Drinking Dancers

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
1) How many times have you been inside a club and observed dancers drinking to the point that they become intoxicated?
2) Why do you think dancers drink?

I see this kind of action at my regular club all the time. 95% of the dancers are young, in their early twenties, if not younger. They attempt to get customers to buy them 'dancer drinks' which they make 40% of. However, if that fails, they'll use their hard earned money to buy their own drinks.

I have asked some dancers why they drink so much. Some of the responses are: "To get loosened up." "There's nothing else to do in here." "I need it to reinforce my ability to entertain."

Now, I'm not necessarily complaining mind you. There have been times where a couple of the really really young and cute waitresses have gotten soused while working. Then, their inhibitions have broken down and they're up for some action, since they can perform LDs while on duty. I remember one incident, a very cute waitress got so plastered, she stuck her hand down the front of my trousers (COMMANDO TIME) and started jerking me off, right at the bar! (course, if you saw me, you'd understand having to get pastered) I'm currently working on another cutie waitress now, but she hasn't reached that point of intoxication to get frisky. Wish me luck! McBones


Why does anyone drink? To loosen up, relax, forget their troubles, etc., etc.. I don't think that strippers are any different. One of my friends that's a stripper jokes that her bf is "Jack" (Jack Daniels). She refers to when she doesn't drink JD as "I'm cheating on Jack..." :)
A lot of strippers who weren't necessarily heavy drinkers needed to get smashed before stripping on stage the first time. Some of them never get over the need to medicate themselves in order to face the job.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Alcohol, and (of course) drugs are quite illegal in the clubs here. Nevertheless I would guess that even at the driest/cleanest times 33% of the girls are either at least a bit tipsy or on something. At some clubs and at certain you can bet it's going to be more like 80 to nearly 100%.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Oh, as for theorizing why, I would guess that a little inebriation just makes things plain more fun, plus numbing the inherent repulsiveness of certain aspects of the job (e.g. jerking off greasy slime-balls for money).
I hope you're not saying Bones is a "greasy slime-ball"...thems fightin' words boy... :)
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
^^^ Oh, no. I am sure he is fine. I was thinking of myself.
Sadly, a lot of the younger dancers on the day shift at my regular club don't eat lunch. The club charges them for lunch. So when they start drinking it's usually on an empty stomach. They are wasted by 4 or 5 every day. This will take a health toll on them in a few years. Reasons given: boredom, working the customers, breaking down inhibitions or habitual need.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
I like to spark one up and throw a few back. I can't see it being any different for dancers.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Im a drinker but in my off time so I dont have to worry about driving. That doesnt mean I d turn down a drink. Im a lush. But I can pace myself and have a high tolerance. I just dont get the falling down drunk at work thing.
avatar for evilcyn
17 years ago
I hardly ever drink at work.. I am very glad I can do my job sober.. I prefer to be sober..
On my days off, I am an avid beer lover, if I drank all the time at work, how could I enjoy a good beer on my day off..
I hate how sloppy drunk some girls get, to me its a turn off, for some guys though they know they will get more milage out of it..
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
As I recently commented elsewhere, I think different dancers are there for different reasons. One of them is that some girls are looking to continue their high school partying days and postponing growing up for a little while longer. I think that's especially true of many really young ones. And I happen to like girls like that as long as they don't overdo it. My ATF was like that when I first met her. Clubs with a lot of girls like that are the most fun IMO.
I'll have to remember that wondergrl... ;)
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Ha ha
Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Peppermint schnapps 2 birds 1 stone
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
Hey, Bobbyl - watch who you're calling a "greasy slime-ball"! I always use a de-greaser before clubbing! LOL A slime-ball...... probably! LOL

No, I know exactlly where you're coming from on that aspect Bobbyl. I hear it all the time from dancers, how disgusting it is for them to even do LDs for them. Thanks for posting that thread. Stay safe. McBones
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
Cream DeMint - 2 nuts 1 pipe ooops.... sorry, thinking of something else! :-)
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Some dancers can get drunk easily. Now I have met one or two that claimed she thought she could drink me under the table. About all I said was "oh, really?" Since I was driving, I didn't try to see how much she could handle. I think I may have told her about a story where a bartender on a pier at Myrtle Beach told me that I was the "fastest beer drinker in Myrtle Beach". It was a hot day on the beach and I got thirsty and decided to get a beer. I paid for it and gulped it down like so much water. Then I got another, paid, then got another, paid, then got one more and paid. Less than 4 minutes to pay for all of them one at a time, even quicker to drink them since I think I had them down before he handed the change back to me. Then he asked me to pose and said he was going to put my picture up on his bulletin board.
I run into comedians everywhere. However he seemed serious.
avatar for terrymac77
17 years ago
There are a few of my ATF's who were much more liberal with extras if they had a few before we VIP. I broke it down to an idea that if I paid for 3 drinks, it was cheaper than extending the dances. The absolute best BBBJ I have ever had was from a dancer who was tanked by her and my doing. I have only done a few FS and most of those were drink induced. I mean, I hate to catch some of Nones grease but its sort of a game. I like it. But be honest, yes we enjoy talking and hanging our but don't we all want to get that magic nut and go home?
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
terrymac77 - You and I are much alike in this sense. I don't mind getting a dancer or waitress drunk for better mileage or extras. They usually know what's cumming anyway.

The thing that has "STUNG" me in the past is when I find an ALREADY drunk dancer and not knowing what her intake was, I usually find out when she vomits all over me or the floor! YUK!!! Shit happens though.
avatar for Jpac73
17 years ago
I personally don't care for the dancers that like to drink. More than likely they will try to get a few free drinks at your expense. A dancer that doesn't drink may(If your are a good customer)give up her "free" dancer drink to you.
I think drink affects girls differently, just like guys. SOme get mean, some get happy.

I had an ATF who was always kind to me and rarely drank. She was going through a divorce, but she seemed to be handling it with patience and perserverence. One night, seh

he started drinking at the club, then we went to the bar acrosss the street and she had a couple of more. She got bitter, and all the resentment boiled to the surface. At that point, I became the enemy. It was not pretty.

On the other hand, last night I spent 3 hours in a club in Dallas with 2 girls at the same time (they were friends), and I bought each of them a few drinks. They got mucho frisky, and both of them invited me for OTC fun (ok, I did not partake) Alcohol as lubrication for fun and merriment! I like that.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago

All I know is getting plasted at work is always a dumb idea. I got plastered and spring break and woke up with a freakin tattoo. Who knows what trouble you can get in at a SC.

Come on wondergrl...you regret getting my name tattooed on your body? I thought we shared something special that Spring Break... ;)
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
LOL Mister guy I didnt know you where I naked angel with wings I thought I was just REALLY DRUNK
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
I like dancers with a buzz. especially ones I have spent time with before. It opens them up, drops some inhibitions. I think it allows them to enjoy the extra mileage themselves.
What?! I'm not your guardian angel now? Now you're just out to hurt my feelings...
avatar for govt_hack
17 years ago
Yesterday, I attempted to get a lap dance from a dancer that was so drunk that she fell down twice! When the drinking interferes with performance I have an issue with it.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
MisterGuy-your no angel hun! LOL
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I remember going to a party at a strip club. One dancer who I hadn't seen in a long time apparently had a lot to drink. She was determined to give me a dance even though the place was packed. She talked me into going to a back room where they never reduce the prices but she did for me. Then when we're walking back towards the room she says to me "I'm married, but my husband is ok with me working here." Then as soon as we have a little bit of privacy, she says "I normally don't let very many guys do this" Then she grabs my hands and puts them up on her tits and starts the lap dance. I'm thinking, I like drunk girls.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I remember another dancer seemed slightly intoxicated to me. She asked about doing a dance. It was summertime and I was wearing shorts and agreed to a table dance. Before she started, she looked at me as if she had something in mind and seemed to be acting frisky. Instead of starting a normal dance, she put both her hands on my legs and started sliding her hands up towards my shorts, back and forth going up a little higher each time. Then her hands slipped a little but not too far. I think she even got down on her knees between my legs. However she didn't go any farther. It was a table dance and the bouncers were watching. If she could have given me a message with the look in her eyes, it was one that I would enjoy getting alone her.
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