
Comments by Jpac73 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    your age and number of years "clubbing"
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    16 years ago
    Dude, I got kicked out of my favorite stripclub tonight...
    When she picked up your glass of beer and asked "what will you have?" You should have said "I was having that beer until you picked it up." I would have gotten up and found a member of management then and told he or she the story. If they acted like they wanted to take her side then I would have just left, and told them they don't know how to treat customers. Aggressive saling tactics will not make for repeat customers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Still waiting on the hot dancers to return
    TUSCL yeah it is possible they have started dancing at other clubs in their hometown(They supposedly lived out of town). I also think Superdude has a point. They may have just stopped dancing for a while until things get better with the economy and customers start going back to the clubs like they use to do.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What do you think is the problem?
    Some very interesting responses from all posters. david120: The white dancers that you have seen being dropped off by black males at the club are probably very young. IMO you will see more interacial dating between the 18 to 24yearold age group. It kind of seems like that during that age they are just out having fun. By the time they turn 25 they are looking for somone to have a family with. If she comes from a decent middle class family you won't see her dating any black guy unlessen he seems to be doing something with his life ie(Graduating from college or getting a good paying job. I think we kind of touched on real life situations than just the stripclub environment. Bobbyl: If it seems odd for a black guy to "pay for it" then why would a black dancer ask a black male if he wants to hook up OTC? I think your response might be true if I didn't go to the club on a regular basis, but I am mostly talking about white dancers whom I have been a regular of or who know that I have been coming to that club for a while. In all, I can't really complain. I have had some good times with both white and black dancers over the years. In fact, one of my former ATF's was white. Her lapdances were average at best but I still had a fun time conversating with her. I pretty much made it clear that I had feelings for her(Giving her a card on valentines day). At first glance it might have seen stupid to do something like that, but I think it helped me have a better ITC relationship with her. I think she respected the fact that I was a good person, and I thought the same of her. That was 5years ago and I won't do such a silly thing again. I think from know on I will be more aware of the dancer's(white or black) whom seem to enjoy my company and want to give me dances as opposed to the ones I find more attractive.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Middle of the song lappers
    Sometimes you can talk the dancer into waiting for the next song starts, others are like "I know how long to dance on the next song." It becomes a problem if the lapdance is getting good and then she decides to stop because in her mind she has given you back those 1 or 2 minutes you lost on the way back to the room.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Maybe it's time to dump my #1 favorite
    Thanks for the advice everyone. Next time, I won't go out of my way to speak to her. If she speaks to me then we can hang out otherwise I will act as if she isn't even in the club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A girl tells you she's thinking about becoming a dancer. What do you say?
    The 1st question I would ask her is why do you want to dance? Secondly, I would advise her that ever one who dances doesn't make big bucks.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Using Hypotheticals as a topic of Conversation
    ozymandias: Actually it is a mixed club. Jade is black, Essence is white.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I know its a pipe dream but if you could
    Alicia Keys
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waiting for strippers...
    I thought this thread was going to be about waiting on a dancer at a club who promised to give you a dance but dissapeared to the dressing room or was sitting with another customer having a conversation.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sometimes the best looking girl isn't the "right" girl
    Minnow: The other 2 encounters involved lapdances. I 1st met her at another club 4months ago and then didn't see her again until last month at the current club. The 1st time I met her we didn't have time to talk. It was late and crowded, I asked her for a dance, got a couple and left the club. I only got 1 from her on this occasion because I had gotten some dances earlier from another girl and wasn't gonna go over what I had planned to spend. It really isn't about the 5 extra bucks but just the fact she was trying to use me & coming off with a cocky attitude. Memphis is a girl that is liked by both white & black guys. So she has the best of both worlds. Misterguy: That might be and idea that I decide to use next time I go there.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    RolLexx and the Obnoxious DJ . . .
    If there is a 2drink minimum then regarless of color, a person should buy a drink(who said it had to be an alcoholic beverage). The part about the customers being agitated because you aren't drinking because you are white is just plain stupid. I would have just offered to give her a 10dollar tip(most drinks cost at least 5bucks) if that wasn't what she wanted, I would have just left. I know it's your descision but I wouldn't want to come back to a place that treated be like they did to you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Asking a dancer can you take her picture?
    Yeah Superdude you are right she probably will ask for a fee, I may throw a 10 her way but no more than that for a picture on my cell phone. Now I just have to hope she is there when I go back, this club doesn't believe in answering the phone when someone calls. You just get the voicemail.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you follow a dancer that is changing clubs?
    To me it depends on where she will be working. I had a former favorite quit a contact club and start working at a no contact club. I went out there a few times but decided it wasn't worth my time. She said she made more money at the new club, which is fine for her but I had to go where I would have more fun which was at the old club. BTW I also found out that she never really liked giving lapdances. She told me it was because the money was better but I read a post of hers over on the pinksite and she stated that she really didn't like giving lapdances.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    ED Med Question
    They don't make you horny, but you have to be horny in order for them to work.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    ED Med Question
    No one uses Levitra? Is it the weaker of the 3pills?
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    17 years ago
    buying dancers drinks
    Half of the dancers that ask for drinks are probably doing it on their on will. They figure why spend their money when they can find some guy to buy it for them. I don't know about all clubs but as some clubs dancers already get a free drink on the house. One of my old favorites used her "free" dancer drink on me. She stated that she had stopped drinking so she felt that I could use it instead.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Georgia is horrible when it comes to Strip Clubs
    Yeah I stay in Southwest Georgia and have the same problem. I use to visit the clubs up in Byron but the quality of the girls has went down. Now I mainly go over to Alabama and hang out at one of the clubs there although they can't get naked.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question, would you be more likely to get a dance if it was less expensive?
    I don't know about doing the 3 for 30 but I would do the 2 for 20 even if she isn't that sexy(around a 5 or 6). The Majority of the sexy girls 8's 9's & 10's are not going to give discounts.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Do you wanna dance ?": The ultimate answer...
    Misterguy: You tactfully brushed off a R.O.B. trying to hustle you IMO. Any dancer that says bullshit like that and has never met you is just trying to say shit to get you in the back to get a dance. BTW Shadowcat I like the comeback. I will try to use that next time a dancer ask me that question.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Should I ask for higher mileage and if so how?
    Thanks for the replies, I will see what's up with her on my next visit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Drinking Dancers
    I personally don't care for the dancers that like to drink. More than likely they will try to get a few free drinks at your expense. A dancer that doesn't drink may(If your are a good customer)give up her "free" dancer drink to you.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Shot Girls
    Superdude I am surprised at you. I didn't think you would let someone push you around like that. I try to stay away from clubs that have a high hustle. Clubs like that seem to want to prey on guys who come alone to the club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    My first audition and they way girls danced
    Hey Wondergrl I would also not entertain getting a lapdance from a dancer who didn't try to put on a good show while on stage. If a dancer doesn't think she has to dance on stage, what does that say about her giving a lapdance where she would actually have to put in some work. Nonactivity on stage is a big redflag to me in asking a dancer for a lapdance.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    My first audition and they way girls danced
    I think the girls that were making fun of the ones that were trying to dance are childish and don't need to be dancing. They seem like the type that want to have a job but don't wanna put any effort into and then try to make fun of the girls that do take it seriously.