Condom BJ vs uncoverd HJ

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
One of my buddies recently got a condom BJ. I have never had one and don't think that I would ever pay for one. I have however taken a couple of girls to VIP that would not do more than HJs. I knew that going in and was cool with it. But if given the choice for the same price, I think that I would take the uncovered HJ over the covered BJ. To me it just down right feels better.



I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's hard enough to find a good BJ to begin with, with a cover it's next to worthless. Give me the HJ.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
BJs don't do a whole lot for me other than tell me she is very likely to fuck. I would take a good HJ over most BJs.
Easy choice of uncovered HJ over covered BJ. The only time I am interested in a CBJ is those very few times when the stripper is particularly beautiful, and the visual of seeing her lips wrapped around me is a huge turn-on in itself, even if the sensation is meh. There was a stripper I actually enjoyed getting CBJ from, I'd stay standing and she'd get on her knees with the most sexy amazing submissive facial expression and body posture ... other than that, HJ every time
It's a horrible choice, since both suck from my perspective. The only decent CBJs I have ever received were in AMPs. I'm not sure what those Asian girls do differently, but there it is.
avatar for rattdog
New York
11 years ago
shadow, did your buddy get off from his covered bj?

two tips on getting a good covered bj:
1) put on condom and leave no slack-zero space between tip of the dick and the condom

2) the girl should be a hooker. ALL of my best covered bj's were from hookers. strippers and regular girls don't possess the cocksucking abilities as those of hookers.

I wanted uncovered bj's but all hookers insisted on the hat being placed on. but when the first hooker I ever got put on the rubber w/no slack and started blowing-after cumming-one of the top 3 orgasms in my life.
My ATF gives the best head I've ever had. Tonight she kept it up for more than 20 minutes. A couple of years ago she had a serious scare ( learned a guy she'd been doing bareback had HIV) so she started insisting on covers for all. I tried one covered BJ and told her no more. It was a deal breaker. She relented "just for me". There was no discernible sensation! I'd take the HJ in the scenario described.
Both seem so pointless. I want to penetrate an orifice otherwise no thanks.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I would take the hjslso
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I ment the hj also
No to cover BJ. No fucking way, Jerry.
avatar for Naveldriver
11 years ago
I'll happily take whatever I can get any way I can get it, and I think that if a girl wants to protect herself she has every right to do so.
CJ-dude, I thought HJSLSO might be another groovy acronym. Almost as groovy as the ol' BBBJCIMNQNSQWERTYUIOP. What I wouldn't give for a good BBBJCIMNQNSQWERTYUIOP with some XXXtra QWERTYUIOP. WEEEE-YAWWWW!!!
Dang Shadow... That's like asking if I'd prefer going blind in one eye, deaf in both ears, or give up my left nut! None are good options for me, and I have a difficult time enjoying either of scenarios mentioned.

The " sort of" exception is a bbbj that converts to a hj just at the point of no return. Even then, it just doesn't hold the magic for me..... I generally won't repeat with a dancer if I learn that to be the case.
I'd take the HJ every time
I guess I am in the minority here, but I would take the covered BJ. I can give myself an HJ.
JohnSmith69 - true but as one dancer told me when I was massaging her clit "I can do this myself but it feels so much better when some one else is doing it".
avatar for inno123
11 years ago
HJs are undeservedly underrated. The reason is that for most young people they are just a stopping point 'third base' on their way to their real goal. As a result very few people put much effort into becoming skilled at them. your hands have ten strong and separate sensation creators able to be independently controlled. Does a penis, vagina, or mouth? But most people, including even in porn, just grab the dry cock and pump. But a well lubricated, skilled, and creative hand job can be completely amazing.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I like bj's covered or uncovered but I believe I almost always feel teeth if a girl got me excited enough. Condoms do not hold up to teeth. So what was the point of using the condom? If she's more careful with her teeth without the condom, I'll take that.
avatar for MrDeuce
11 years ago
I'm with JohnSmith69: I've given myself countless HJs but, despite decades of effort, I have still not succeeded in giving myself a BJ. Uncovered BJs are the best, but even a covered BJ is more enjoyable to me than a so-so HJ. Perhaps too many stripper-administered HJs have been of the "grab the dry cock and pump" variety.
avatar for ime
Fuck Joe Biden
11 years ago
"Perhaps too many stripper-administered HJs have been of the "grab the dry cock and pump" variety"

Agree 100%. nothing worse than a HJ that makes your cock feel numb. I will generally try the CBJ over the HJ, if the HJ isn't working I doubt many strippers would mind stopping the CBJ to go to the HJ.
avatar for goonster
11 years ago
I'll take a well executed HJ over a CBJ any day.
@ime: "nothing worse than a HJ that makes your cock feel numb."

Y'know, he's got a point. A HJ that feels like she's trying to beat it down instead of beat it off is not what one looks forward to. Honey, don't act offended that it went soft when you just put it in fear of something tearing up.
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