in the parking lot near a mosque and ask for lappers. Works for LDK!
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    10 years ago
    These things happen but you never think it would happen in your home town
    I suspect the dude will get his in prison.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Doctor Who goes to a club...
    Wait...I would want to give THEM the anal probe. You think they would understand that? So I guess we know one time when it is appropriate to whip yo' dick out in "da club". When the stripper is an alien and she needs a good anal probing. With yo' dick!
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Doctor Who goes to a club...
    Which planet my man? Just trying to find some that are into anal probes!
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    10 years ago
    Would you still visit strip clubs if...
    Imagine that they made a robot with functioning lady parts indistinguishable from my avatar (or most of the pics on my profile...) that could also say coo-el things like "I LOVE getting fucked in the ass while you shove the bottle of lube in my pussy!" What would happen then? Probably fun for a bit but talking to real women is actually way more fun. Kind of like the Twilight Zone episode where a mobster dies and finds that he always wins bets in the afterlife (which he believes to be heaven) and everybody does exactly what he wants. Decides it is boring so he says he wants to go to "the other place". At which point the "angel" tells him "heaven? This is the other place".
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Doctor Who goes to a club...
    Shark my brother', have YOU met the Doctor? Of the regular posters you're probably the dude with the highest likelihood of meeting a sci-fi character.
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    10 years ago
    Mikey-dude. I hadn't even noticed that she was blonde. Can't even see the hair... And I don't mind that.
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    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    When to pull your dick out in a strip club.
    Yes it did Steve229. Doctor Who was clubbing.
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    10 years ago
    Older Women
    Oh wait...SPAM. Yeah, you CAN have too much spam. Be it spam the meat or spam the unwanted email. Too much spam is possible...
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    10 years ago
    Older Women
    @Slick -- you can never have too much spam
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    10 years ago
    I don't know how she became your avatar CJ. Maybe you had a contest and she sucked your dick for the honor of being your avatar. It would be coo-el if that happened. Also, please tell me where you advertised this contest. I think my avatar needs changing! (Or the chick in my avatar needs to suck my cock...I'll live with either)
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    10 years ago
    Older Women
    I dig 'em young (obvious legal -- in the 20-25 range). I like the eye candy and a good solid lapper. Not the crazy antic many o' you pervs prefer. No disrespect -- I'm a firm believer in "to each his (or her) own, as long as they aren't hurting anybody (and everybody is AT LEAST 18)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Cum in Pants Remorse
    @Rickdugan -- So Rick-dude, you've really never slipped up and pulled the ol' LDK? I'm not trolling you with this, and I have no doubt that you prefer "leav[ing] it with the stripper" rather than emulating the KING's hijinks (no disrespect to the King...I dig the fact that ol' LDK admits what he likes even if folks give him shit for it) But really...never been with a hot chick grinding away and just suddenly had a surprise in your trousers?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Miseducation of the Black Man--What do Women Want?
    I guess for white dudes it is "dude who plays in unsuccessful band and largely sits on on couch playing PlayStation". (Or X-box or whatever) Of course the thugs and losers is short term. When I was at university I had a friend who only dated black dudes. I dated her friend a few times but both were a bit nuts. Ran into her a few years later with an obviously successful Jewish husband (I noticed a Star of David necklace and said "oh...I never realized you were Jewish..." And she said she converted. I even had an educated but young (mid-20s) employee who lived with an X-box player. Dumped him for a dude with a Master's in environmental engineering who was clearly going to make enough to be upper middle class even if she ended up with no income (which wasn't the case, so household income wasn't a problem for them). So Urkel in the video should be getting some pussy...even if thug-boy is getting more. And thug-boy's pussy is probably crazier than Urkel's.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Raise a glass to our missing brothers...
    So I guess I should have entitled this "Raise a glass to our missing brothers and sisters".
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Raise a glass to our missing brothers...
    Estafador and Stax were cool guys. Too bad they aren't still posting. I expect a turnover of the female posters, unfortunately. There are the dudes who make some comment that might drive me off if I was female. Most of it, in my opinion, is done in jest. But still... Add to that the fact that some female posters are fake and the dudes playing that persona probably get tired of playing the part. I really miss Duo. Can't remember the last time she posted.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Dives: The Good and The Bad
    I like the comment about the worst thing being a manager or owner that *thinks* their dive is high class. I'm into nude clubs. I'd rather see a 7 or 8 showing off her pussy and ass than a 9 or 10 just parading around with her tits out. Of course, a place like Mons Venus where that you can get full nude eye candy and good lappers (though I know that Mons is too mellow for some pervos). I seldom drink (and never more than one drink) so nude juice bars are cool with me. And looks aren't everything. I've had really fun dances from unique girls. One of my faves many moneys ago (around 2005) was into building her own PCs for gaming. She was fun to talk to. Alas, she had fake tits, which I don't dig. When I first met her I'd sit and chat a bit and give a $5 for her time 'til she saw somebody who wanted to dance. As I enjoyed the conversations I became a bit attracted and I actually started getting dances. Would have been more attractive with natural AA's rather than fake C's...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Anyone ever see a cam girl with a Hijab?
    I googled "hijab porn" and -- wonder of wonders -- there is a site called www.hijabporn.net I wonder if there is a potential porn niche that *hasn't* been filled. Freaky, freaky shit! (And no...I decided NOT to watch the hijab porn...struck me as a bit too off color to be fun)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Cum in Pants Remorse
    Right on LDK -- you da King. If you feel all embarrassed by the ol' jizz in trousers you shouldn't go to the club, 'cos the jizz in trou happens to the best of us. (And the King does is all the frickin' time 'cos he's the frickin' King!!!)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    There are no coincidences Jack. The Zeta Reticuli aliens make sure of that. Be sure to do bike rides of exactly 18 miles and tell us how things go.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Hoochie Coochie
    Side topic - in what universe is a Popeye tat sexy? I think the chick must have snorted LMN's patented coke/roxi/human despair mix before getting the tat.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Missing the lil fella already
    Typing on an iPad sucke... The question, of course is whether the Squatch BITES his junk off. But if you feel having the Bigfoot "bit his junk of" is funnier, GO FOR IT!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Missing the lil fella already
    C'mon my fellow pervs -- what happens next? Does our hero exsanguinate from his cocaine nose? Does he hallucinate that he's a sweatshop worker and become an unlikely communist? Does the Bigfoot bit his junk of in a coke-fueled rage? Continue my homage to our absent brother.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Slap A Bitch Thursdays
    That is seriously fucked up. Slap fights on a strip club stage? C'mon...only allow the strippers in the club, have them get nude, and put 'em in big vat of jello. That I'd pay to see. But slap fights? Only sickos want to see that shit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fox News Alert!
    I don't know Clubber. I found LMN entertaining. The idea of this rich, young finance dude cruising around in his Ferrari and keeping careful track of his sex and drug excesses so he could tell us. I could picture the dude going "OK...the stripper was all tatted up and had big, fake tits...and with respect to drug that was 52 oxy pills, an 8-ball of coke, and 3 drams of Patron...ooh...I gotta tell my TUSCL buds this!" Ever notice that he spent more time describing the drugs than the sex? That said, I have to admit that the best part of LMN was the parodies he inspired. I wonder who was posting as LNM (note latter order). I laughed so fucking hard at the whole "picture of my villa, taken while hang gliding" post. I think the only way to top it won't be a picture of a spacesuit thumb holding a sign reading "LMN TUSCL" in front of the ISS with the caption "My personal space station (taken on a spacewalk)"