Middle of the song lappers
Do you get many dancers that instead of doing the LD at the start of the next song, she starts immediately and goes until the middle of the next song? I've only had one or two dancers ever do it that way, but I can say I'm not a fan. Much rather prefer knowing when the start and end will be than the guess work of how long she actually danced. Only good thing I can think on the customer end is that you're back in the main room before the next song begins and have a chance to find someone else quicker instead of getting there at the start of the next song when all of the girls are either back on stage or in the private rooms.
I would never stop a dance in the middle of a song, what way to break up the mind set and groove you might establish.. What an incredibly bad marketing of ones self.. Like finishing the song is to much to give someone...
If a dancer starts off with the obvious mindset of anticipating ending the dance as quickly as possible, I am not interested.